the sync-tip clamp automatically clamps the input signal
to ground, preventing it from going lower. A small current
of 2μA pulls down on the input to prevent an AC-coupled
signal from drifting outside the input range of the part.
Using an AC-coupled input will result in some additional-
variation of the black level at the output. Applying a volt-
age above ground to the input pin of the device always
produces the same output voltage, regardless of whether
the input is DC- or AC-coupled. However, since the sync-
tip clamp level (VCLP) can vary over a small range, the
video black level at the output of the device when using
an AC-coupled input can vary by an additional amount
equal to the VCLP multiplied by the DC voltage gain (AV).
Short-Circuit Protection
In Figure 7, the MAX9516 includes a 75Ω back-termina-
tion resistor that limits short-circuit current if an external
short is applied to the video output. The MAX9516 also
features internal output short-circuit protection to prevent
device damage in prototyping and applications where the
amplifier output can be directly shorted.
The MAX9516 features a low-power shutdown mode for
battery-powered/portable applications. Shutdown reduc-
es the quiescent current to less than 10nA. Connecting
SHDN to ground (GND) disables the output and places
the MAX9516 into a low-power shutdown mode. In shut-
down mode, the sync-tip clamp, filter, amplifier, charge
pump, and linear regulator are turned off and the video
output is high impedance.
Applications Information
Power Consumption
The quiescent power consumption and average power
consumption of the MAX9516 is remarkably low because
of the 1.8V operation and the DirectDrive technology.
Quiescent power consumption (PQ) is the power con-
sumed by the internal circuitry of the MAX9516. The
formula for calculating PQ is below.
PTOTAL is the total power drawn from the supply voltage,
and PLOAD is the power consumed by the load attached
to OUT. For the MAX9516, the quiescent power consump-
tion is typically 6mW.
Average power consumption, which is representative of
the power consumed in a real application, is the total
power drawn from the supply voltage for a MAX9516
driving a 150Ω load to ground with a 50% flat field. Under
such conditions, the average power consumption for the
MAX9516 is 12mW. Table 1 shows the power consump-
tion with different video signals. The supply voltage is
1.8V. OUT drives a 150Ω load to ground.
Notice that the two extremes in power consumption occur
with a video signal that is all black and a video signal that
is all white. The power consumption with 75% color bars
and a 50% flat field lies in between the extremes.
Interfacing to Video DACs that Produce
Video Signals Larger than 0.25VP-P
Devices designed to generate 1VP-P video signals at the
output of the video DAC can still work with the MAX9516.
Most video DACs source current into a ground-referenced
resistor, which converts the current into a voltage. Figure
3 shows a video DAC that creates a video signal from 0
to 1V across a 150Ω resistor. The following video filter
amplifier has a gain of 2V/V so that the output is 2VP-P.
The MAX9516 expects input signals that are 0.25VP-P
nominally. The same video DAC can be made to work
with the MAX9516 by scaling down the 150Ω resistor to a
37.5Ω resistor, as shown in Figure 4. The 37.5Ω resistor
is one-quarter of the 150Ω resistor, resulting in a video
signal that is one-quarter the amplitude.
Figure 3. Video DAC generates a 1VP-P signal across a 150Ω
resistor connected to ground.
Table 1. Power Consumption of MAX9516
with Different Video Signals
All Black Screen 6.7
All White Screen 18.2
75% Color Bars 11.6
50% Flat Field 11.7
0 TO 1V
MAX9516 1.8V, Ultra-Low-Power, DirectDrive
Video Filter Amplier with Load Detect
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated