fA MOSPEC COMPLEMENTARY SILICON PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTORS ... designed for use in general purpose power amplifier and switching applications. FEATURES: * Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage - Vesorsuy= 40V(Min)- TIP29, TIP30 60V(Min)- TIP29A,TIP30A 80V(Min)- TIP29B,TIP30B 190V(Min)-TIP29C, TIP30C * Coilector-Eritter Saturation Voltage- Voe{sat)=0-7V(Max)@I,= 1.0A * Current Gain-Bandwidth Product f,=3.0 MHz (Min)@ |,=200 mA MAXIMUM RATINGS NPN PNP TIP29 TIP30 TIP2SA = =TIP30A TIP298 TIP30B TiP29C _TIP30C 1.0 AMPERE COMPLEMENTARY SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS 40-100 VOLTS 30 WATTS fv TO-220 Characteristic Symbol) TIP29 | TIP29A | TIP29B | TIP29C | Unit TIP30O | TIP30A | TIP30B | TIP30C Collector-Emitter Voitage Voeo 40 60 80 100 V Collector-Base Voltage Vopo 40 60 80 100 Vv Emitter-Base Voltage Veso 5.0 V Collector Current - Continuous le 1.0 A ~ Peak 3.0 Base Current ls 0.4 A Total Power Dissipation@T, = 25C Pp 30 w Derate above 25C 0.24 wrc Operating and Storage Junction Ty. Ts1 c Temperature Range -65 to +150 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance Junction to Case} Reje 4.167 Cw FIGURE -1 POWER DERATING 30 *e E 25 S < = 20 Ww 3 N\ 15 aN 3 N g 10 PS 3s . & 4 0 25 50 7 100 125 150 Te , TEMPERATURE(C) B nH yr I : He re Hit LL " 4 F _ # " ty o 9 PIN 1.BASE 2.COLLECTOR 3.EMITTER 4.COLLECTOR(CASE) MILLIMETERS DIM MIN MAX A 14.68 | 15.31 B 9.78 | 10.42 Cc 5.01 6.52 D 13.06 | 1462 E 3.57 4.07 F 2.42 3.66 G 1.12 1.36 H 0.72 0.96 | 4.22 4.98 J 1.14 1.38 K 2.20 2.97 L 0.33 0.55 M 2.48 2.98 0 3.70 3.90TIP29, TIP29A, TIP295, TIP29C NPN / TIPSO, TIPSOA, THPSOB, HPSOC PNP ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T, = 25C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Min Max Qa. J = OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voliage(1) TIP29, TIP30 Veeo(sus) 49 Vv (1,= 30 mA, i,= 0) TIP29A,TIP30A 60 TIP29B, TIP30B 80 TIP29C,TIP3OC 100 Collector Cutoff Current lceo mA (Veg 30 V, I,= 0) TIP29, TIP30, TIP29A, TIPSOA 6.3 (Vog 60 V, I,= 0) <TIP2$SB,TIP30B, TIP29C, TIP3GC 0.3 Collector Cutoff Current lees mA, (Vog= 40 V, V.,= 0) TIP29, TIP3O 0.2 (V._= 60 V, V,,= 0) TIP29A,TIP3SOA 0.2 (Vep= 80 V, V..= 0) TiP29B, TIP39B 0.2 (Veg= 100 V, V..= 0) TIP29C, TIP30C 0.2 Emitter Cutoff Current leno mA (Vep= 5.0 V, I,= 0) 1.0 ON CHARACTERISTICS (1) Dc Current Gain hFE (I, =0.2 A, Veg = 4.0V) 40 (1g =1.0A, Veg = 4.0V ) 15 75 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Vee(<aty Vv (Ig = 1.0 A, I, =125 mA) 0.7 Base-Emitter On Voltage Vae(on) Vv (I, =1.0 A, Vog= 4.0 V) 1.3 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Current Gain - Bandwidth Product (2) fy 3.0 MHz (lg = 200 MA, Veg = 10 V, f= 1 MHz) Small Signal Current Gain Ny 20 (Ig = 200 MA, Veg = 10V, f = 1 kHz) (1) Pulse Test: Pulse width = 300 us , Duty Cycle < 20% (2) fp =|hy | frestTIP29, TIP29A, TIP29B, TIP29C,NPN / TIP30, TIP30A, TIP30B, TIP30C,PNP ae SSO FIG-2 TURN-ON TIME FIGURE 3 SWITCHING TIME EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT le/Ig #10 TURN-ON PULSE oe APPROX Ty=28C +n YO@Vec BV Vin 0 SCOPE VEB(off) eon g tf BVeo* 10V APPROX 3 Cia << Ceb Ww ny Vy <7.0ns f Voo<tg< 50018 | -4.0V - Vip t= |b = <5 08 ~ I 1 ke DUTY CYCLE = 2.0% TuRN-orF PuLse APPROX -8.0-V Rg and Ac VARIED TO OBTAIN DESIRED CURRENT LEVELS. 0.03 0.1 03 4.0 3.0 Ie , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) FIG-4 DC CURRENT GAIN FIG-S TURN-OFF TIME Voce =2.0V & @Voc #30V & @Vec=10V hre , DC CURRENT GAIN t, TIME (us) 0.03 0.1 0.2 0.3 06 07 1.0 20 30 0.03 041 03 1.0 3.0 Ic , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) le , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) FIG-6 ACTIVE REGION SAFE OPERATING AREA There are two limitation on the power handling ability of. a transistor:average junction temperature and second breakdown safe operating area curves indicate = Ic-Vce limits of the transistor that must be observed for reliable operation i.e., the transistor must not be subjected to greater dissipation than curves indicate. The data of FIG-6 curve is base on Typig=150 C; Te is variable depending on power level. second breakdown Te nat or eos?C pulse limits are valid for duty cycles to 10% provided _ Bache Mire lint Tupx $150C,At high case temperatures,thermal limitation will reduce the power that can be handled to values less than the limitations imposed by second breakdown. 1 0150% iC , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) S 10 20 5.0 10 20 50 VCE , COLLECTOR EMITER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)