Model 10D Series
Broadband Product Line
DC Blocks Short Form
1.5 KHz to 20 GHz
The 10D Series are ultra-broadband DC Blocks designed for use in 10 Gbit systems. The rise time is less than 10
ps and the -3 dB bandwidth extends from less than 1.5 KHz to 16 GHz. The 10D Series is available connector-
ized, in a small surface-mount LCC package for easy mounting and inspection, or integrated into your design with
an ultra-small footprint. Note that both the C package and Integrated version can be special ordered to withstand
mounting temperatures associated with high temperature solders.
Model 40D Series
1.5 KHz to 50 GHz
The 40D Series are ultra-broadband DC Blocks designed for use in 40 Gbit systems. The risetime is less than 10
ps, and the -3 dB bandwidth extends from less than 1.5 KHz to 50 GHz. The 40D Series is available connectorized
or integrated into your design with an ultra-small footprint. The Integrated version can be special ordered to with-
stand mounting temperatures associated with high temperature solders
10Gbit DC Block
Aeroflex Part # Return Loss
(16 GHz)
Insertion Loss
(16 GHz)
Low Frequency
(-3dB) Risetime Voltage Max
10D1R5 6R3 - (S / C/ I) -15 dB .75 dB 1.5 KHz 8 ps 6.3 V
10D150 016 - (S/ C/ I) -15 dB .75 dB 15 KHz 8 ps 16 V
10D1R5 010 - (S / C/ I) -12 dB 1 dB 1.5 KHz 10 ps 10 V
10D7R5 025 - (S / C/ I) -12 dB 1 dB 7.5 KHz 10 ps 25 V
40Gbit DC Block
Aeroflex Part # Return Loss
(16 GHz)
Insertion Loss
(16 GHz)
Low Frequency
(-3dB) Risetime Voltage Max
40D1R5 6R3 - (C / I) -15 dB 1.5 dB 1.5 KHz 5 ps 6.3 V
40D150 016 - (C / I) -15 dB 1.5 dB 15 KHz 5 ps 16 V
40D1R5 010 - (C / I) -12 dB 1.5 dB 1.5 KHz 6 ps 10 V
40D7R5 025 - (C / I) -12 dB 1.5 dB 7.5 KHz 6 ps 25 V
Notes: C = Connector, I = Integrated.