VRRM = 200 V IFAVM = 7110 A IFRMS = 11200 A IFSM = 55000 A VF0 = 0.74 V rF = 0.026 m Rectifier Diode 5SDD 71B0200 Doc. No. 5SYA1132-02 July 06 * Optimized for high current rectifiers * Very low on-state voltage * Very low thermal resistance Blocking VRRM Repetitive peak reverse voltage 200 V Half sine wave, tP = 10 ms, f = 50 Hz VRSM Maximum peak reverse voltage 300 V Half sine wave, tP = 10 ms IRRM Repetitive peak reverse current 50 mA Tj = 170 C VR = VRRM Mechanical FM a Mounting force min. 20 kN max. 24 kN Acceleration: Device unclamped Device clamped 50 m/s2 200 m/s2 m Weight 0.14 kg DS Surface creepage distance 4 mm Da Air strike distance 4 mm Fig. 1 Outline drawing. All dimensions are in millimeters and represent nominal values unless stated otherwise. ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 5SDD 71B0200 On-state 7110 A IFAVM Max. average on-state current IFRMS Max. RMS on-state current 11200 A IFSM Max. peak non-repetitive surge current 55000 A tp = 10 ms Before surge 60000 A tp = 8.3 ms Tj = 170 C I2dt Max. surge current integral VF max Maximum on-state voltage VF0 Threshold voltage rF Slope resistance Half sine wave, Tc = 85 C 15100 kA2s tp = 10 ms 15000 kA2s tp = 8.3 ms VR 0V 1.05 V 0.74 V 0.026 m IF = After surge: 5000 A Tj = 25 C Approximation for Tj = 170 C IF = 5 - 15 kA Thermal characteristics Tj Operating junction temperature range -40...170 C Tstg Storage temperature range -40...170 C Thermal resistance junction to case 20 K/kW Anode side cooled 20 K/kW Cathode side cooled 10 K/kW Double side cooled 10 K/kW Single side cooled Rth(j-c) Rth(c-h) Thermal resistance case to heatsink 12 Double sided cooling 5 K/kW Double side cooled Z th ( j - c )(t) = ZthJC [K/kW] Fm = 20...24 kN FM = 20...24 kN 4 R i (1 - e - t / i ) i =1 10 8 i 1 2 3 4 6 Ri (K/kW) 5.28 3.30 0.87 0.55 i (s) 0.07 0.039 0.0034 0.00013 5SDD 71B0200 4 2 0 10-3 10-2 10-1 t [s] 10 FM = 20... 24 kN Double side cooled 0 Fig. 2 Transient thermal impedance (junction-to-case) vs. time in analytical and graphical forms. ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. page 2 of 4 Doc. No. 5SYA1132-02 July 06 5SDD 71B0200 On-state characteristics Surge current characteristics IF [A] IFSM [kA] 20000 i2dt [MA2s] 5SDD 71B0200 100 22 Tj = 170C 18000 Tj = 170C 90 16000 20 IFSM 14000 min. 12000 80 18 70 16 60 14 max. 10000 8000 6000 5SDD 71B0200 4000 2000 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 i2t 50 12 40 10 0 1.6 10 10 1 2 10 VF [V] Fig. 3 t [ms] Fig. 4 Surge current and fusing integral vs. pulse width (max. values) for non-repetitive, halfsinusoidal surge current pulses. Forward current vs. forward voltage (min. and max. values). Current load capability I D ( kA ) ID vs. ED, 1000 Hz square wave, TC = 100 C 16 n n n n 15 = 50 = 100 = 500 = 1000 pulses pulses pulses pulses 14 13 12 5SDD 71B0200 11 10 1 Fig. 5 10 Duty cycle ED (%) 100 DC-output current with single-phase centre tap ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. page 3 of 4 Doc. No. 5SYA1132-02 July 06 5SDD 71B0200 Current load capacity, cont. ID ( k A ) ID vs. ED, 1000 Hz square-wave, Th = 60 C 22 n n n n 20 = 50 = 100 = 500 = 1000 pulses pulses pulses pulses 18 16 5SDD 71B0200 14 12 10 1 Fig. 6 10 Duty cycle ED (%) 100 DC-output current with single-phase centre tap ID - Fig. 7 Definition of ED for typical welding sequence + Fig. 8 Definition of ID for single-phase centre tap ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. ABB Switzerland Ltd Semiconductors Fabrikstrasse 3 CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland Telephone Fax Email Internet +41 (0)58 586 1419 +41 (0)58 586 1306 abbsem@ch.abb.com www.abb.com/semiconductors Doc. No. 5SYA1132-02 July 06