LM79L05, LM79L12, LM79L12AC
LM79L15, LM79L15AC
LM79LXXAC Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators
Check for Samples: LM79L05,LM79L12,LM79L12AC,LM79L15,LM79L15AC
The LM79LXXAC series of 3-terminal negative
2• Preset Output Voltage Error is Less than ±5% voltage regulators features fixed output voltages of
Over Load, Line and Temperature −5V, −12V, and −15V with output current capabilities
• Specified at an Output Current of 100mA in excess of 100mA. These devices were designed
• Easily Compensated with a Small 0.1μF Output using the latest computer techniques for optimizing
the packaged IC thermal/electrical performance. The
Capacitor LM79LXXAC series, when combined with a minimum
• Internal Short-Circuit, Thermal and Safe output capacitor of 0.1μF, exhibits an excellent
Operating Area Protection transient response, a maximum line regulation of
• Easily Adjustable to Higher Output Voltages 0.07% VO/V, and a maximum load regulation of
0.01% VO/mA.
• Maximum Line Regulation Less than 0.07%
VOUT/V The LM79LXXAC series also includes, as self-
• Maximum Load Regulation Less than 0.01% protection circuitry: safe operating area circuitry for
output transistor power dissipation limiting, a
VOUT/mA temperature independent short circuit current limit for
• See AN-1112 (SNVA009) for DSBGA peak output current limiting, and a thermal shutdown
Considerations circuit to prevent excessive junction temperature.
Although designed primarily as fixed voltage
regulators, these devices may be combined with
simple external circuitry for boosted and/or adjustable
voltages and currents. The LM79LXXAC series is
available in the 3-lead TO package, the 8-lead SOIC
package, and the 6-Bump DSBGA package.
For output voltages other than the pre-set -5V, -12V
and -15V, the LM137L series provides an adjustable
output voltage range from -1.2V to -47V.
Typical Applications
*Required if the regulator is located far from the power supply filter.
A 1μF aluminum electrolytic may be substituted. −V0=−5V −(5V/R1 + IQ) • R2,
**Required for stability. A 1μF aluminum electrolytic may be 5V/R1 > 3 IQ
substituted. Figure 1. Fixed Output Regulator Figure 2. Adjustable Output Regulator
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