EXAMPLE & ORDERING CODE PHONE vAcKS PHJ-!| 8}P/ 8/C-| 1 S NUMBER OF POSITIONS: hou tt = OOp Oo NUMBER OF CONTACTS: Weoab Ww iow ->OO PM NUMBER OF PORTS: 1 THROUGH 12 OPTIONS: UNSHIELDED SHIELDED BODY STYLE: SEE CATALOG PAGES 108-122 BLACK GRAY tot a 5 & (FOR COUPLER ONLY}: RED BLUE YELLOW GREEN WHITE IVORY ou Wot Wu sz<0D 10u" OF GOLD 15" OF GOLD 20n" OF GOLD 30p" OF GOLD (STANDARD) 50u" OF GOLD A Lo) ) oll a. rs en ~ 1 < a | ee 4 =] = = -5 per _ ee a SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL AND FINISH: Contacts: , ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Shell: (shielded) Matera ee Ale ener Rated Current: 1.5A Maina. Peowve. 15% Glass Fiber Plating: Gold 30," Insulator Resistance: 500 Megaohm min. Shield: Tin Plated Phosphor Bronze Nickel Soy" Contact Resistance: 20 millionm max. per Shell: (unshielded) contact Material: PBT mixed 15% Glass Fiber . Dielectric Withstanding Strength: 1000 VAC Rating: UL 94V-0 MECHANICAL: RMS @ 60 Hz Mating Force: 2 contacts = 350 g Shield: Shielding effective from 30 MHz 4 contacts = 500 g 6 contacts = 750 g 8 contacts = 900 g Retention Force: (between jack and plug) 7.7 kg Power Dynamics, inc. 59 Lakeside Avenue * West Orange, N.J. 07052-0539 201 736-5722 FAX: 201 736-8930 O&F M@@ 7286705 OOOL4YL? 23TRight Angle AL G PHJ-6P6C-1-F-5 (shown) [fe te-1.02 We oe Ih PC. B. LAYOUT tol TOP VIEW +e 50 Also available in 4P4C. PHJ-8P8C-1-A-5 (shown) *13.10 <--15.0 + 14.45 4 3.05 Ul aie] I r 150 6.0 467 2.36 - 2 HOLE | 70 OLES 2.13 CA | 0 Pago 254 ! NK I 0.51 _ 00.76 102-4) oe & HOLES 5.08 +" P.C.B. LAYOUT . ; TOP VIEW Also available in 6P6C. PHJ-6P6C-1-Q-5 12.15 1300 f-- 9.90 | 14.42 POT Rey Pe CER EE 1er a! 3.07 Uy 3.86 | 42.0 1+ 5.99 3.46 ! 1 FRONT OF PHONE JACK | (778d - 2 HOLES 213 sk. eer ie 051 CO.8 1.02 8 HOLES P.C. B. LAYOUT TOP VIEW Specifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions in mm. 59 Lakeside Avenue West Orange, N.J. 07052-0539 201 736-5722 FAX: 201 736-8930 Power Dynamics, inc. D OGF Mi 7286705 OUOLY?e LT?L. co) | a |- 5 ee) en = od a i ina 1 5 Lag = pa Right Angle PHJ-8P8C-1-8-5 (shown) 0.89 8 HOLES a | + 1a? 2.54. 8.89 P.C.B. LAYOUT TOP VIEW oT Laas rT] 7 93.25 > 2 HOLES 2.54 PHJ-8P8C-1S-8-5 1598s (shown) _ Fully Shielded Yo 13.97 @3.25 - 2 HOLES wa 57 - 2 HOLES 3.05 3.30 1 1.27 2 | 2.54 oY i 0.89 TYP. 2.54. 8.89. P.C.B, LAYOUT TOP VIEW PHJ-8P8C-1M-8-4 (shown) Fully Shielded SHIELD Panel Grounding Tabs / 13.97 305 wa 57 - 2 HOLES 3.30 1.27 OO Co 2.54 2 2.54. | 20.89 TYP. 8.89 P.C.B. LAYOUT TOP VIEW Specifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions in mm. PDI Power Dynamics, inc. 59 Lakeside Avenue * West Orange, N.J. 07052-0539 20] 736-5722 FAX: 201 736-8930 OLF Mi 7286705 0001473 533Right Angle A G PHJ-10P10C-1-G-5 j (shown) . : Ll e-7.49 ple-6,35 2.54 rc" 4- 03.3 2 HOLES 12.4 b dle +f 18 255 | f I~ * de ale cas 00.89 11.43 10 HOLES P.C.B. LAYOUT TOP VIEW Also available in 4P4C, 6P6C, 8P8C,10P10C. PHJ-6P6C-2-G-5 (shown) 8 UD a L 7.49 6.35 ll 2.54 - 26.4 >, @3.25 o a i 2 HOLES 8.89 6 aah, | d ool 00 i c KS a 'e 11.43 10 HOLES OTT my PLE EE 1.2 I P.C.B. LAYOUT TOP VIEW Also available in 4P4C, 6P6C, 8P8C, 10P10C. Specifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions in mm. PDI 59 lakeside Avenue West Orange, N.J. 07052-0539 201 736-5722 FAX: 201 736-8930 Power Dynamics, inc. D DBF Mi 7266705 OOOL474 S7T M3Right Angle PHJ-8P8C-4-8-5 (shown) DIMENSIONS A B Cc 31.12 13.97 25.40 59.06 41.91 53.34 87.00 69.85 81.28 114.94 97.79 109.22 142.24 125.73 | 137.16 170.78 153.67 | 165.10 - vob. a LYS ses 3 HOLES Lo obo oobe oodon | B c * oe view MOUNTING PEG ONLY IN 8, 10 AND 12 PORTS PHJ-8P8C-4S-8-5 (shown) Fully Shielded CIMENSIONS B Cc 25.40 | 30.87 53.34 | 58.81 81.28 | 86.75 109.22 | 114.69 137.16 | 142.63 165.10 | 170.57 A ) a a. ne a) = A 4 =, ee = (-5 pee = pee = P.C.B. LAYOUT TOP VIEW MOUNTING PEG ONLY IN 8, 10 AND 12 PORTS Specifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions in mm. PDI Power Dynamics, inc. 59 Lakeside Avenue * West Orange, N.J. 07052-0539 201 736-5722 FAX: 201] 736-8930 OLF ml 7246705 ogoL475 30bRight Angle PHJ-8P8C-4A-8-5 Fully Shielded Panel Grounding Tabs PHJ-8P8C-8A-8-5 Fully Shielded Panel Grounding Tabs PHJ-8P8C-4A-P-5 Fully Shielded Panel Grounding Tabs aetna PHJ-8P8C-4T-P-5 Fully Shielded Panel Grounding Tabs 59 lakeside Avenue # West Orange, NJ. 07052-0539 201 736-5722 FAX: 201 736-8930 D fo no om oof im: a 10.89 8.89 ooo oo ooo a aoe | 3 HOLES P.C.B. LAYOUT BOTTOM VIEW pe D re 0 10.89 8.89 P.C.B. LAYOUT BOTTOM VIEW ce oh 10.89 889 20 ovee 03.25 2 HOLES tothe oshe | 34 yee 53.34 Brig 4191 | T ees 58.81 PC.B. LAYOUT BOTTOM VIEW Pe 28 o Vs 4.57, fe! 10.89 8.89 Q PC.B. LAYOUT BOTTOM VIEW Specifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions in mm. Power Dynamics, Inc. OLF MM 7286705 OOOL4?b 242 PD SOC ey PL LE LEERight Angle A @ PHJ-6P4C-2-EG-5 (shown) <---- 13.50 @ te A > 230 ) feo 8 aed r "| 1.10 oO rs sn |o >) le <f fe o Oo oO _s> wo I a tm P.C.B. LAYOUT TOP VIEW DIMENSIONS L NO. OF PORTS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 11 12 A 23.3 | 34.3 | 45.3 | 56.3 | 67.3 | 78.3 | 89.3 1100.3111.3/122.3/133.3 B 23.0 | 34.0 | 45.0 | 56.0 | 67.0 | 78.0 | 89.0 [100.0/111.01122.01133.0 Cc 11.0 | 22.0 | 33.0 | 44.0 | 55.0 | 66.0 | 77.0 | 88.0 | 99.0 110.0/121.0 PHJ-6P4C-3-RG-5 (shown) < 13.50 < A > [ ft A I ill rv) rs } : ] onl i od < ws) tf =, bb 4 =) on i" ory Pe! | \ | 03.257 a 2.30 L phe 54 2.04 P.C.B. LAYOUT TOP VIEW NO. OF PORTS DIMENSIONS3 73 .4]516)]71)8179 1/1010 1 12 A____| 233 [34.3 | 453 | 563/67. | 784 | 69.3 110091111.31122.31133.3 B_|93.0/ 34.5 | 455 | 565 | 675 | 78.5 | 89.5 [10051111.5/1225 1133.5 Cc 11.0 | 22.0 | 33.0 | 44.0 | 55.0 166.00] 77.0 | 88.0 | 99.0 |110.0|121.0 Specifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions in mm. @ I CO) Power Dynamics, inc. 59 Lakeside Avenue * West Orange, N.J. 07052-0539 201 736-5722 FAX: 201 736-8930 D OLF Mi 7266705 OOO1477 189