DIAMOND Fiber Optic Components Constant innovation in the field of fiber optics has created de- mand for products with ever increasing performance require- ments. Diamond has responded to this challenge and expanded the E-2000 connector system to address these increased needs throughout all market segments. In addition to the already ex- isting superior design of the E-2000 technology, new innova- tive features have been added to the next generation of E-2000 to address the customer's highest expectations. The new E-2000 0.1 dB offers now unparalleled 0.1 dB maxi- mum insertion loss random mating, exceptional repeatability, while maintaining the already well established, superior fea- tures of the E-2000 connector family. Features and benefits include: e Color-coding and mechanical keying to ensure correct matings. e Spring-loaded protective cap for high power applications pro- viding increased safety protection. Modular designed mating adapters with metal protective shutters for high power applications (available as single and compact duplex). e E-2000 body designed to prevent endface damages during mating process. Standards: * EN 86 275-801 Detail Specification: Connector sets of assessed quality for optical fibers and cables - Type LSH universal (05/99) * EN 86 275-802 Detail Specification: Connector sets of assessed quality for optical fibers and cables - Type LSH-HRL universal (05/99) * IEC 61 754-15 Fiber optic connector interfaces Part 15: Type LSH connector family * etc 222 Diamond internal Standard: E-2000 - 0.1 dB original DIAMOND SA Via dei Paftrizi 5 CH-6616 LOSONE Tel. +4+41-91/785 45 45 DIA MO ND Fax ++41-91/785 45 00 the fiber meeting e-mail: info@diamond-fo.com E-2000" SINGLE MODE / MULTIMODE (cecc/lEc Lsh) -2106.6/E-2116.6 SINGLE MODE APC -2108.6 (CECC/IEC LSH-HRL) Specifications subject to changes without notice 002-037-210P009120PBT's Injection molded outer housing UL 94 VO flammability rating Connector housing totally encloses DIAMOND two component ferrule ferrule to optimally protect it from (zirconia/Cu-Ni insert) a. dust, contaminants and scratches > Active Core Alignment minimizes fiber core offset and ensures opti- mal connector performance Modular designed compact mating adapter with interchangeable mounting bracket (green for APC, blue for PC and black for NPC applications) Permits dense packing > Offers several installation solutions Cable diameter independent crimping sleeve Universal bend protection boot (PUR) Interchangeable color-coded and me- chanical-keyed frames (8 different colors and 6 different mechanical combinations) > Permits clear and unmistakable identifi- cation of lines on crowded panels > Guards against improper connections Adaptable to evolving needs Positive latching mechanism with inter- changeable, color-coded and mechanically- keyed thumb-latch (PBT) > Offers superior retention under axial load > Allows higher packing densities Distinct color-coded thumb latch allows easy optical line identification and ordering Alignment sleeve (zirconia) Integrated black protective caps Spring-loaded metal protection shutters Automatically protects persannel from Engages automatically to protect per- eye-damaging laser radiation sonnel from eye-damaging laser radia- Closes automatically upon extraction to tion protect ferrule from dust and scratches > Angled, anti-reflection surface ensures Suitable for high power applications low reflectance in unmated state, induc- ing light diffusion Specifications: | Multimode | Single mode 0PC | Single m | Single made 80.1 dB | Units | Test conditions Insertion Loss (IL) =| type 0.15. max 0.4 |type 0.2 max0.4 | t max0.1 | dB_| IEC 1300-3-4; A= 1300/1550nm Return Loss(RLi =i <siYes=SStyp =| So min50s | min85* ~ || qB__| IEC 1300-3-6;1.= 1300/1550nm RepeatabilityoflL = (ss | stim | dB | Overservicelife = Sevicelife = ss 1000 mate/demate cycles Ee ee Operating temperature =| a ye Ls Storage temperature =| oo C * Measured with high precision reflectometer. ** May be further limited by cable specifications. Order information for connectors: Order Number Codes _~ a COMNCIOECOES ee * Connector code for termination on other end of assembly: -Porpigtes = 9 2 weetOQ0G. -Forpatch assemblies sinsert connector code for otherconmnector 8Codeforfiberorcable ee Connector type: max0.4dB:insertL = = = max 0.1 dB: insert H | * Length in meters Type designation: Ferrule material: External parts: Polish geometry: -2106.6-11 Zirconia/copper-nickel alloy insert (Pilzferrule) Plastic (blue) Convex (PC) Dimensions Order Number Fiber/Cable Unterminated connector Terminated assembly 9/125/900 -000-001L000 -*Xx- 007 L XXX 9/125/900/2100 -000-002L000 ) - MMe - O02 L eux 9/125/900/2500 -000-003L 000 KXK - 003 L xxx 9/125/900/3000 -000-004L000 - KXK- 004 L xxx 9/125/900/3500 -000-005L000 ) - xx - 008 L xx 4 ro] UT! COLOR CODING A Thumb-latch blue green black red orange | yellow white violet Order No. 300 | 310 | 320 eee MECHANICAL KEYING Thumb-latch No. } 1 (red) | 2 (brown)!3 (yellow)| 4 (orange)| 5 (violet) | 6 (white) _ Order No. 400 | 410 | 420 0 MA a Connectors for other fiber and cable dimensions available upon request. Type designation: Polish geometry: -2116.6-11 Convex (PC) Dimensions Order Number Fiber/Cable Unterminated connector Terminated assembly 50/125/900 -000-001L 000 = exw - O01L xxx 50/125/900/2100 -000-002L000 - xxx - 002 L xxx 50/125/900/2500 -000-003L000 - xxx - 003 L xxx 50/125/900/3000 -000-004L000 = *xXx - 004 L xxx 50/125/900/3500 -000-005L000 - xxx - 005 L xxx 62.5/125/900/3000 -000-001L000 - xxx -011L xxx 62.5/125/900/3500 -000-004L000 - xxx -014L xxx A CT TTY COLOR CODING A Thumb-latch blue green black red orange | yellow | white violet Order No. 301 31) | 321 S31 1 Ba at ae ae MECHANICAL KEYING Thumb-latch No. | 1 (red) |2 (brown)}/3 (yellow) 4 (orange)} 5 (violet) | 6 (white) Order No. 401 au | 42 431 | aa | 48 | Oe Connectors for other fiber and cable dimensions available upon request. Type designation: Ferrule material: External parts: Polish geometry: -2108.6-22 Zirconia/copper-nickel alloy insert (Pilzferrule) Plastic (green) 8 angled (APC) Dimensions Order Number Fiber/Cable Unterminated connector Terminated assembly 9/125/900 -000-001L000 = xxx - 001L xxx 9/125/900/2100 -000-002L000 mx - 002 L xxx 9/125/900/2500 -000-003L000 -xxx - 003 L xxx 9/125/900/3000 -000-004L 000 Rexx - O04 L xxx 9/125/900/3500 -000-005L000 eK - 005 L xxx A | > tT 7 COLOR CODING 4 Thumb-latch green blue black red orange | yellow white violet Order No. 302 | ate 4 Ba a a oho | 362 | 372 MECHANICAL KEYING Thumb-latch No. | 1 (red) |2 (brown)|3 (yellow)} 4 (orange)| 5 (violet) | 6 (white) Order No. 402 412 | 422 | 432 | 442 | 452 | | Cannectors for other fiber and cable dimensions available upon request. 31.5 TSiROND | 56Bg -2201.2 Zirconia Plastic blue (V1xx), green (V2xx) Type designation: Mating sleeve: External parts: a ger 167-0x0-001Vxxx 167-0x2-001Vxxx 070-133-011V001 MATING ADAPTER E-2000 PC/APC MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS xa a) L_dy- | Tt, el bt | | Sy i 9.4202 oe b) | 3 - | 3 Max wall thickness 1,6 mm COLOR CODING Frame color Order Number Frame color Order Number blue 167 - Oxx - 001 V x01 | orange 167 -Oxx-001V x05 green 167 -Oxx-001V x02 yellow 167 - Oxx - 001 V x06 black 167 - Oxx - 001 V x03 | white 167 -Oxx-001V x07 red 167 -O0xx-001V x04 | violet 167 -0xx-001V x08 | 1. 14 1 MECHANISCHE CODIERUNG Frame no. Order Number Frame no. Order Number 1 (red) 167 - Oxx - 101 V x00 |4 (orange) 167 -Oxx-401V x00 2 (brown) 167 - Oxx - 201 V x00 [5 (violet) 167 - Oxx- 501 V x00 3 (yellow) 167 -0xx - 301 V x00 [6 (white) 167 -Oxx-601V x00 Ty | TP] ~ 1 213 c 1 T rT max 1.6 Tl re <= = = = | La ; = ee 5 ; Order Number Codes for Mating Aday Adapter type: 0.15 dB: insert 0 ? Code forfixationtype: -0 for basic body _ -1 for assembled screw fixing : SCodeformechanicalkeying = Code forbasic body color, - 1 for blue > = 2 for gree *Codeforcolorcoding =si(aisi(st~S Other fixations or colors upon request.