SPX29302A (R) 3A High Current, Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Adjustable, Fast Response Time FEATURES Adjustable Output Down To 1.25V 1% Output Accuracy Output Current of 3A Low Dropout Voltage of 370mV @ 3A Extremely Fast Transient Response Reverse-Battery Protection Zero Current Shutdown (5 pin version) Standard TO-220 and TO-263 Packages APPLICATIONS Powering VGA & Sound Card PowerPCTM Supplies SMPS Post Regulator High Efficiency "Green" Computer Systems High Efficiency Linear Power Supplies Constant Current Regulators Adjustable Power Supplies Battery Charger Refer to page 7 for pinouts. Now Available in Lead Free Packaging DESCRIPTION The SPX29302A is a 3A, highly accurate voltage regulator with a low drop out voltage of 370mV (typical) @ 3A. These regulators are specifically designed for low voltage applications that require a low dropout voltage and a fast transient response. Fault protection features include over-current, reverse battery, and positive and negative voltage transients. On-Chip trimming adjusts the reference voltage to 1% initial accuracy. The SPX29302A is offered in 5-pin TO-220 & TO-263 packages. TYPICAL APPLICATION S CIRCUIT 1 SPX29302A 4 V IN 6.8F + 2 5 3 ADJ GND V OUT + R1 10F R2 Figure 1. Adjustable Output Linear Regulator Date: 5/25/04 SPX29302A 3Amp LDO Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 1 (c) Copyright 2004 Sipex Corporation ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Lead Temperature (soldering, 5 seconds) ................260C Storage Temperature Range........................-65C to +150C Operating Junction Temperature Range......-40C to +125C Input Voltage (Note 7) .................................................... 16V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) at VIN=VOUT + 1V and IOUT = 10mA, CIN = 6.8F, COUT = 10F, Tj = 25C, unless otherwise specified. The Boldface applies over the junction temperature range. SPX29302A PARAMETER CONDITIONS TYP MIN MAX UNITS Line Regulation Load Regulation V/T Dropout Voltage, except 1.8V, (Note 3) Ground Current (Note 5) Ground Pin Current at Dropout Current Limit Output Noise Voltage (10Hz to 100kHz) IL=100mA Reference Voltage IOUT=10mA,(VOUT+1V) VIN 16V VIN=VOUT+5V, 10mA IOUT IFL (Note 2) VOUT Temp Coefficient (Note 6) IOUT=100mA IOUT=1.5A IOUT=3.0A IOUT=1.5A, VIN=VOUT+1V IOUT=3.0A VIN=0.5V less than specified VOUT, IOUT=10mA VOUT=0V (Note 4) CL=10F 0.06 0.2 20 50 250 370 10 37 1.7 0.5 1 100 175 % % ppm/C mV 600 35 mA 4.0 400 5.0 A VRMS CL=33F 260 1.240 1.252 1.265 1.277 80 120 VMAX Reference Voltage Adjust Pin Bias Current (Note 8) Reference Voltage Temp. Coeff. Adjust Pin Bias Current Temp. Coeff. ENABLE Input Input Logic Voltage Low (OFF) High (ON) ENABLE Input Pin (Note 7) 1.228 1.215 1.203 40 V nA 20 ppm/C 0.1 nA/C VIN<10V 0.8 V 600 750 1 2 500 A 2.4 VEN=16V 100 VEN=0.8V Regulator Output Current in Shutdown Thermal Resistance mA (Note 10) 10 TO-220 Junction to Case, at Tab TO-220 Junction to Ambient TO-263 Junction to Case, at Tab TO-263 Junction to Ambient 2 60 2 60 A A C/W NOTES: Note 1: Maximum positive supply voltage of 20V must be of limited duration (<100msecond) < 1% and duty cycle of less than 1%. The maximum continuous supply voltage is 16V. Note 2: Full load current (IFL) is defined as 3.0A. Note 3: Dropout voltage is defined as the input to output differential when the output voltage drops to 99% of its nominal value. Note 4: VIN = VOUT (NOMINAL) +1V. For example, use VIN = 4.3V for a 3.3V regulator. Employ pulse-testing procedures to minimize temperature rise. Note 5: Ground pin current is the regulator quiescent current. The total current drawn from the source is the sum of the load current to the ground current. Note 6: Output voltage temperature coefficient is defined as the worst case voltage change divided by the total temperature range Note 7: Thermal regulation is defined as the change in output voltage at time T after a change in power dissipation is applied, excluding load / line regulation effects. Specifications for a 200mA load pulse as VIN = 16V (a 4W pulse) for t = 10ms. Note 8: VREF VOUT (VIN-1), 2.3VVIN 16V, 10mA IL IFL, Tj Tjmax. Note 9: Comparator threshold is expressed in terms of a voltage differential at the Adjust terminal below the nominal reference voltage measured 6V input. To express these thresholds in terms of output voltage change, multiply the error amplifier gain = VOUT/VREF = (R1 + R2)/R2. For example, at a programmable output voltage of 5V, the Error output is guaranteed to go low when the output drops by 95mVx 5V/ 1.240V = 38mV. Threshold remain constant as a percent of VOUT as VOUT is varied, with the dropout warning occurring at typically 5% below nominal, 7.7% guaranteed. Note 10: VEN 0.8V and VIN 16V, VOUT = 0. Date: 5/25/04 SPX29302A 3Amp LDO Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 2 (c) Copyright 2004 Sipex Corporation BLOCK DIAGRAM IN OUT O.V I LIMIT FLAG + 1.180V Reference 1.240V - 28V + R1* ADJ EN Thermal Shutdown R2* GND TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 1200 2.540 2.530 2.520 800 Vout (V) Vdropout (mV) 1000 600 85C 400 25C 2.500 2.490 2.480 VOUT=3.3V CL = 10F Vin = 3.2V 200 2.510 VOUT=2.5V IL = 10mA CL = 10F 2.470 2.460 0 0 1.0 2.0 4 3.0 6 8 IL (A) 10 12 14 16 Vin (V) Figure 2. Dropout Voltage vs Load Current Figure 3. Line Regulation 80.0 3.310 70.0 3.305 60.0 25C 85C Vout (V ) Ignd (mA) 50.0 40.0 30.0 3.300 3.295 3.290 20.0 VOUT=3.3V Vin = 4.3V CL = 10F 10.0 VOUT=3.3V VIN = 4.3V CL = 10F 3.285 3.280 0.0 0 1.0 2.0 0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 IL (A) IL (A) Figure 4. Ground Current vs Load Current Figure 5. Load Regulation 1.9 1.8 Vth (V) 1.7 1.6 VOUT=3.3V 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature ( o C) 80 100 120 Figure 6. Enable Threshold vs Temperature Date: 5/25/04 SPX29302A 3Amp LDO Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 3 (c) Copyright 2004 Sipex Corporation APPLICATION INFORMATION The SPX29302A incorporates protection against over-current faults, reversed load insertion, over temperature operation, and positive and negative transient voltage. response is needed. If the power source has a high AC impedance, a 0.1F ceramic capacitor between input & ground is recommended. Minimum Load Current To ensure a proper behavior of the regulator under light load, a minimum load of 5mA for SPX29302A is required. Thermal Considerations Although the SPX29302A offers limiting circuitry for overload conditions, it is still necessary to insure that the maximum junction temperature is not exceeded in the application. Heat will flow through the lowest resistance path, the junction-to-case path. In order to insure the best thermal flow of the component, proper mounting is required. Adjustable Regulator Design The SPX29302A are adjustable regulators that can be programmed to any value between 1.25V and 16V using 2 resistors, R1 and R2. The relationship between the resistors is: R1 = R2(VOUT/1.240-1). TO-220 Design Example: Assume that VIN = 10V, VOUT = 5V, IOUT = 1.5A, TA = 50C, HA= 1C/W, CH= 2C/W, and JC= 3C/W, where: TA = ambient temperature, HA= heatsink to ambient thermal resistance CH= case to heatsink thermal resistance JC = junction to case thermal resistance The power calculated under these conditions is: PD = (VIN - VOUT) * IOUT = 7.5W. Enable Input The SPX29302A has an Enable function that switches the regulator on and off. Its thresholds is TTL compatible. When the regulator is active, approximately 20 uA flows through the Enable pin. Typical Application Circuits Figure 1 represents an adjustable output linear regulator. The values of R1 and R2 set the output voltage value as follows: VOUT =VREF * [1 + (R1/R2)]. For best results, the total series resistance should be small enough to pass a minimum regulator load current of 5 mA. A minimum value of 10kohms is recommended for R2 with a range between 10kohms and 47 kohms. And the junction temperature is calculated as TJ = TA + PD * (HA + CH + JC) or TJ = 50 + 7.5 * (1+2+3) = 95C Reliable operation is insured below 125C. Capacitor Requirements The output capacitor is needed to insure stability and minimize the output noise. The value of the capacitor varies with the load. However, a minimum value of 10F aluminum capacitor will guarantee stability over all load conditions. A tantalum capacitor is recommended if a faster load transient Date: 5/25/04 SPX29302A 3Amp LDO Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 4 (c) Copyright 2004 Sipex Corporation PACKAGE: 5 PIN TO-263 SEATING PLANE A (DATUM A) C2 H E 1 2 3 5 4 c L2 (E) E L1 D1 5X b E1 4X e 5 PIN TO-263 JEDEC TO-263 (BB) Variation Dimensions in (mm) MIN NOM MAX A .160 - A1 0 - .010 b .020 - .039 c .015 - .029 c2 .045 .190 - D1 .270 - - E .380 - .420 E1 .245 - - e L3 .575 - .625 L .070 - .110 - .066 - .070 L1 - L2 - L (b) .067 BSC H L3 0-8 .023 WITH PLATING c .010 BSC BASE METAL CONTACT AREA 5 PIN TO-263 Date: 5/25/04 SPX29302A 3Amp LDO Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 5 (c) Copyright 2004 Sipex Corporation PACKAGE: 5 PIN TO-220 E A B E/2 SEATING PLANE A oP Q F H1 D D1 D L1 D C C CHAMFER OPTIONAL D L A b e C1 e1 J1 5 PIN TO-220 Dimensions in (inches) MIN NOM MAX A .160 - .190 b .015 - .040 C1 .014 - .022 D .560 - .590 E e .385 - .415 .385 - .415 e1 .062 - .072 F H1 .045 - .055 .234 - .258 J1 L .090 - .115 .540 - .560 L1 - .250 P .146 - .156 Q .103 - .113 U - .30 - V - .24 - Date: 5/25/04 5 PIN TO-220 SPX29302A 3Amp LDO Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 6 (c) Copyright 2004 Sipex Corporation PACKAGE: PINOUTS TO-263-5 Package (T5) SPX29302A 1) ENABLE 2) INPUT 3) GND 4) OUTPUT 5) ADJUST 1 2 3 4 5 Top View TO-220-5 Package (U5) SPX29302A 1) ENABLE 2) INPUT 3) GND 4) OUTPUT 5) ADJUST 1 2 34 5 Top View *Tab is internally connected to GND ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER ACCURACY TOP MARK OUTPUT VOLTAGE PACKAGE SPX29302AT5 1.0% 29302AT5YYWW Adj 5 lead TO-263 SPX29302AT5/TR 1.0% 29302AT5YYWW Adj 5 lead TO-263 SPX29302AU5 1.0% 29302AU5YYWW Adj 5 lead TO-220 Available in lead free packaging. To order add "-L" suffix to part number. Example: SPX29302A/TR = standard; SP6685ER-L/TR = lead free /TR = Tape and Reel Pack quantity is 500 for TO-263. Corporation ANALOG EXCELLENCE Sipex Corporation Headquarters and Sales Office 233 South Hillview Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 TEL: (408) 934-7500 FAX: (408) 935-7600 Sipex Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein. Sipex does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Date: 5/25/04 SPX29302A 3Amp LDO Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 7 (c) Copyright 2004 Sipex Corporation