Superfast Recovery Diodes
Surface Mount (US)
Revision: May 26, 2006
Quick reference data
VR 50 -150 V
IF 1N5802US to 1N5806US = 2.5A
trr 1N5802US to 1N5806US = 25nS
IR 1N5802US to 1N5806US = 1µA
uVery low reverse recovery time
uHermetically sealed non-cavity construction
uSoft, non-snap, off recovery characteristics
uVery low forward voltage drop
Electrical Specifications
Electrical specifications @ TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified.
Symbol 1N5802US 1N5804US 1N5806US Units
Working Reverse Voltage VRWM 50 100 150 V
Repetitive Reverse Voltage VRRM 50 100 150 V
Average Forward Current
(@ 75°C lead length = 0.375') IF(AV) 2.5 A
Repetitive Surge Current
(@ 55°C lead length = 0.375') IFRM 14 A
Non-Repetitive Surge Current
(tp = 8.3mS @ Vr & TJMAX)IFSM 35 A
Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 to +175 °C
Average Forward Current Max
(pcb mounted: TA = 55°C)
Sine wave
Square wave (d = 0.5) IF(AV)
1.1 A
I2t for fusing (t = 8.3mS) max I2t10 A2S
Forward Voltage Drop max
@ TJ = 25°C VF0.875 @ 1A V
Reverse Current max
@ VWRM, TJ = 25°C
@ VWRM, TJ = 100°C IR
50 µA
Reverse Recovery Time max
(1.0A IF to 1.0A IRM recover to 0.25A IRM(REC))trr 25 nS
Junction Capacitance typ
@ VR = 5V f = 1MHz CJ25 pF
Thermal Resistance to end cap R θJEC 13 °C/W
These products are qualified to MIL-PRF-19500/477
and are preferred parts as listed in MIL-HDBK-5961.
They can be supplied fully released as JANTX, JANTXV
and JANS versions.