Control Relays DataSheet MCS Series * Microprocessor based soft-start / soft-stop controller * Ratings from 25A to 90A @ 48-530 VAC * Low-voltage, current, or potentiometer control * Output status indicator * Adjustable ramp rates PRODUCT SELECTION Line Voltage 25 A 120 Vrms 240 Vrms 480 Vrms 50 A MCST1250 MCST2450 MCST4850 MCST1225 MCST2425 MCST4825 AVAILABLE OPTIONS MC Analog Input A: 0-5 VDC B: 0-7 VDC C: 0-10 VDC D: 4-20 mA E: Potentiometer Line Voltage 12: 90-140 Vrms 24: 180-280 Vrms 48: 300-530 Vrms Series ST 24 25 Product Type ST: Soft Start SP: Soft Stop SS: Soft Start/Stop 90 A MCST1290 MCST2490 MCST4890 C Rated Current 25: 25 Amps 50: 50 Amps 90: 90 Amps S Ramp Time On/Off S: 100ms-1 sec M: 1 sec.-10 sec Required for valid part number For options only and not required for valid part number OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS (voltage) Description Operating Voltage (47-63Hz) [Vrms] Transient Overvoltage [Vpk] Maximum Off-State Leakage Current @ Rated Voltage [mArms] Minimum Off-State dv/dt @ Maximum Rated Voltage [V/sec] 120 VAC 240 VAC 480 VAC 48-140 400 5 200 180-280 600 7 200 300-530 1200 12 200 25 A 50 A 90 A 25 150 250 1.6 1.02 260 50 150 625 1.6 0.63 1620 90 150 1200 1.6 0.28 6000 OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS (current) Description Maximum Load Current [Arms] Minimum Load Current [mArms] Maximum Surge Current (16.6ms) [Apk] Maximum On-State Voltage Drop @ Rated Current [Vpk] Thermal Resistance Junction to Case (Rjc) [C/W] Maximum I t for Fusing (8.3 msec) [Asec] Do not forget to visit us at: Copyright (c) 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice. Control Relays DataSheet INPUT SPECIFICATIONS (1) Description DC Control Control Voltage Range (VDC) Input Current Range [mA] [P1] Nominal Input Impedance [Ohms] [P3] Control Must Operate Voltage "On"[VDC][P3] Control Must Release Voltage "Off" [VDC][P3] Control Input Current [mA][P3] PLV Range Option A [VDC][P4] PLV Range Option B [VDC][P4] PLV Range Option C [VDC][P4] PLV Range Option D [VDC][P4] Nominal Input Impedance Option A,B,C[ohms][P4] Nominal Input Impedance Option D [ohms][P4] 8-32 28-30 30K 5-32 0-4 0-2.6 0.5-5 1.25-7 2-10 4-20 20K 220 OUTPUT STATUS FUNCTIONS Conditions Flash Once Flash Once Intermittenly Off Off to Bright Bright to Off On Initial Logic Supply On Load Voltage Missing / Load Open (w/control disabled) Load Voltage Missing / Load Open (w/control enabled) Ramp Time (Soft Start upon P3 Enabled) Ramp Time (Soft Start upon P3 Disabled) Output ON (Normally Steady Operation) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Parameters 0.5 4000 Vrms 109 Ohms 10 pF -20 to 80C -40 to 125 C 3.0 oz (86.5g) Thermally conductive Epoxy Screws and Saddle Clamps Furnished, Unmounted Barrier Strip Screw Terminals 8-32 Screws -20 in. lbs.(Screws dry without grase) Input Connections via Screw Type Barrier Strip Minimum Power Factor (with Maximum Load) Dielectric Strength, Input/Output/Base (50/60Hz) Minimum Insulation Resistance (@ 500 VDC) Maximum Capacitance, Input/Output Ambient Storage Temperature Range Ambient Operating Temperature Range Weight (typical) Encapsulation Terminals-Power Terminals-Control Recommended Terminal Screw Torque Range: GENERAL NOTES (1) Voltages are reference to GND (Ground = 0 VDC) P2 THERMAL DERATE INFORMATION 50A 110 15 10 NO HEATSINK 5 0 5 10 15 20 Load Current (Amps) 25 20 40 60 120 80 Max Ambient Temp. (C) 90A 1C/W 95 .5C/W 1.5C/W 40 100 2C/W 110 20 10 20 30 40 50 Load Current (Amps) Do not forget to visit us at: Copyright (c) 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice. 20 40 60 .2C/W .5C/W 80 .4C/W 100 1C/W 110 40 120 NO HEATSINK 0 90 120 80 Max Ambient Temp. (C) 120 0 20 40 60 80 Load Current (Amps) 0 20 40 60 80 Max Ambient Temp. (C) Base Plate Temp (C) 3C/W Base Plate Temp (C) 100 2C/W 20 Power Dissipation Power Dissipation 1C/W 25 60 Power Dissipation 95 Base Plate Temp (C) 25A 30 Control Relays DataSheet MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Tolerances: 0.02 in / 0.5 mm All dimensions are in: inches [millimeters] Analog Input OPTIONS: A, B, C, D MOUNTING HOLE/SLOT 0.17 (4.3) DIA. AC P1 + P4 1.10 (27.9) .45 (11.4) P2 Analog Input OPTIONS: E (Internal Potentiometer) MOUNTING HOLE/SLOT 0.17 (4.3) DIA. 8-32 TERMINAL (2 PLACES) 1.10 (27.9) .45 (11.4) 8-32 TERMINAL (2 PLACES) OUTPUT 2/T1 1/L1 1/L1 10K - 50K For A,B or C Option OUTPUT 2/T1 1.87 [47.5] OUTPUT STATUS OUTPUT 2/T1 OUTPUT STATUS P3 P2 P3 P2 P1 P1 8-32Vdc (+) P2 Ground (-) P3 ON/OFF Control P4 0-5V, 0-7V, 0-10V, 4-20mA Note: P2 is also 4-20mA return BASE PLATE .125(3.2) 2.30 [58.4] 1.87 [47.5] P4 OUTPUT STATUS + 1/L1 2.30 [58.4] P1 .78 (19.8) 1.80 (45.7) BASE PLATE .125(3.2) .78 (19.8) 1.80 (45.7) RAMP TIME IN SECONDS Option S (1 sec) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Soft Start LoadVoltage 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Option B 7Vdc 4 8 2 4 6 8 20 100% 0% Ramp time Option M (10 sec) 10 12 11 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Soft Start/Stop LoadVoltage Ramp Time in Seconds 16 Option D 4-20mA Option C 10Vdc Ramp Time in Seconds 0 12 Analog Input Current P4 Option M (10 sec) 11 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ramp time Soft Stop 0 Analog Input Voltage P4 Option A 5Vdc 100% 0% LoadVoltage Ramp Time in Seconds Ramp Time in Seconds Option S (1 sec) 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100% 0% 0 Analog Input Voltage P4 4 8 12 16 Ramp time Ramp time 20 Analog Input Current P4 Option D 4-20mA AGENCY APPROVALS Agency Approvals UL E116949 Rev. 050311 Do not forget to visit us at: Copyright (c) 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice. Control Relays DataSheet DANGER / PELIGRO / DANGER /GEFAHR / PERICOLO / HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, EXPLOSION, OR ARC FLASH. * Disconnect all power before installing or working with this equipment. * Verify all connections and replace all covers before turning on power. Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury. RIESGO DE DESCARGA ELECTRICA O EXPLOSION. * Desconectar todos los suministros de energia a este equipo antes de trabajar con este equipo. * Verificar todas las conexiones y colocar todas las tapas antes de energizer el equipo. El incumplimiento de estas instrucciones puede provocar la muerte o lesiones serias. RISQUE DE DESCHARGE ELECTRIQUE OU EXPLOSION * Eteindre toutes les sources d'energie de cet appareil avant de travailler dessus de cet appareil * Verifier tous connections, et remettre tous couverts en olace avant de mettre sous De non-suivi de ces instructions provoquera la mort ou des lesions serieuses serieuses. GEFAHR EINES ELEKTRISCHE N SCHLAGES ODER EINER EXPLOSION. * Stellen Sie jeglichen Strom ab, der dieses Gerat versorgt, bevor Sie an dem Gerat Arbeiten durchfuhren * Vor dem Drehen auf Energie alle Anschlusse uberprufen und alle Abdeckungen ersetzen. Unterlassung dieser Anweisungen konnen zum Tode oder zu schweren Verletzungen fuhren. RISCHIO DI SCOSSA ELETTRICA O DELL'ESPLOSIONE. * Spenga tutta l'alimentazione che fornisce questa apparecchiatura prima di lavorare a questa apparecchiatura * * Verificare tutti i collegamenti e sostituire tutte le coperture prima dell'accensione L'omissione di queste istruzioni provochera la morte o lesioni serie WARNING / AVERTISSEMENT / WARNUNG /ADVERTENCIA / AVVERTENZA / RISK OF MATERIAL DAMAGE AND HOT ENCLOSURE RISQUE DE DOMMAGE MATERIEL ET DE SURCHAUFFE DU BOITIER GEFAHR VON MATERIALSCHADEN UND GEHAUSEERHITZUNG * The product's side panels may be hot, allow the product to cool before touching. * Follow proper mounting instructions including torque values. * Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to enter this product. * Les panneaux lateraux du produit peuvent etre chauds. Laisser le produit refroidir avant de le toucher. * Respecter les consignes de montage, et notamment les couples de serrage. * Ne pas laisser penetrer de liquide ni de corps etrangers a l'interieur du produit. * Die Seitenwande konnen hei sein. Lassen Sie das Produkt abkuhlen, bevor Sie es beruhren. * Beachten Sie die Montageanweisungen, * Fuhren Sie keine Flussigkeiten oder Fremdkorper in das Produkt ein. Le non-respect de cette directive peut entrainer, Failure to follow these instructions can result in des lesions corporelles graves ou des serious injury, or equipment damage. dommages materiels. Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Anweisung kann Korperverletzung oder Materialschaden zur Folge haben. RIESGO DE DANOS MATERIALES Y DE SOBRECALENTAMIENTO DE LA UNIDAD RISCHIO DI DANNI MATERIALI E D'INVOLUCRO CALDO * Los paneles laterales del producto pueden estar calientes. Esperar que el producto se enfrie antes de tocarlo. * Respetar las instrucciones de montaje, y en particular los pares de apretado. * No dejar que penetren liquidos o cuerpos extranos en el producto. * I pannelli laterali dell'apparecchio possono scottare; lasciar quindi raffreddare il prodotto prima di toccarlo. * Seguire le istruzioni di montaggio corrette. * Non far entrare liquidi o oggetti estranei in questo apparecchio. Si no se respetan estas precauciones pueden producirse graves lesiones, danos materiales. La mancata osservanza di questa precauzione puo causare gravi rischi per l'incolumita personale o danni alle apparecchiature. Do not forget to visit us at: Copyright (c) 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice. * * * Control Relays DataSheet ANNEX - ENVIROMENTAL INFORMATION The environmental information disclosed in this annex including the EIP Pollution logo are in compliance with People's Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard SJ/T11364 - 2006, Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products. Part Name Toxic or hazardous Substance and Elements Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI)) Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) Semiconductor die Solder - SJ/T11364 - 2006, (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr (VI)) 50 Do not forget to visit us at: Copyright (c) 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice. (PBB) (PBDE)