POWER RELAY 1 POLE--15 to 25 A (FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS) FBR161,166 Series RoHS compliant n FEATURES l l l l DI Suitable for automotive applications such as motor load controls, door locks, power windows, wipers, etc. Variety of contact materials covering wide current switching in range of 15 A to 25 A (at 14 VDC) FBR166 series with high conductive spring and improved break performance is also available SC ON RoHS compliant since date code: 0626 Please see page 9 for more information l FBR161 Series n ORDERING INFORMATION [Example] FBR161 S E (a) (b) (c) (a) Series Name (b) Enclosure (c) Coil Type (d) Nominal Voltage (e) Contact Material (f ) TI D012 - W (d) (e) Custom Designation ** (f ) ** (g) FBR161: 1 form C FBR161 Series NU S N : Flux free type : Plastic sealed type E C : Nominal power 0.36 to 0.38 W : Nominal power 0.45 to 0.5 W D012 : 12 VDC (example) C W WB : Silver copper (15 A maximum) : Silver-tin oxide indium (20 A maximum) : Silver-tin oxide indium (25 A maximum) (g) Package Style Nil -S : Standard tray : Tube carrier l FBR166 Series [Example] FBR166 S CD009 - (a) (b) (c) (a) Series Name (b) Enclosure ED Custom specification to be assigned WB (d) ** - ** (e) (f) FBR166 : 1 form C FBR166 Series S N : Flux free type : Plastic sealed type (c) Nominal Voltage CD009 : 9 VDC (example) (d) Contact Material WB (e) Custom Designation Custom specification to be assigned (f) Package Style (1 Nil -S 99 8) : Silver-tin oxide indium (25 A maximum) : Standard tray : Tube carrier 1 FBR161,166 SERIES n SPECIFICATIONS Item Contact Specifications Arrangement 1 Form C (SPDT) Material C : Silver copper (15 A maximum) W : Silver-tin oxide indium (20 A maximum) WB : Silver-tin oxide indium (25 A maximum) Maximum 100 mV (at 1 A 6 VDC) DI Voltage Drop (resistance) Maximum Carrying Current Contact C and W type: 17 A/1 hour, 5 A (continuously) Contact WB type : 25 A/1 hour, 10 A (continuously) (25C,100% rated coil voltage) Maximum Switching Current 15 A 16 VDC (silver copper: C type) 20 A 16 VDC (silver-tin oxide indium : W type) 25 A 16 VDC (silver-tin oxide indium: WB type) Coil Operating Temperature -40C to + 85C (no frost) (refer to the CHARACTERISTIC DATA) Storage Temperature -40C to + 100C (no frost) Operate (at nominal voltage) Maximum 10 ms Release (at nominal voltage) Maximum 5 ms Mechanical 1 x 107 operations minimum Time Value Life SC ON Electrical Other TI NU FBR160 Series: 1 x 105 operations minimum FBR166 Series: 2 x 105 operations minimum (14 VDC, maximum switching current, resistive load) (refer to the CHARACTERISTIC DATA) Vibration Resistance 10 to 55 Hz (double amplitude of 1.5 mm) Shock Misoperation Resistance Endurance 100 m/s2 (11 1 ms) 1,000 m/s2 (11 1 ms) Weight Approximately 11 g n COIL RATINGS Coil MODEL Nominal resistance voltage voltage 10% Must operate voltage (+20C) ED Must Operating operate voltage NominalContact voltage (reference) power material (+80C) (1 Thermal resistance 99 FBR161 FBR161S (N) ED009-W32 9 VDC* 210 6.0 V 7.4 V 6.0 V to 14.0 V Approx. 380 mW Silver tin indium oxide Series FBR161S (N) ED009-W12 9 VDC* 225 6.5 V 8.0 V 6.5 V to 14.0 V Approx. 360 mW Silver tin indium oxide FBR161S (N) ED009-WB38 9 VDC* 225 6.3 V 8.0 V 6.5 V to 16.0 V Approx. 360 mW Silver tin indium oxide 8) FBR161S (N) CD012-C36 12 VDC 320 7.3 V 9.0 V 7.3 V to 15.5 V Approx. 450 mW Silver copper FBR161S (N) CD012-W36 12 VDC 320 7.3 V 9.0 V 7.3 V to 15.0 V Approx. 450 mW Silver tin indium oxide FBR161S (N) CD012-W31 12 VDC 290 7.3 V 9.0 V 7.3 V to 15.5 V Approx. 500 mW 84C/W Silver tin indium oxide FBR166 FBR166S (N) CD009-WB 9 VDC* 120 6.3 V 7.8 V 6.3 V to 14.0 V Approx. 670 mW Silver tin indium oxide Series FBR166S (N) CD012-WB 12 VDC 210 7.3 V 9.0 V 7.3 V to 14.0 V Approx. 680 mW Silver tin indium oxide * For typical 12 VDC automotive applications. 83C/W 78C/W 76C/W 67C/W 2 FBR161,166 SERIES n CHARACTERISTIC DATA 1. SERVICE LIFE WITH ACTUAL MOTOR LOAD TEST (example) * Wiper motor (free, 16 VDC inrush 20 A, break 2 A) : more than 3 x 105 operations (FBR160-W, silver tin oxide alloy) * Wiper motor (free, 14 VDC inrush 25 A, break 5 A) : more than 5 x 105 operations (FBR160-WB, silver tin oxide alloy) * Door lock motor (stall, 14 VDC inrush -25 A) : more than 1 x 105 operations (FBR160-W, silver tin oxide alloy) * Door lock motor (stall, 14 VDC inrush -25 A) : more than 2 x 105 operations (FBR166) DI SC ON 2. OPERATING COIL VOLTAGE (example) [FBR161S(N)ED009-W32, approximately 380 mW type] [FBR161SCD012-W36, Approximately 450 mW type] [FBR166S (N) CD012-WB, approximately 680 mW type] Pick-up voltage (minimum operating voltage) TI 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Operating temperature (C) NU Continuously applicable coil voltage range -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Nominal voltage multiplying factor (%) Distribution of operate and release time 1000 FBR161 n = 100 80 Operate Release 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (ms) 7 8 Continuously applicable coil voltage range Pick-up voltage (Minimum operating voltage) -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Operating temperature (C) Distribution (%) Distribution (%) 40 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 ED Pick-up voltage (minimum operating voltage) n REFERENCE DATA Distribution of operate and release voltage 80 FBR161 n = 100 Operate 60 Release Intermitted coil operation is required. Ratio of operating voltage to rated coil voltage Continuously applicable coil voltage range Intermittent coil operation is required. Operating temperature (C) 100 75 Distribution (%) 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 Ratio of operating voltage to rated coil voltage Ratio of operating voltage to rated coil voltage Intermittent coil operation is required. 50 (1 Distribution of contact resistance 99 FBR161 n = 100 8) 25 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Contact resistance (m) 3 FBR161,166 SERIES n DIMENSIONS Schematic PC board mounting hole layout PC board mounting hole layout Schematic (BOTTOM VIEW) (BOTTOM VIEW) (BOTTOM VIEW) (BOTTOM VIEW) DI 22.5 Max. 16.5 Max. 0.4 3.5 16.5 Max. Tube carrier 4-O 1.30.1 16.2+0.3 4 5 SC ON (2.25) 2.1 (2.3) 22.3 max. 25 pieces/tube 4 1 3 2 3 (2.3) 12.2 25.8 max. 3.5 16.2+0.3 21.7+0.5 5 1 O 12.00.1 Dimensions 12.00.1 Dimensions 2 12.20.1 4-O 1.30.1 O 1.40.1 2.10.1 Unit: mm 12.20.1 12.0 2.10.1 6.0 12.0 (2.1) O1.40.1 Note : For 1 form A type, terminal No.4 is removed. TI 601 maximum NU ED (1 99 8) 4 FBR161,166 SERIES RoHS Compliance and Lead Free Relay Information 1. General Information Relays produced after the specific date code that is indicated on each data sheet are lead-free now. Most of our signal and power relays are lead-free. Please refer to Lead-Free Status Info. (http://www.fujitsu.com/us/downloads/MICRO/fcai/relays/lead-free-letter.pdf) l Lead free solder paste currently used in relays is Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu. l All signal and most power relays also comply with RoHS. Please refer to individual data sheets. Relays that are RoHS compliant do not contain the 5 hazardous materials that are restricted by RoHS directive (lead, mercury, chromium IV, PBB, PBDE). l It has been verified that using lead-free relays in leaded assembly process will not cause any problems (compatible). l "LF" is marked on each outer and inner carton. (No marking on individual relays). l To avoid leaded relays (for lead-free sample, etc.) please consult with area sales office. l We will ship leaded relays as long as the leaded relay inventory exists. Note: Cadmium was exempted from RoHS on October 21, 2005. (Amendment to Directive 2002/95/EC) l DI SC ON TI 2. Recommended Lead Free Solder Profile l Recommended solder paste Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu. Reflow Solder condition Flow Solder condition: Pre-heating: Soldering: maximum 120C dip within 5 sec. at 260C soler bath Solder by Soldering Iron: Soldering Iron Temperature: maximum 360C Duration: maximum 3 sec. NU ED (1 99 We highly recommend that you confirm your actual solder conditions 3. Moisture Sensitivity l Moisture Sensitivity Level standard is not applicable to electromechanical realys. 4. Tin Whisker l 8) Dipped SnAgCu solder is known as low risk tin whisker. No considerable length whisker was found by our in house test. 5 FBR161,166 SERIES Fujitsu Components International Headquarter Offices Japan Fujitsu Component Limited Gotanda-Chuo Building 3-5, Higashigotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141 8630, Japan Tel: (81-3) 5449-7010 Fax: (81-3) 5449-2626 Email: promothq@fcl.fujitsu.com Web: www.fcl.fujitsu.com Europe Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. Diamantlaan 25 2132 WV Hoofddorp Netherlands Tel: (31-23) 5560910 Fax: (31-23) 5560950 Email: info@fceu.fujitsu.com Web: emea.fujitsu.com/components/ North and South America Fujitsu Components America, Inc. 250 E. Caribbean Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 U.S.A. Tel: (1-408) 745-4900 Fax: (1-408) 745-4970 Email: components@us.fujitsu.com Web: http://www.fujitsu.com/us/services/edevices/components/ Asia Pacific Fujitsu Components Asia Ltd. 102E Pasir Panjang Road #01-01 Citilink Warehouse Complex Singapore 118529 Tel: (65) 6375-8560 Fax: (65) 6273-3021 Email: fcal@fcal.fujitsu.com Web: http://www.fujitsu.com/sg/services/micro/components/ DI SC ON (c)2006 Fujitsu Components America, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. TI Fujitsu Components America or its affiliates do not warrant that the content of datasheet is error free. In a continuing effort to improve our products Fujitsu Components America, Inc. or its affiliates reserve the right to change specifications/datasheets without prior notice. Rev. July 26/2006 NU ED (1 99 8) 6