Item Specications
Contact Arrangement 1 Form C (SPDT)
Material C : Silver copper (15 A maximum)
W : Silver-tin oxide indium (20 A maximum)
WB : Silver-tin oxide indium (25 A maximum)
Voltage Drop (resistance) Maximum 100 mV (at 1 A 6 VDC)
Maximum Carrying Current Contact C and W type: 17 A/1 hour, 5 A (continuously)
Contact WB type : 25 A/1 hour, 10 A (continuously)
(25°C,100% rated coil voltage)
15 A 16 VDC (silver copper: C type)
Maximum Switching Current 20 A 16 VDC (silver-tin oxide indium : W type)
25 A 16 VDC (silver-tin oxide indium: WB type)
Coil Operating Temperature –40°C to + 85°C (no frost) (refer to the CHARACTERISTIC DATA)
Storage Temperature –40°C to + 100°C (no frost)
Time Value Operate (at nominal voltage) Maximum 10 ms
Release (at nominal voltage) Maximum 5 ms
Life Mechanical 1 × 107 operations minimum
FBR160 Series: 1 × 105 operations minimum
Electrical FBR166 Series: 2 × 105 operations minimum
(14 VDC, maximum switching current, resistive load)
Other Vibration Resistance 10 to 55 Hz (double amplitude of 1.5 mm)
Shock Misoperation 100 m/s2 (11 ±1 ms)
Resistance Endurance 1,000 m/s2 (11 ±1 ms)
Weight Approximately 11 g
Coil Must Must Operating
MODEL Nominal resistance operate operate voltage Nominal Contact Thermal
voltage voltage voltage voltage (reference) power material resistance
±10% (+20°C) (+80°C)
FBR161 FBR161S (N) ED009-W32 9 VDC* 210Ω 6.0 V 7.4 V 6.0 V to 14.0 V Approx. 380 mW Silver tin indium oxide 84°C/W
FBR161S (N) ED009-W12 9 VDC* 225Ω 6.5 V 8.0 V 6.5 V to 14.0 V Approx. 360 mW Silver tin indium oxide
FBR161S (N) ED009-WB38 9 VDC* 225Ω 6.3 V 8.0 V 6.5 V to 16.0 V Approx. 360 mW Silver tin indium oxide
FBR161S (N) CD012-C36 12 VDC 320Ω 7.3 V 9.0 V 7.3 V to 15.5 V Approx. 450 mW Silver copper
FBR161S (N) CD012-W36 12 VDC 320Ω 7.3 V 9.0 V 7.3 V to 15.0 V Approx. 450 mW Silver tin indium oxide
FBR161S (N) CD012-W31 12 VDC 290Ω 7.3 V 9.0 V 7.3 V to 15.5 V Approx. 500 mW Silver tin indium oxide 76°C/W
FBR166 FBR166S (N) CD009-WB 9 VDC* 120Ω 6.3 V 7.8 V 6.3 V to 14.0 V Approx. 670 mW Silver tin indium oxide
Series 67°C/W
FBR166S (N) CD012-WB 12 VDC 210Ω 7.3 V 9.0 V 7.3 V to 14.0 V Approx. 680 mW Silver tin indium oxide
* For typical 12 VDC automotive applications.