MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit General Description The MAX11253/MAX11254 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX11253/ MAX11254 family of 16-bit/24-bit, 6-channel, 64ksps, integrated PGA delta-sigma ADCs. The EV kit includes a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides communication from the target device to the PC. The EV kit can operate in multiple modes: 1) 2) 3) Standalone Mode: in "standalone" mode, the EV kit is connected to the PC via a USB cable and performs a subset of the complete EV kit functions with limitations for sample rate, sample size, and no support for coherent sampling. FPGA Mode: in "FPGA" mode, the EV kit is connected to an Avnet ZedBoardTM through a lowpin-count FMC connector. ZedBoard features a Xilinx(R) Zynq(R) -7000 SoC, which connects to the PC through an Ethernet port, allowing the GUI to perform different operations with full control over mezzanine card functions. The EV kit with FPGA platform performs the complete suite of evaluation tests for the target IC. User-Supplied SPI Mode: In addition to the USB and FMC interfaces, the EV kit provides a 12-pin PmodTMstyle header for user-supplied SPI interface to connect the signals for SCLK, DIN, DOUT, and CNVST. The EV kit includes Windows XP(R), Windows(R) 7, and Windows 8.1-compatible software for exercising the features of the IC. The EV kit GUI allows different sample sizes, adjustable sampling rates, internal or external reference options, and graphing software that includes the FFT and histogram of the sampled signals. The ZedBoard accepts a +12V AC-DC wall adapter. The EV kit can be powered by a local +12V supply. The EV kit has on-board transformers and digital isolators to separate the IC from the ZedBoard/on-board processor. The MAX11253/MAX11254 EV kit comes installed with a MAX11253ATJ+ or MAX11254ATJ+ in a 32-pin TQFN-EP package. 19-7584; Rev 2; 4/18 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 Features High-Speed USB Connector, FMC Connector, and Pmod-Style Connector 8MHz SPI Clock Capability through FMC Connector 8MHz SPI Clock Capability in Standalone Mode Various Sample Sizes and Sample Rates Collects Up to 1 Million Samples (with FPGA Platform) Time Domain, Frequency Domain, and Histogram Plotting Sync In and Sync Out for Coherent Sampling (with FPGA Platform) On-Board Input Buffers: MAX9632 and MAX44205 (Fully Differential) On-Board Voltage References (MAX6126 and MAX6070) Proven PCB Layout Fully Assembled and Tested Windows XP-, Windows 7-, and Windows 8.1-Compatible Software Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. Pmod is a trademark of Digilent Inc. ZedBoard is a trademark of Avnet, Inc. Xilinx and Zynq are registered trademarks and Xilinx is a registered service mark of Xilinx, Inc. Windows and Windows XP are registered trademarks and registered service marks of Microsoft Corporation. MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/11254 EV Kit Photo Maxim Integrated 2 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit System Block Diagram MAX11253/MAX11254 EV Kit Files FILE DECRIPTION MAX11253_54EVKitSetupV1.0.exe Application Program (GUI) Note: In the following section(s), software-related items are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly from the EV system software. Text in bold and underline refers to items from the Windows operating system. Boot.bin ZedBoard firmware (SD card to boot Zynq) The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation: Procedure 1) Visit to download the latest version of the EV kit software, Save the EV kit software to a temporary folder and uncompress the ZIP file. 2) Install the EV kit software and USB driver on your computer by running the MAX11253_54EVKitSetupV1.0.exe program inside the temporary folder. The program files are copied to your PC and icons are created in the Windows Start | Programs menu. At the end of the installation process the installer will launch the installer for the FTDIChip CDM drivers. Quick Start Required Equipment MAX11253/MAX11254 EV kit +12V (500mA) power supply Micro-USB cable ZedBoard FPGA platform (optional - NOT INCLUDED with EVKit) Function generator (optional) Windows XP, Windows 7, or Windows 8.1 PC with a spare USB port Maxim Integrated 3 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit For Standalone mode: 7) 1) Verify that all jumpers are in their default positions for the EV kit board (Table 2). 2) Connect the PC to the EV kit using a micro-USB cable. 3) Connect the +12V adapter to the EV kit. 4) Start the EV kit software by opening its icon in the Start | Programs menu. The EV kit software appears as shown in Figure 1. From the Device menu select Standalone. Verify that the lower left status bar indicates the EV Kit hardware is Connected. For FPGA mode (when connected to a Zedboard): 1) Connect the Ethernet cable from the PC to the ZedBoard and configure the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/Ipv4) properties in the local area connection to IP address and subnet Mask to Start the EV kit software by opening its icon in the Start | Programs menu. The EV kit software appears as shown in Figure 1. From the Device menu select FPGA. Verify that the lower left status bar indicates the EV Kit hardware is Connected. For Either Standalone or FPGA Mode: 1) Connect the positive terminal of the function generator to the AIN0D+ (TP1) test point on the EV kit. Connect the negative terminal of the function generator to the AIN0D- (TP2) test point on the EV kit. 2) Configure the signal source to generate a 100Hz, 1VP-P sinusoidal wave with +1V offset. 3) Turn on the function generator. 4) In the Device menu, choose either standalone or the FPGA option. In the configuration group, select Channel 0 and click Convert in the serial interface menu. 5) Click on the Scope tab. 2) Verify that the ZedBoard SD card contains the Boot. bin file for the MAX11253/MAX11254 EV kit. 6) Check the Remove DC Offset checkbox to remove the DC component of the sampled data. 3) Connect the EV kit FMC connector to the ZedBoard FMC connector. Gently press them together. 7) Click the Capture button to start the data analysis. 4) Verify that all jumpers are in their default positions for the ZedBoard (Table 1) and EV kit board (Table 2). 8) The EV kit software appears as shown in Figure 1. 9) 5) Connect the 12V power supply to the ZedBoard. Leave the Zedboard powered off. Verify that the frequency, which is displayed on the right, is approximately 100Hz. The scope image has buttons in the upper right corner that allow zooming in to detail. 6) Enable the ZedBoard power supply by sliding SW8 to ON and connect the +12V adapter to the EV kit. Table 1. ZedBoard Jumper Settings JUMPER SHUNT POSITION J18 1-2 VDDIO set for 3.3V. JP11 JP10 JP9 JP8 JP7 2-3 1-2 1-2 2-3 2-3 Boot from SD Card J12 NA SD Card installed J20 NA Connected to 12V wall adapter SW8 OFF DESCIPTION ZedBoard power switch, OFF while connecting boards Maxim Integrated 4 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 Table 2. MAX11253/MAX11254 Board Jumper Settings HEADER JMP1 J8 J10 J11 J12 J13 JUMPER POSITION 1-2* Use MAX6126 3.0V as VREF signal 1-3 Use MAX6070 3.0V as VREF signal 1-4 Use MAX6070 1.8V as VREF signal Open* Generate +3.3V for DVDD 1-2 Generate +2.0V for DVDD 1-2* Select +3.3V or +2.0V as DVDD 2-3 Select +1.8V as DVDD Open* U1 uses internal clock 1-2 External clock from FPGA 2-3 External clock from U10 1-2* Select +3.3V as AVDD 2-3 Select +1.8V as AVDD 1-2* Select AVSS as REFN 2-3 Select REFN_S from J1 as REFN for external sense point Open* J14 1-2 J15 Open* HEADER 1-2* Select REFP_F signal as REFP input 2-3 Select REFP_S signal from J1 as REFP input 1-2* Use AGND as AVSS. Use this setting if AVDD is +3.3V 2-3 Use -1.8V as AVSS. Use this setting if AVDD is +1.8V 1-2* Use VREF as REFP_F 2-3 Use AVDD as REFP_F 1-2* Short AIN2.1- (J27, TP38) to AGND and for U11 noninverting configuration J37 3-4* Short AIN2.1+ (J28, TP39) to AGND and for U11 inverting configuration J38 J31 3-4* Short AIN2.3+ (J30, TP43) to AGND and for U12 inverting configuration 1-2* Short AIN2.2- (TP40) to AGND and for U13 noninverting configuration 3-4* Short AIN2.2+ (TP41) to AGND and for U13 inverting configuration 1-2* Short AIN2.4- (TP44) to AGND and for U14 noninverting configuration 3-4* Short AIN2.4+ (TP45) to AGND and for U14 inverting configuration 1-2* Connect output of U11 to inverting input of U13 3-4 Connect AIN2.2- (TP40) to inverting input of U13 5-6 Connect output of U11 to noninverting input of U13 7-8* Connect AIN2.2+ (TP41) to noninverting input of U13 1-2* Connect output of U12 to inverting input of U14 3-4 Connect AIN2.4- (TP44) to inverting input of U14 5-6 Connect output of U12 to noninverting input of U14 7-8* Connect AIN2.4+ (TP45) to noninverting input of U14 J35 Use external SYNC signal J17 Short AIN2.3- (J29, TP42) to AGND and for U12 noninverting configuration J34 Use TP23 as GPIO1 DESCRIPTION 1-2* J33 Use internal 1.8V subregulator if DVDD 2.0V Use DVDD for internal logic if DVDD 2.0V JUMPER POSITION J32 1-2 J16 J24 DESCRIPTION J36 Open* No offset to U13 noninverting input 1-2 Offset U13 output by VREF/2 Open* No offset to U14 noninverting input 1-2 Offset U14 output by VREF/2 Maxim Integrated 5 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 Table 2. MAX11253/MAX11254 Board Jumper Settings (continued) HEADER JUMPER POSITION 1-2* Short AIN3.1- (TP56) to AGND and for U15 noninverting configuration 3-4* Short AIN3.1+ (TP57) to AGND and for U15 inverting configuration 1-2* Short AIN3.3- (TP60) to AGND and for U16 noninverting configuration J39 J40 3-4* Short AIN3.3+ (TP61) to AGND and for U16 inverting configuration 1-2* Short AIN3.2- (TP58) to AGND and for U17 noninverting configuration J41 3-4* Short AIN3.2+ (TP59) to AGND and for U17 inverting configuration 1-2* Short AIN3.4- (TP62) to AGND and for U18 noninverting configuration 3-4* Short AIN3.4+ (TP63) to AGND and for U18 inverting configuration 1-2* Connect output of U15 to inverting input of U17 3-4 Connect AIN3.2- (TP58) to inverting input of U17 5-6 Connect output of U15 to noninverting input of U17 7-8* Connect AIN3.2+ (TP59) to noninverting input of U17 1-2* Connect output of U16 to inverting input of U18 3-4 Connect AIN3.4- (TP62) to inverting input of U18 5-6 Connect output of U16 to noninverting input of U18 7-8* Connect AIN3.4+ (TP63) to noninverting input of U18 J42 J43 J44 J45 DESCRIPTION Open* No offset to U17 noninverting input 1-2 Offset U17 output by VREF/2 HEADER J46 JUMPER POSITION Open* No offset to U18 noninverting input 1-2 Offset U18 output by VREF/2 1-2* Short AIN4+ (J47, TP72) to AGND 3-4* Short AIN4- (J48, TP73) to AGND 1-2* Short AIN5+ (TP74) to AGND 3-4* Short AIN5- (TP75) to AGND J49 J50 J63 J64 Open* Use external +12V source 1-2 Use +12V from ZedBoard Open If connected to ZedBoard FPGA 1-2* If connected to PC through USB interface 1-2* Enable U28 H-bridge transformer driver to use onboard 15V supply generation 2-3 Disable U28 and use and external 15V supply to TP83, TP86, and TP87 1-2 Use an external -15V power supply, connected to TP86 3-4* Use U28 driver to generate isolated -15V 1-2 Use an external +15V power supply, connected to TP83 3-4* Use U28 driver to generate isolated +15V 1-2 Use an external +12V power supply to TP91 as VCC 3-4* Use onboard +12V from U32 LDO as VCC 1-2 AGND as VEE 3-4 Use an external -12V power supply to TP90 as VEE 5-6* Use onboard -12V from U33 LDO as VEE J65 J66 J67 J68 J69 DESCRIPTION *Default configuration Maxim Integrated 6 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit General Description of Software The main window of the EV kit software contains seven tabs: Configuration, Scope, DMM, Histogram, FFT, Scan Mode, and Registers. The Configuration tab provides control for the ADC configuration including calibration and data capture. The other six tabs are used for evaluating the data captured by the ADC. Configuration Tab The Configuration tab provides an interface for selecting and configuring the ADC from a functional perspective. Select the desired Device for either Standalone or FPGA in the dropdown menu and the corresponding properties of the device are displayed including Channel number, Sample Rate, Number of Samples, Reference Voltage, Sequencing Mode, Calibration, GPO/GPIO selection, Input Path (Direct or internal PGA), Delta-Sigma Modulator type selection for different Data Format and Conversion Mode, Serial Interface function (Convert, and Read All), Power setting (NOP, Power Down, and Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 Standby), Reset Registers, and RSTB Reset, Clock/ SYNC (Internal or External Clock, and Disable or Enable SYNC Mode), and Other for Disable or Enable Current Sink/Source and CAPREG LDO. The sample settings are available on the left of the configuration menu, which allow the user to select the Channel, Sample Rate, Number of Samples and Clock Source if FPGA device is used. The Read Data and Status information is displayed on the right, which shows the data in both voltage and Hex, the sample rate, and power state for the selected channel. In addition, if there are any errors, the indicator lights will turn red. Channel Selection To select the desired channel among the six available channels, click Channel # dropdown menu at the top left and select the desired channel from 0 to 5. The default selection is Channel 0. Figure 1. EV Kit Software (Configuration Tab) Maxim Integrated 7 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Sample Rate (SPS) To select the desired data rate for single-cycle mode from 50sps to 12800sps and for continuous mode data rate from 1.9sps to 64000sps, choose the Sample Rate (SPS) from the dropdown menu below the Channel # selection. Three conversion modes are provided: Continuous, Single Cycle, and Single Continuous. Click the Conversion Modes dropdown menu under the DeltaSigma Modulator section to select the desired conversion mode. Reference Voltage Serial Interface There are three different reference voltages available on board: MAX6070AUT18+ (1.8V), MAX6070AUT30+ (3.0V), and MAX6126AASA30+ (3.0V). To select 1.8V, place JMP1 from position 1 to 4. To select 3.0V MAX6070 with 0.04% accuracy, place JMP1 from position 1 to 3. To select 3.0V MAX6126 with 0.02% accuracy, place JMP1 from position 1 to 2. Power Sequencer Mode To change the sequencer mode, click the Sequence Mode selection below the Sequencing menu and select Mode 1, 2, or 3 as desired. Check the GPO Sequencer Mode box to enable GPO/GPIO function in mode 3. In addition, check the Enable box to enable the MUX and GPO Delay. Choose the desired delay in microseconds by clicking on the + or - buttons. ADC Calibration Two types of software calibration for offset and gain are available: Self calibration and system calibration. The primary mode for calibration is using the dropdown list to select a calibration mode, followed by clicking the Calibrate button. The checkboxes for Self Offset, Self Gain, System Offset, and System Gain allow for the user to enable or disable the calibration values. The calibration values can also be changed manually by entering a hex value in the numeric box. To starting converting, click the Convert button under the Serial interface section. To read all registers, click the Read All button. The MAX11253/MAX11254 EV kit features three powerdown states: Normal Operating Power (NOP), Power down, and Standby. Select the desired power state by clicking the drop-down menu under the Power section. To reset the configuration settings back to default values, press the Reset Registers button. To exercise the power-on reset feature, click the RSTB button. Clock/SYNC The internal clock mode is set at default condition. To use the external clock provided on-board, select External under the Clock/SYNC section and install jumper J11 from 2-3. To user-supplied external clock, select External under the Clock/SYNC section and install jumper J11 from 1-2. In addition, the Sync mode can be enabled or disabled by clicking the drop-down menu under this Clock/SYNC section and install jumper J15. The Sync signal should be provided externally. Other To select GPO or GPIO ports, choose the option under the GPO/GPIO dropdown menu and check the Enable box. To enable (J14 open) or disable (J14 installed and VDDVD 2.0V) the internal CAPREG LDO for digital and I/O supply, select this option from the drop-down menu under the Other section. Additionally, Current Sink/Source can also be disabled or enabled under this section. Input Path Read Data and Status GPO/GPIO Select Direct under the Input Path dropdown menu to bypass the internal amplifiers and apply the analog input signals directly to the MAX11253/MAX11254 inputs or to use the external amplifiers. Select PGA under the Input Path dropdown menu to use the internal programmable gain amplifiers. Delta-Sigma Modulator To select the desired data format, click the Data Format dropdown menu under the Delta-Sigma Modulator section and choose either Bipolar or Unipolar with two's complement or offset binary options. The Read Data and Status on the far right hand side of this Configuration menu depicts the received data and status of the device such as the selected channel, data rate, sample rate, and power state. Click the Read Data and Status button to view the updated status. To save a configuration, select Save ADC Config As... in the File menu. This saves all the ADC register values to a XML file. To load a configuration, select Load ADC Config in the File menu. When the XML file is loaded, all the register values in the file are written to the ADC. Maxim Integrated 8 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Scope Tab The Scope tab sheet is used to capture data and display it in the time domain. The desired Channel #, Sample Rate, Number of Samples, Display Unit, Average Samples, and Resolution Selection can also be set in this tab if they were not appropriately adjusted in other tabs. The Display Unit drop-down list allows counts in LSB and voltages in V, mV, or V. Once the desired configuration is Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 set, click on the Capture button. The right side of the tab sheet displays details of the waveform, such as average, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, and fundamental frequency as shown in Figure 2. To save the captured data to a file, select Options > Save Graph > Scope. This saves the setting on the left and the data captured to a CSV file. Figure 2. EV Kit Software (ScopeTab) Maxim Integrated 9 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit DMM Tab The DMM tab sheet provides the typical information as a digital multimeter. Once the desired configuration is set, Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 click on the Capture button. Figure 3 displays the results shown by the DMM tab when a 1.5V signal is applied to AIN0+ and 1.0V to AIN0-. Figure 3. EV Kit Software (DMM Tab) Maxim Integrated 10 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Histogram Tab The Histogram tab sheet is used to show the histogram of the data. Sample rate and number of samples can also be set in this tab if they were not appropriately adjusted in other tabs. Once the desired configuration is set, click on the Capture button. The right side of the tab sheet displays details of the histogram such as average, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, peak-to-peak noise, effective resolution, and noise-free resolution as shown in Figure 4. Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 The histogram tab is enabled at default. Using the histogram will slow down the GUI response. To disable it, check the Disable Histogram box. To save the histogram data to a file, go to Options > Save Graph > Histogram. This saves the setting on the left and the histogram data captured to a CSV file. Figure 4. EV Kit Software (Histogram Tab) Maxim Integrated 11 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit FFT Tab The FFT tab sheet is used to display the FFT of the data. The Sample Rate, Number of Samples, Resolution and Window Function type can be set as desired. To calculate the Adjusted Input Signal frequency for Coherent Sampling, enter the Input Signal frequency in Hertz and push the Calculate button. Once the preferred configuration is set, click on the Capture button. The right side of the tab displays the performance based on the FFT, such as fundamental frequency, SNR, SINAD, THD, SFDR, ENOB, and Noise Floor as shown in Figure 5. Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 To save the FFT data to a file, go to Options > Save Graph > FFT. This saves the setting on the left and the FFT data captured to a CSV file. When coherent sampling is needed, this tab allows the user to calculate the external clock frequency applied to the board. Adjust the input frequency of the lowjitter clock to the value as shown in the Adjusted Master Clock (Hz) and apply it to the EV KIT EXT_ CLK connector. See the Sync Input and Sync Output section before using this feature. Figure 5. EV Kit Software (FFT Tab) Maxim Integrated 12 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Figure 6 shows the setup Maxim Integrated uses to capture data for coherent sampling. For coherent FFT evaluation, use the jumper settings from Table 2 for proper configurations. The low-jitter clock is synchronized with the signal generator at 10MHz from the ZedBoard. To achieve coherent sampling, click on the Calculate button and enter the Adjusted Master Clock (Hz) frequency of approximately 8.192MHz into our lowjitter clock. Timing for all SPI timing and sampling rate are based off the system clock. LOW-JITTER CLOCK RF_IN 8.192 MHz OUT ZedBoard SIGNAL GENERATOR RF_IN PC 10MHz - INV- + INV+ EXT_CLK MAX11253/MAX11254EVKIT ETHERNET CABLE Figure 6. EV Kit Coherent Sampling Setup Maxim Integrated 13 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Scan Mode Tab The Scan Mode tab is used to perform selected data conversions and read the converted data. In the Sequence Setting section at the bottom, set the desired sequencer mode (1 to 3) from the Sequence Mode drop-down menu and select whether to assert the RDYB pin after one channel or after scan completes options under the RDYB menu. Check the GPO Sequencer Mode and Enable boxes as desired. Then set the conversion time delay in s for MUX and GPO by clicking on the + or - buttons under the MUX Delay and GPO Delay menu, allowing for high impedance source networks to stabilize after the channels are selected. Finally press the Read All button to view the selected settings. Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 In the Read Data section on top, select the desired unit in either LSB or voltage (V, mV, or V) under the Display Unit drop-down menu. Then choose the desired sample rate by clicking on the Sample Rate drop-down menu under. Finally, click the Scan button to start converting and press the Read Data button to view the converted data displayed on the right hand side as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7. EV Kit Software (Scan Mode Tab) Maxim Integrated 14 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit ADC Registers Tab The Registers tab sheet shows the device registers on the left. The middle section shows the descriptions of the selected register. Click Read All to read all registers and refresh the window with the register settings. To write a register first select the hex value in the Value column, type the desired hex value and press Enter. The command byte is on the right side of the tab sheet. This byte precedes all SPI transactions and is described in the IC datasheet. To send a command byte enter a hex value in the numeric box and click the Send button. The command byte has two different formats including Conversion Command and Register Read/Write. Select the radio button for the desired mode to see the bit description in the table. See Figure 8. Detailed Description of Hardware The MAX11253/MAX11254 EV kit provides a proven signal path and board layout to demonstrate the performance of the MAX11253/MAX11254 16-/24-bit, delta-sigma ADCs. Included in the EV kit are digital isolators, isolated DC-DC converters, ultra-low-noise LDOs to all supply pins of the IC, on-board reference (MAX6126 and MAX6070), precision amplifiers (MAX9632 and MAX44205) for analog inputs, and sync-in and sync-out signals for coherent sampling. An on-board FTDI controller is provided to allow for evaluation in standalone mode, which has limitations on maximum sample speed and on sample depth. The EV kit can be used with FPGA to achieve full speed and a larger sample depth. The EV kit supports a number of different devices as listed in Table 3. Figure 8. EV Kit Software (ADC Registers Tab) Table 3. Products Supported with MAX11253/MAX11254 EV Kit PART NO. RESOLUTION MAX. SAMPLE RATE MAX11253 16-bits 64ksps MAX11254 24-bits 64ksps Maxim Integrated 15 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit User-Supplied SPI To evaluate the EV kit with a user-supplied SPI bus, disconnect from the FMC bus and remove jumper J64. Apply the user-supplied SPI signals to SCLK, CSB, DIN, and DOUT at the PMOD_A header (J60). Make sure the return ground is connected to PMOD ground. The on-board FTDI chip used for standalone mode does not conflict with the user-supplied SPI if it is powered off by removing jumper J64. CAUTION: DO NOT PLUG THIS HEADER INTO A STANDARD PMOD INTERFACE FOUND ON OTHER FPGA OR MICROCONTROLLER PRODUCTS. THE SIGNAL DEFINITION IS UNIQUE TO THIS EV KIT. FMC Interface: The users should confirm compatibility of pin-usage between their own FMC implementation and that of the Maxim Integrated EV kit before connecting the Maxim Integrated EV kit to a different system with FMC connectors. Voltage References There are three different reference voltages available on board: MAX6070AUT18+ (1.8V), MAX6070AUT30+ (3.0V), and MAX6126AASA30+ (3.0V). To select 1.8V, place JMP1 from position 1 to 4. To select 3.0V MAX6070 with 0.04% accuracy, place JUMP1 from position 1 to 3. To select 3.0V MAX6126 with 0.02% accuracy, place JMP1 from position 1 to 2. For user-supplied external references, remove jumper J24 and connect a reference voltage to J24-2. Measure and enter the value of the external reference voltage into the Reference Voltage edit box on the Configuration tab of the GUI. Table 3 depicts the reference source options. External DVDD Power Supply The internal 1.8V regulator can be replaced by an external supply in the range of 1.7V to 2.0V. To use external DVDD, disable the internal regulator by selecting the Disable in the CAPREG LDO drop-down menu in the Other section and install J14. User-Supplied Power Supply The EV kit receives power from a single DC source of 12V, 500mA through a J61 power jack. The MAX13256, H-bridge driver and transformer create an additional negative rail for +15V and -15V. The power is then rectified and regulated down to a +12V and -12V supplies for the MAX9632 op amps, as well as +5V and -5V supplies for the MAX44205 op amps. Additional supplies are generated for +1.8V/-1.8V and +2V/+3.3V for the ADCs and VREFs. See the EV kit schematic pdf for details. Specific voltages can be connected to the board for each rail, see Table 4 for corresponding jumper positions. ADC Input Amplifiers The input amplifiers allow for significant flexibility, supporting bipolar or unipolar input paths, as well as the option for gain control. Selected input amplifiers can be configured as inverting, noninverting, differential bipolar, and differential unipolar. See Table 5 for these analog input configurations for channels 0 to 5. The analog front-end consists of six channels, 0 to 5, and there are four user-selectable input pairs (for example AINx+ and AINx- where x is 2, 3, 4 or 5) allowing selection between one of two op amp solutions, the MAX9632 a 36V, precision, low-noise, wide-band amplifier or the MAX44205, a 180MHz, low-noise, low-distortion, fully differential op amp. The op amps can be configured as inverting or noninverting amplifiers by jumper selectors. Both op amps work as anti-aliasing lowpass filters (LPF) and can be daisy-chained to create a second-order LPF. The range of possible configurations are listed in Table 5. Table 4. Reference Source Options REF SOURCE MAX6070 (1.8V) MAX6070 (3.0V) MAX6126 (3.0V) AVDD UserSupplied JUMPER CONNECTION JMP1 1-4 J13 1-2 J16 1-2 J24 1-2 JMP1 1-3 J13 1-2 J16 1-2 FUNCTION Select U7 MAX6070 Select U8 MAX6070 J24 1-2 JMP1 1-2 J13 1-2 J16 1-2 J24 1-2 J13 1-2 J16 1-2 J24 2-3 J13 1-2 J16 1-2 J24 Open. Connect user-supplied reference to J24-2 Select U9 MAX6126 Select AVDD Select UserSupplied Reference Maxim Integrated 16 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Table 5. Power Supply to the Board POWER Single +12V input from a wall adapter (default) An external 12V An external 15V INPUT CONNECTORS JUMPERS J61 J67: 3-4 J66: 3-4 J68: 3-4 J69: 5-6 J65: 1-2 J64: 1-2 (select onboard FTDI) J63: 1-2 (select FPGA ZedBoard) TP91 (+12V) TP90 (-12V) J67: 3-4 J66: 3-4 J68: 1-2 J69: 3-4 J65: 1-2 J64: 1-2 (select onboard FTDI) J63: 1-2 (select FPGA ZedBoard) TP86 (+15V) TP83 (-15V) J67: 1-2 J66: 1-2 J68: 3-4 J69: 5-6 J65: 1-2 J64: 1-2 (select onboard FTDI) J63: 1-2 (select FPGA ZedBoard) Table 6. Analog Input Configurations (CH0-CH5) CONFIGURATION NO. DESCRIPTION ADC INPUT CONFIGURATION INPUT CONNECTORS JUMPER POSITIONS 1 Channel 0 User-supplied signals, differential AIN0D+, AIN0D- N/A 2 Channel 1 User-supplied signals, differential AIN1D+, AIN1D- N/A J28: AIN2.1+ (or TP39): AIN2.1+ and AGND J30: AIN2.3+ (or TP43): AIN2.3+ and AGND J31: 1-2 J35: 5-6 and 3-4 J33: 1-2 J32: 1-2 J36: 5-6 and 3-4 J34: 1-2 J4: 3-4 and 5-6 J37: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) J38: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) 3 MAX9632, Channel 2 Noninverting, differential, second-order LPF Maxim Integrated 17 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 Table 6. Analog Input Configurations (CH0-CH5) (continued) CONFIGURATION NO. 4 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION MAX9632, Channel 2 MAX9632, Channel 2 MAX9632, Channel 2 MAX9632, Channel 3 ADC INPUT CONFIGURATION Inverting, differential, second-order LPF Noninverting, differential, first-order LPF Inverting, differential, first-order LPF Noninverting, differential, second order LPF INPUT CONNECTORS JUMPER POSITIONS J27: AIN2.1- (or TP38): AIN2.1- and AGND J29: AIN2.3- (or TP42): AIN2.3- and AGND J31: 3-4 J35: 1-2 and 7-8 J33: 3-4 J32: 3-4 J36: 1-2 and 7-8 J34: 3-4 J4: 3-4 and 5-6 J37: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) J38: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) AIN2.2+ (or TP41): AIN2.2+ and AGND AIN2.4+ (or TP45): AIN2.4+ and AGND J35: 7-8 and 3-4 J33: 1-2 J34: 1-2 J36: 7-8 and 3-4 J4: 3-4 and 5-6 J37: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) J38: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) AIN2.2- (or TP40): AIN2.2- and AGND AIN2.4- (or TP44): AIN2.4- and AGND J35: 7-8 and 3-4 J33: 3-4 J34: 3-4 J36: 7-8 and 3-4 J4: 3-4 and 5-6 J37: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) J38: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) AIN3.1+ (or TP57): AIN3.1+ and AGND AIN3.3+ (or TP61): AIN3.3+ and AGND J39: 1-2 J43: 5-6 and 3-4 J41: 1-2 J40: 1-2 J44: 5-6 and 3-4 J42: 1-2 J5: 3-4 and 5-6 J45: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) J46: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) Maxim Integrated 18 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 Table 6. Analog Input Configurations (CH0-CH5) (continued) CONFIGURATION NO. 8 9 10 11 12 DESCRIPTION MAX9632, Channel 3 MAX9632, Channel 3 MAX9632, Channel 3 MAX44205, Channel 4 MAX44205, Channel 5 ADC INPUT CONFIGURATION INPUT CONNECTORS JUMPER POSITIONS AIN3.1- (or TP56): AIN3.1- and AGND AIN3.3- (or TP60): AIN3.3- and AGND J39: 3-4 J43: 1-2 and 7-8 J41: 3-4 J40: 3-4 J44: 1-2 and 7-8 J42: 3-4 J5: 3-4 and 5-6 J45: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) J46: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) AIN3.2+ (or TP59): AIN3.2+ and AGND AIN3.4+ (or TP63): AIN3.4+ and AGND J43: 7-8 and 3-4 J41: 1-2 J44: 7-8 and 3-4 J42: 1-2 J5: 3-4 and 5-6 J45: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) J46: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) Inverting, differential, first-order LPF AIN3.2- (or TP58): AIN3.2- and AGND AIN3.4- (or TP62): AIN3.4- and AGND J43: 7-8 and 3-4 J41: 3-4 J44: 7-8 and 3-4 J42: 3-4 J5: 3-4 and 5-6 J45: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) J46: 1-2 (for bipolar signal or open for unipolar signal) Differential, first-order LPF J48: AIN4- (or TP73): AIN4- and AGND J47: AIN4+ (or TP72): AIN4+ and AGND J6: 3-4 and 5-6 J49: open Differential, first-order LPF AIN5+ (or TP74): AIN5+ and AGND AIN5- (or TP75): AIN5and AGND J7: 3-4 and 5-6 J50: open Inverting, differential, second-order LPF Noninverting, differential, first-order LPF Maxim Integrated 19 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Sync Input and Sync Output (For Coherent Sampling) Sync Input and Sync Output is applicable to the FPGA (ZedBoard) and is not used in Standalone mode. The SYNC_IN SMA accepts an approximate 100MHz waveform signal to generate the system clock of the ZedBoard. For maximum performance, use a low-jitter clock that syncs to the user's analog function generator. The SYNC_OUT SMA outputs a 10MHz square waveform that syncs to the user's analog function generator. Both options are used for coherent sampling of the IC. Use only one option at a time. The relationship between fIN, fS, NCYCLES, and MSAMPLES is given as follows: fIN fS = N CYCLES M SAMPLES where: Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 Ordering Information PART TYPE MAX11253EVKIT# EVKIT MAX11254EVKIT# EVKIT #Denotes RoHS compliant. Contact Avnet to purchase a ZedBoard to communicate with the MAX11253/MAX11254 EV kit. This EV kit comes with two assembly options: The MAX11253EVKIT# comes with a MAX11253ATJ+ in a 32-pin TQFN package. The MAX11254EVKIT# comes with a MAX11254ATJ+ in a 32-pin TQFN package.. Both EV kit variations use the same PCB and bill of materials, and the only variation is the IC assembled at U1. fIN = Input frequency fS = Sampling frequency NCYCLES = Prime number of cycles in the sampled set MSAMPLES = Total number of samples Maxim Integrated 20 ITEM 3 C24, C126, C127 C25, C34-C37, C46-C49, C58-C61, C70-C73, C156, C159, C162, 28 C165, C171, C172, C175, C177-C179, C185 2 DS1, DS2 1 DS3 3 J1, J25, J26 2 J2, J3 4 J4-J7 1 J8 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 J49, J50 1 J51 1 J53 1 J59 1 J61 26 27 28 29 4 J35, J36, J43, J44 25 24 11 J31-J34, J39-J42, J66-J68 1 D1 2 D2, D3 13 14 23 1 C151 12 9 J10-J13, J16, J17, J24, J52, J65 10 J27-J30, J47, J48, J54, J56-J58 9 C148, C149, C160, C161, C180-C183, C188 11 21 22 2 C133, C134 4 C115, C130, C131, C136 9 10 8 C85-C92 8 7 11 C16-C18, C32, C150, C157, C158, C163, C164, C169, C170 6 6 C10-C15 TP13, TP15-TP18, TP20, TP22, TP27, TP29, TP31, TP33, TP35TP37, TP46, TP52-TP54, TP64, TP65, TP70, TP71, TP76, TP80, 32 TP82, TP85,TP87,TP89,TP93-TP95, GND_FPGA C1-C3, C7-C9, C19, C21-C23, C27, C28, C31, C33, C40, C41, C44, C45, C52, C53, C56, C57, C64, C65, C68, C69, C76, C77, C80-C84, C95, C96, C99, C100, C116-C118, C121, C122, C125, C128, C129, C132, C135, C137-C143, C146, C147, C155, C16663 C168, C176, C184, C187 C4-C6, C20, C26, C29, C30, C38, C39, C42, C43, C50, C51, C54, C55, C62, C63, C66, C67, C74, C75, C78, C79, C93, C94, C97, C98, C113, C114, C119, C120, C123, C124, C144, C145, C15241 C154, C173, C174, C186 REF DES 5 4 3 2 1 QTY 10118192-0001LF KLDX-0202-B PBC10SAAN ASP-134604-01 PEC02DAAN PBC04DAAN PBC02DAAN PCC03SAAN 5-1814832-1 PCC02SAAN PEC04DAAN 282834-4 1282834-0 LS L29K-G1J2-1-Z LGL29K-G2J1-24-Z MBR0520L BAS4002A-RPP GRM188R71E474KA12 C2012X5R1V106K085 C0603HQN101-180FNP C1608X5R1E475K080AC C1608C0G1H472J080AA C1608C0G1H103J080AA C0603C102K1GAC C2012X7R1E475K125AB C1608C0G2A332J080AA UMK107AB7105KA C1608X7R1H104K080AA MFG PART # 1282834-0 LS L29K-G1J2-1-Z FCI CONNECT KYCON SULLINS TYCO SULLINS ELECTRONIC CORP. SULLINS ELECTRONICS CORP. SULLINS ELECTRONIC CORP. SULLINS ELECTRONICS CORP. SAMTEC SULLINS 10118192-0001LF KLDX-0202-B PBC10SAAN ASP-134604-01 PEC02DAAN PBC04DAAN PBC02DAAN PCC03SAAN 5-1814832-1 PCC02SAAN TYCO ELECTRONICS 282834-4 SULLINS ELECTRONICS CORP. PEC04DAAN TYCO ELECTRONICS OSRAM LGL29K-G2J1-24-Z MBR0520L BAS4002A-RPP OSRAM 0.47UF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR INFINEON 10UF 18PF 4.7UF 4700PF 0.01UF 1000PF 4.7UF 3300PF 1UF 0.1UF N/A VALUE MURATA TDK KEMET/VENKEL TDK TDK TDK KEMET TDK TDK TAIYO YUDEN TDK 5001 TDK MFG MICRO-USB COMMENTS MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Bill of Materials Maxim Integrated 21 ITEM 12 4 44 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 T1 TP1-TP12,TP14,TP19,TP21,TP23-TP26,TP30,TP38-TP45,TP48TP51,TP56-TP63,TP66-TP69,TP72-TP75,TP7758 TP79,TP81,TP84,TP86,TP91,TP92,5V_TTL 61 62 1 R202 1 R204 49 SU1-SU49 58 59 60 R191, R194 R192 R193 R196 R198, R200 MFG TE CONNECTIVITY SULLINS ELECTRONICS CORP. MOLEX TDK COILCRAFT RN73C1J10RBTG; 1614350-2 CRCW0603237KFK; ERJ3EKF2373V ERJ3EKF7322V CRCW060310K0FK; 9C06031A1002FK; ERJ3EKF1002V CRCW060349R9FK CRCW06031001FK; CRCW06031K00FK; ERJ3EKF1001V CRCW06031M00FK; MCR03EZPFX1004 TGM-H240V8LF VISHAY DALE/ROHM VISHAY DALE KYCON HALO ELECTRONICS, INC VISHAY DALE/ROHM VISHAY DALE VISHAY DALE PANASONIC PANASONIC 5000 ? PANASONIC;CRCW0603200 2FK; MCR03EZPFX2002;ERJ3EKF2002V CRCW0603750KFK CRCW0603165KFK ERJ-3EKF3832 ERJ3EKF6813V CRCW060310R0FK; MCR03EZPFX10R0 CRCW0603124KFK SX1100-B VISHAY DALE VISHAY DALE VISHAY DALE VISHAY DALE VISHAY DALE PANASONIC PANASONIC VISHAY DALE/KOA SPEER ELECTRONICS VENKEL LTD. SUSUMU CO LTD. VISHAY DALE/ROHM VISHAY DALE/PANASONIC VISHAY DALE/PANASONIC VISHAY DALE TE CONNECTIVITY VISHAY DALE/PANASONIC PANASONIC RN73C1J49R9B; 9-1614353-1 TE CONNECTIVITY PEC03DAAN 22-28-4043 MMZ1608B601C XPL2010-333ML MFG PART # 282834-2 RG1608N-102-B-T1 CR0603-16W-000T; CR060316W-000RJT R36-R39, R50, R51, R70-R72, R80, R91, R92 TNPW06031K50BE; ERA3YEB152V R44, R45, R85, R86 R73-R79, R105, R111-R117, R139-R161, R168, R169, R187-R190 ERJ-3EKF28R0V TNPW060310K0BE; RN731JTTD1002B R95, R96 CRCW06030000ZS; MCR03EZPJ000; ERJR163, R165 3GEY0R00V R170 CRCW060315K0FK R173 CRCW06032K20FK R174 CRCW060312K0FK R180 CRCW06034K70FK 44 43 16 R20-R27, R54-R61 R28-R35, R40-R43, R46-R49, R62-R69, R81-R84, R87-R90, R9740 R104 3 R18, R19, R195 14 R15, R171, R172, R175-R179, R181-R186 6 R16, R17, R162, R164, R166, R167 1 R6 6 R7, R197, R199, R201, R203, R205 12 R5, R8-R14, R52, R53, R93, R94 42 41 39 40 37 38 36 4 R1-R4 35 J69 JMP1 L1 L2-L5 REF DES 1 J62 1 1 1 4 QTY 31 32 33 34 30 N/A TGM-H240V8LF 124K SX1100-B 20K 750K 165K 38.3K 681K 15K 2.2K 12K 4.7K 10K 1.5K 1K 1M 1K 10K 237K 73.2K 33UH PEC03DAAN 22-28-4043 VALUE 282834-2 10 0 28 0 49.9 10 49.9 600 COMMENTS MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Bill of Materials (continued) Maxim Integrated 22 ITEM 1 2 1 1 1 1 U30 3 U31, U33, U34 1 1 1 1 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 U32 U36 Y1 PCB U25 U26, U35 U27 U28 U29 U10 U11-U18 U19, U20 U21, U22 U23, U24 1 8 2 2 2 70 71 72 73 74 U6 U7 U8 U9 REF DES 5 TP28,TP83,TP88,TP90,TP96 1 U1 1 U5 1 1 1 1 QTY 66 67 68 69 63 64 65 TPS7A4901DGN MAX15006AATT+ ABM7-12.000MHZ-D2Y-T EPCB11254 TPS7A3001DGN MAX8840ELT18+ FT2232HL MAX15006BATT+ MAX16910CATA9+ MAX13256ATB+ MAX15006CATT+ LTC6930HDCB-8.19 MAX9632AUA+ MAX44205 74LVC2G125DP 93LC66BT-I/OT MAX14935CAWE+ MAX6070AAUT18+ MAX6070AAUT30+ MAX6126AASA30+ MAX11254ATJ+ MAX14935CAWE+ MFG PART # TEXAS INSTRUMENTS MAXIM ABRACON MAXIM TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TPS7A4901DGN MAX15006AATT+ 12MHZ PCB TPS7A3001DGN MAX8840ELT18+ FT2232HL MAX15006BATT+ MAX16910CATA9+ MAX13256ATB+ MAX15006CATT+ FUTURE TECHNOLOGY DEVICES INTL LTD. MAXIM MAXIM MAXIM MAXIM MAXIM LTC6930HDCB-8.19 MAX9632AUA+ MAX44205 74LVC2G125DP 93LC66BT-I/OT MAX14935CAWE+ MAX6070AAUT18+ MAX6070AAUT30+ MAX6126AASA30 VALUE N/A MAX11254ATJ+ MAX14935CAWE+ LINEAR TECHNOLOGY MAXIM MAXIM ? MICROCHIP MAXIM MAXIM MAXIM MAXIM MFG 5004 ? MAXIM MAXIM MAX8840ELT18+ MAX14931CASE + COMMENTS MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Bill of Materials (continued) Maxim Integrated 23 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit PCB Layout Diagrams MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Top Silkscreen MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Bottom Silkscreen MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Top Paste MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Bottom Paste Maxim Integrated 24 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit PCB Layout Diagrams (continued) MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Internal 2 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit --Internal 3 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Internal 4 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Internal 5 Maxim Integrated 25 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit PCB Layout Diagrams (continued) MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Top MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit --Bottom MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Top Mask MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit--Bottom Mask Maxim Integrated 26 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic J1 R16 1282834-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ALL INPUTS +/- 3V MAX R17 R18 R19 49.9 49.9 1K 1K IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT REFP REFP_S AIN0D+ AIN0DAIN1D+ AIN1DREFN_S AVSS GPO0 GPO1 J25 1282834-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT AIN2D+ AIN2.1+ AIN2.1AIN2.2+ AIN2.2AIN2.3+ AIN2.3AIN2.4+ AIN2.4AIN2D- J26 1282834-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J2 282834-4 J3 282834-4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT AIN3D+ AIN3.1+ AIN3.1AIN3.2+ AIN3.2AIN3.3+ AIN3.3AIN3.4+ AIN3.4AIN3D- OUT OUT OUT OUT AIN4DAIN4AIN4+ AIN4D+ OUT OUT OUT OUT AIN5DAIN5AIN5+ AIN5D+ Maxim Integrated 27 5 4 3 2 J27 IN 5 4 3 2 J28 AGND AIN2.4+ AIN2.4- AIN2.3+ AIN2.3- J29 5 4 3 2 IN IN IN AIN2.2- 5 4 3 2 J30 AGND AIN2.2+ IN AGND AIN2.1+ AIN2.1- 11 IN IN IN AGND 1 1 1 TP45 AIN2.4+ TP44 AIN2.4- TP43 AIN2.3+ AGND AIN2.3- TP42 TP41 AIN2.2+ AGND TP37 AGND TP40 AIN2.2- TP39 AGND AIN2.1+ TP35 1 11 TP36 TP38 AIN2.1- 1 3 1 3 AGND 1M AGND R25 4 2 2 4 R27 1M 2 4 R26 1M R23 1M AGND R24 1M 3 1 J32 AGND R22 1M AGND R21 1M 4 3 AGND 2 1 J31 2 4 AGND 2 4 R20 AGND 1M 3 AGND 1 3 4 J34 2 AGND 1 3 .1% 1K R33 1K .1% R31 1 3 .1% 1K .1% R30 1 4 J33 2 1K R32 1K .1% R29 1K .1% R28 AGND C35 0.01UF AGND C34 0.01UF VEE VEE IN 3 2 R36 IN+ N.C. VEE IN OUT N.C. R37 OUT N.C. VCC INSHDN IN+ N.C. VEE 6 AGND 0 R38 R39 VCC MAX9632AUA+ U12 1K .1% R35 0.01UF C37 AGND VCC MAX9632AUA+ 6 0 U11 1K .1% R34 C36 0.01UF VCC INSHDN IN VCC IN 3 2 VCC 7 4 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 AGND 1UF C39 IN 0 AGND C38 1UF IN 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 J36 2 4 6 8 TP51 IN 1 1K .1% 1 R43 1.5K R44 JUMPER J38 0.1% R45 1.5K JUMPER J37 0.1% 1K .1% R42 VEE IN 1K R41 1K .1% R40 .1% VEE TP50 C45 0.1UF IN TP49 TP48 VREF 2 4 6 8 AGND 1UF C43 IN C44 0.1UF VREF AGND J35 AGND C42 1UF TP46 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 C41 0.1UF C40 0.1UF 2 2 1K .1% R47 .1% 1K R46 C47 AGND 0.01UF 3 2 VCC AGND C46 0.01UF 3 2 VCC R50 IN+ N.C. VEE C48 R51 IN+ N.C. VEE IN VEE U14 MAX9632AUA+ AGND 6 0 MAX9632AUA+ VEE OUT N.C. VCC INSHDN IN 1K .1% R49 0.01UF IN 0 AGND 6 U13 OUT N.C. VCC INSHDN IN 1K .1% R48 C49 0.01UF 7 4 7 8 5 8 5 1 1 7 4 8 5 8 5 4 R53 IN 10PPM 0.1% VCC 10 AGND 1UF C51 10 AGND C50 1UF IN 10PPM 0.1% R52 VCC C53 0.1UF C52 0.1UF 1UF OUT AGND C55 VEE AIN2BN C57 VEE 0.1UF IN AIN2BP C56 0.1UF OUT AGND C54 1UF IN MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic (continued) Maxim Integrated 28 AIN3.4+ IN IN IN AIN3.3+ AIN3.4- IN IN AIN3.2+ AIN3.3- IN IN IN AIN3.2- AIN3.1+ AIN3.1- TP52 AGND TP63 AGND AIN3.4- TP62 TP61 AIN3.3+ AGND AIN3.4+ TP53 AIN3.3- TP60 TP59 AIN3.2+ AIN3.2- TP58 TP57 AGND AIN3.1+ TP54 1 3 1 3 3 4 3 AGND R59 1M AGND AGND 2 R58 1M R60 1M 2 4 R61 1M 2 4 R57 1M 1 J40 AGND R56 1M AGND R55 1M AGND 2 4 1 J39 R54 1M 2 4 AGND 2 4 AGND 3 4 AGND 1 3 .1% 1K R66 .1% .1% 1 3 4 J42 2 AGND 1 3 .1% 1K R67 1K .1% R65 1K .1% 1 2 R64 J41 1K R63 1K R62 AGND C59 0.01UF AGND C58 0.01UF IN+ N.C. VEE 3 2 IN+ N.C. VEE IN AGND VEE MAX9632AUA+ 6 VCC AGND R71 0 U16 OUT N.C. VCC INSHDN IN VEE 1K .1% R69 0.01UF C61 IN 6 VCC MAX9632AUA+ U15 R70 0 1K .1% R68 OUT N.C. VCC INSHDN VCC 3 2 IN VCC 7 4 TP56 1 1 AIN3.1- C60 0.01UF 8 5 8 5 R80 0 C63 1UF IN R72 C62 1UF IN AGND 0 AGND C65 0.1UF C64 0.1UF 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 TP67 TP69 TP68 VREF 2 4 6 8 C67 1UF IN IN 1K 1 .1% 1K R84 1K R83 1 C68 0.1UF .1% 1K R82 R81 VEE C69 0.1UF IN TP66 VREF AGND 2 4 6 8 AGND J44 TP65 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 AGND J43 TP64 1 3 5 7 AGND C66 1UF R85 VEE 1.5K JUMPER J46 0.1% R86 .1% IN JUMPER J45 0.1% 1.5K .1% 2 2 1K R88 .1% AGND C71 3 2 IN .1% IN+ N.C. VEE C73 1K R90 0.01UF .1% IN+ N.C. VEE 0 IN VEE MAX9632AUA+ U18 AGND 6 VEE R92 OUT N.C. VCC INSHDN IN AGND 6 MAX9632AUA+ U17 R91 0 OUT N.C. VCC INSHDN IN 0.01UF C70 VCC AGND 0.01UF 1K R87 .1% 3 2 VCC 1K R89 C72 0.01UF 7 4 7 1 1 7 4 8 5 8 5 4 10PPM 0.1% R94 10 VCC 10PPM 0.1% R93 10 VCC AGND C75 1UF IN AGND C74 1UF IN C77 0.1UF AGND C76 0.1UF IN VEE AIN3BN C81 0.1UF OUT AGND C79 1UF VEE AIN3BP AGND C80 0.1UF OUT AGND C78 1UF IN MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic (continued) Maxim Integrated 29 IN IN REFP REFN 10K R95 0.1% 10K R96 0.1% OUT C82 0.1UF VOCM 5 4 3 2 J47 1 5 4 3 2 J48 AGND 1 AGND 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 1 1 IN IN AIN5- IN IN AIN5+ AIN4- AIN4+ AIN5- AGND 1 3 AIN5+ TP74 AIN4- AGND 1 3 AIN4+ TP73 TP75 TP71 TP70 TP72 2 4 3 J50 4 3 1 2 J49 1 2 4 2 4 R100 VOCM R99 R98 VOCM R97 1K IN 1K AGND 1K AGND C83 0.1UF IN 1K 0.1UF C84 10 1 12 10 1 12 R101 C86 EP IN+ R102 C88 C87 C92 C91 R103 AGND VCLPL VS- SHDN EP IN+ U20 OUTGND OUT+ 1K 4700PF 4700PF R104 C90 IN AGND C89 AGND VCLPL VS- -5V -5V 6 4 MAX44205 IN 4700PF 4 6 +5V 4700PF 4700PF 1K IN AGND 4700PF VS+ VCLPH NC VOCM IN- OUTGND 1K +5V U19 IN MAX44205 OUT+ 1K 4700PF VS+ VCLPH NC VOCM IN- SHDN 2 4700PF 3 C85 9 9 13 11 5 5 13 11 8 2 7 3 7 8 +5V +5V IN IN IN OUT OUT IN AGND C94 1UF IN OUT OUT IN AGND C93 1UF VCLPL AIN5BP AIN5BN VCLPH 0.1UF C96 VCLPL AIN4BP AIN4BN VCLPH 0.1UF C95 AGND C98 1UF AGND C97 1UF IN 0.1UF C99 IN 0.1UF C100 -5V -5V MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic (continued) Maxim Integrated 30 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN AIN1D+ AIN1D- AIN2D+ AIN2BP AIN2BN AIN2D- AIN3D+ AIN3BP AIN3BN AIN3D- AIN4D+ AIN4BP AIN4BN AIN4D- +3.3V IN IN IN IN IN AIN0D- AIN5D+ AIN5BP AIN5BN AIN5D- IN AIN0D+ IN C1 AGND 0.1UF AGND C2 0.1UF 1UF C4 C5 1UF AGND 0.1UF C7 C8 0.1UF C9 2 4 6 8 0.1UF 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 C6 J7 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 1UF 1 3 5 7 J6 J5 2 4 6 8 C3 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 0.1UF 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 J4 4 1 3 4 1 3 10 U9 0.1% IN NR 2 1 GND EN GND FILTER IN U7 AGND OUTF OUTS AGND OUTF OUTS MAX6070AAUT18+ EN FILTER IN MAX6070AAUT30+ U8 AGND C15 5 6 5 6 7 OUT TP16 OUT OUT TP17 OUT C17 AGND 4.7UF AGND AIN5N AIN5P AGND AIN4N AGND 4.7UF C18 AGND AIN3N AIN3P AGND AIN2N AIN2P AIN1N AIN1P AGND AIN0N AIN0P AIN4P AGND C16 4.7UF TP18 OUT 3300PF TP12 OUTF OUT 3300PF C14 TP11 6 OUT 3300PF TP10 TP9 OUT OUT TP15 C13 TP8 TP7 TP6 OUT 3300PF C12 TP4 TP5 OUT TP13 3300PF C11 TP2 TP3 OUT 3300PF C10 TP1 OUTS MAX6126AASA30 10PPM R14 10 0.1% 10PPM R13 0.1% 10 10PPM R12 10 0.1% 10PPM R11 0.1% 10 10PPM R10 10 0.1% 10PPM R9 0.1% 10 10 10PPM R8 R5 0.1% 10PPM 49.9 0.1% 10PPM R4 0.1% 10PPM R3 49.9 0.1% 49.9 49.9 10PPM R2 0.1% 3V_VREF 3 JMP1 RSTB DVDD OUT AVSS 1.8V_VREF 1 C19 0.1UF AIN1N AIN1P AIN2N AIN2P AIN3N AIN3P AIN4N AIN4P AGND R15 10K 3V_VREF OUT OUT IN IN VREF DVDD AVSS AIN5N AIN5P IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN AIN0N AIN0P +1.8V AGND C20 1UF TP19 IN IN IN IN IN IN C21 0.1UF AIN1P AIN2N AIN2P AIN3N AIN3P AIN4N AIN4P EP 12 13 14 15 16 33 C22 0.1UF AIN1N 9 11 3 4 5 AGND TP20 AVDD 10 J10 OUT C24 1000PF U1 V+ V+ AGND EP IN OUT LTC6930HDCB-8.19 J11 1 25 CAPREG GPIO1/SYNC 3 26 10 27 IN IN 29 AGND 28 R202 REFP AVSS J14 GPOGND GPO1 GPO0 GPIO0_CLK GPIO1_SYNC J15 IN OUT OUT GPO1 REFP_F OUT AGND TP29 REFP J17 GPO0 SYNC DVDD AVSS AVDD SCLK RDYB IN IN IN IN IN REFP_S IN REFP_F IN C31 0.1UF 2 AGND IN -1.8V AGND C30 1UF J16 2 AGND EXT_CLK TP27 TP26 TP25 TP24 TP23 1.0UF C29 RSTB 0.1UF C28 OUT OUT REFN_S RSTB 31 DOUT IN IN AGND TP22 AVSS DVDD 32 30 DIN CSB 2 J13 J12 DGND 7 U10 2 TP28 1 3 IN C27 0.1UF OUT MAX11254ETJ+ GND GND DIVC DIVB DIVA C23 0.1UF C25 0.01UF REFN +1.8V AGND C26 1UF +3.3V TP21 AGND C32 4.7UF OUT C33 0.1UF TP30 OUT IN IN IN IN DIN CSB DOUT AVDD VREF 2 1 3 +2V/+3.3V 1 3 1 3 10PPM R1 GND GNDS 3 4 I.C. I.C. 5 8 2 2 2 4 8 AIN0P AIN5N 17 6 REFN CAPN 19 1 GPOGND 21 7 AIN0N AIN5P 18 3 AVDD GPO1 2 SCLK GPIO0_CLK 22 5 REFP CAPP 20 2 4 AVSS 24 23 9 8 6 1 RDYB GPO0 1 3 2 AGND TP33 J24 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic (continued) Maxim Integrated 31 CSB SCLK DIN DOUT RSTB SYNC EXT_CLK RDYB IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AGND AGND J51 RSTB SYNC EXT_CLK RDYB CSB SCLK DIN DOUT IN OUT OUT OUT IN OUT OUT OUT R117 R116 R111 R112 R105 R114 R113 R115 TP76 28 28 28 28 VDD 28 28 28 28 VDD AGND OUT IN IN IN VDD IN AGND C114 1UF VDD GNDBGNDB INB1 OUTB3 OUTB2 AGND 10 14 13 12 11 AGND GNDAGNDA ENA OUTA1 INA3 INA2 INA1 GND_FPGA IN VDDIO IN IN IN OUT VDDIO OUT IN IN IN VDDIO GND_FPGA 1UF IN 0.1UF 3 4 5 6 7 IN VDDIO C120 IN C122 3 4 5 6 7 MAX14935CAWE+ U6 GNDBGNDB INB1 OUTB3 ENA GND_FPGA VDDA OUTB2 INA3 INA2 INA1 GNDAGNDA VDDB OUTB1 ENB 1UF 0.1UF GND_FPGA C121 C119 MAX14935CAWE+ U5 OUTA1 VDDA J52 VDDB OUTB1 ENB C117 0.1UF 10 14 13 12 11 C116 0.1UF IN C118 0.1UF +3.3V AGND 1UF C113 AGND C115 4.7UF 1 3 15 VDD 2 9 IN 9 16 15 DVDD 16 2 TP77 1 8 1 8 2 RSTB_FPGA SYNC_FPGA EXT_CLK_FPGA RDYB_FPGA CSB_FPGA SCLK_FPGA DIN_FPGA DOUT_FPGA MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic (continued) Maxim Integrated 32 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic (continued) 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 H21 H22 H23 H24 H25 H26 H27 H28 H29 H30 H31 H32 H33 H34 H35 H36 H37 H38 H39 H40 R150 R142 28 28 R151 R143 28 28 R144 28 R145 28 R152 28 R153 28 R156 DOUT_FPGA EXT_CLK_FPGA VDDIO C125 0.1UF C124 1UF 28 R159 28 R160 28 IN DIN_FPGA SYNC_FPGA 28 R158 R149 OUT 28 R157 28 CSB_FPGA 28 28 R148 OUT OUT R155 R147 RDYB_FPGA RSTB_FPGA IN 28 28 SYNC_CLK_IN SYNC_CLK_OUT OUT OUT R154 R146 IN OUT GND_FPGA 28 R161 5 4 3 28 SO_EEPROM_FPGA 3V3_FPGA IN GND_FPGA OUT SO_EEPROM_FPGA J55 GND_FPGA PBC06SAAN GND_FPGA J53 ASP-134604-01 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 R139 R140 R141 VDDIO 28 28 28 OUT SCLK_FPGA C126 1000PF 74LVC2G125DP U21 TP79 VCC J54 SYNC_CLK_IN 1 1 5 4 3 2 R162 1 2 1OE 7 5 2OE 1A GND_FPGA 1Y 6 2Y 3 R165 R164 GND_FPGA 1 SYNC_CLK_IN_SPLIT J56 1 49.9 5 C127 1000PF 74LVC2G125DP SYNC_CLK_OUT R163 0 U22 1OE 7 5 2OE 1A 2A 1Y 6 2Y 3 GND 2 C129 0.1UF R166 J57 1 1 GND_FPGA TP80 49.9 5 4 3 2 3 2 GND SYNC_CLK_OUT R167 VADJ 3 GND_FPGA VCC 1 2 4 GND_FPGA 5V_TTL TP78 SYNC_CLK_IN OUT GND GND_FPGA IN SYNC_CLK_IN 0 2A 49.9 SYNC_CLK_OUT C128 0.1UF 2 3 4 5 4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 G19 G20 G21 G22 G23 G24 G25 G26 G27 G28 G29 G30 G31 G32 G33 G34 G35 G36 G37 G38 G39 G40 2 3 4 5 3 8 2 3 4 1 2 8 1 J58 4 +12V_FPGA 1 DO DI 1 2 3 4 5 6 IN 5 4 3 2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 CLK GND_FPGA C123 1UF J53 ASP-134604-01 VCC CS VSS VADJ GND_FPGA GND_FPGA U23 93LC66BT-I/OT 6 1 1 1 49.9 5 4 2 3 4 5 3V3_FPGA J53 ASP-134604-01 2 J53 ASP-134604-01 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 D32 D33 D34 D35 D36 D37 D38 D39 D40 SYNC_CLK_OUT GND_FPGA GND_FPGA Maxim Integrated 33 11 8 GND_FPGA 5 4 3 2 1 10118192-0001LF J59 MICRO-USB 10 7 11 10 9 9 6 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 2 600 1 R168 28 +5V_USB +5V_USB R169 28 OUT IN GND_FPGA R171 10K R170 15K R173 2.2K R172 10K 3V3_USB L1 IN 3V3_USB DO VSS VCC CS DI CLK IN C132 0.1UF 5 4 3 C134 18PF C133 18PF 12K R174 GND_FPGA IN 6 OSCO TEST 13 OSCI EEDATA EECLK EECS RESET# REF 3 2 63 62 61 14 DP DM VREGOUT 49 7 8 VREGIN 50 GND_FPGA C138 0.1UF GND_FPGA Y1 12MHZ C136 4.7UF IN 3V3_USB GND_FPGA U24 93LC66BT-I/OT GND_FPGA GND_FPGA C130 4.7UF IN C131 4.7UF GND_FPGA IN GND_FPGA 1 +1.8V_USB 3V3_USB 6 4 9 VPHY GND_FPGA PWREN# BCBUS7 BCBUS6 BCBUS5 BCBUS4 BCBUS3 BCBUS2 BCBUS1 BCBUS0 BDBUS7 BDBUS6 BDBUS5 BDBUS4 BDBUS3 BDBUS2 BDBUS1 BDBUS0 ACBUS7 ACBUS6 ACBUS5 ACBUS4 ACBUS3 ACBUS2 ACBUS1 ACBUS0 ADBUS7 ADBUS6 ADBUS5 ADBUS4 ADBUS3 ADBUS2 ADBUS1 ADBUS0 60 36 48 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 U25 FT2232HL C142 0.1UF 3V3_USB C141 0.1UF IN GND_FPGA C140 0.1UF SUSPEND# AGND VPLL 10 2 C139 0.1UF GND C143 0.1UF R180 10K R175 C137 0.1UF VCORE GND 10K R176 10K R177 10K 4.7K GND_FPGA R181 C135 0.1UF VCORE GND 10K R178 10K R179 10K R183 ONE CAPACITOR PER EACH POWER PIN VCCIO GND 10K R182 IN 10K DS1 R185 10K R184 +1.8V_USB VCCIO GND GND 1 12 37 64 VCORE GND 2 20 31 42 56 VCCIO VCCIO GND 1 5 11 15 25 35 47 51 3V3_USB 10K R186 K A GREEN R74 R188 28 28 R73 28 7 8 9 10 11 12 28 R76 R77 R78 R79 28 28 28 28 R75 J1-3 J1-4 J1-5 J1-6 J1-8 J1-9 J1-10 J1-11 J1-12 IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT OUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 SYNC_FPGA IN IN IN IN IN GND_FPGA RSTB_FPGA RDYB_FPGA SCLK_FPGA DIN_FPGA DOUT_FPGA CSB_FPGA GND_FPGA J1-1 J1-2 J1-7 J60 PMOD HEADER DNI R190 28 28 28 R189 IN 3V3_FPGA R187 IN IN RSTB_FPGA RDYB_FPGA CSB_FPGA DIN_FPGA DOUT_FPGA SCLK_FPGA 3V3_FPGA MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic (continued) Maxim Integrated 34 EXT_+12V GND_FPGA IN J61 KLDX-0202-B 3 2 3 2 1 1 TP81 C144 1UF C147 0.1UF GND_FPGA GND_FPGA C145 1UF C146 0.1UF GND_FPGA GND_FPGA DC IN 1 2 D1 C A IN IN GND EP NC OUT OUT U26 MAX15006BATT+ GREEN DS2 MBR0520L A GND RESET SETOV OUT EP TIMEOUT GND_FPGA SET ENABLE U27 MAX16910CATA9+ IN 5 6 R191 20K K DNI C189 200MA C148 10UF OUT J63 2 1 JUMPER C149 10UF 1 GND TP82 JUMPER J64 OUT 5V_TTL 2 OUT 165K R193 R192 750K VDDIO C151 0.47UF 5V_TTL C150 4.7UF TERM_BLK IN EXT_+12V 3 R195 1K J65 2 EN CLK ITH 3 5 A 4 U28 MAX13256ATB+ 3V3_USB 1 1 K 2 GND1 7 VDD1 GND2 9 VDD2 -5V 8 ST2 6 10 ST1 FAULT EP 11 1 2 4 7 2 4 4 IN C153 1UF VCC 8 5 6 C152 1UF 5 6 7 +5V IN TGM-H240V8LF 1:1:1.3:1.3 5 6 3 T1 TGM-H240V8LF 8 8 1 3 2 1 C154 1UF D3 BAS4002A-RPP NR/SS EN IN D2 BAS4002A-RPP 4 BP GND NC 6 38.3K 0.01UF 73.2K R196 C162 R197 AGND R203 1 50V 1 1 50V C165 0.01UF C159 0.01UF J8 R204 L5 33UH L4 33UH L3 33UH 50V 2 C164 4.7UF 2 TP84 R205 2 50V C163 4.7UF 2 C166 0.1UF 10UF C161 OUT AGND C167 0.1UF 2 4 AGND TP85 C169 4.7UF C170 4.7UF OUT AGND TP89 -1.8V TP88 -1.8V +1.8V JUMPER ON: +2V OFF: +3.3V C160 10UF OUT C168 0.1UF 2 4 +2V/+3.3V 3 TP87 2 4 1 J66 2 4 3 J67 1 +2V/+3.3V 50MA 1 3 1 3 TP86 +15V_EXT -15V_EXT TP83 XPL2010-333ML L2 33UH C158 4.7UF 1 C157 4.7UF 6 5 C185 OUT MAX8840ELT18+ U30 AGND SHDN 2 FB OUT GND EP NC 3 FB AGND IN IN IN 1 3 4 U29 MAX15006CATT+ 4 3 1 1 2 OUT U31 TPS7A3001DGN IN C155 0.1UF 1 2 2 1 ~ D1 J62 7 3 ~ D3 C171 VEE VCC VCC IN IN IN C172 0.01UF 0.01UF NR/SS EN IN NR/SS EN C186 C173 1UF 1UF FB OUT 0.1UF C187 C176 0.1UF 1 2 1 2 IN IN GND EP NC NR/SS EN OUT OUT GND EP NC OUT OUT U36 MAX15006AATT+ IN IN 1 2 OUT FB AGND TP90 25V C181 10UF 0.01UF 73.2K R7 237K AGND C188 10UF TP14 AGND C182 10UF TP92 10UF C183 OUT C184 0.1UF 6 4 2 6 4 2 -5V +3.3V +5V J69 OUT AGND TP31 +3.3V 50MA AGND OUT 5 3 1 AGND TP94 2 4 AGND 2 4 3 J68 1 5 3 1 AGND 1 3 TP93 +5V 50MA 25V C180 10UF TP91 +12V_EXT C179 R6 5 6 5 6 -12V_EXT 50MA 73.2K 0.01UF 681K 73.2K 0.01UF 681K U35 MAX15006BATT+ AGND R201 C178 R200 R199 C177 R198 U34 TPS7A3001DGN IN 2 8 5 6 1 FB 2 1 OUT U33 TPS7A3001DGN IN C174 1UF 8 5 6 8 5 6 U32 TPS7A4901DGN DNC DNC DS3 RED LS L29K-G1J2-1-Z C156 0.01UF D2 D4 GND GND R194 20K GND 0.01UF - DNC 123K + 4 2 73.2K EP EP IN NC 4 3 7 9 EP 7 3 5 73.2K NC 4 3 7 9 NC 4 3 7 9 C175 0.01UF 4 +12V_FPGA GND ~ NC D1 7 3 ~ 4 D2 7 3 D3 DNC + EP D4 4 3 7 9 TP95 AGND TP96 -5V VEE VCC 150MA OUT OUT MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX1153/MAX11254 Family EV Kit Schematic (continued) Maxim Integrated 35 Evaluates: MAX11253/MAX11254 MAX11253/MAX11254 Family Evaluation Kit Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGES CHANGED 0 4/15 Initial release 1 5/15 Added the MAX11253 EV kit to data sheet 1-22 2 4/18 Updated PCB layout diagrams, schematic, and bill of materials 21-35 DESCRIPTION -- For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated's website at Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (c) 2018 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. 36 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Maxim Integrated: MAX11254EVKIT#