Austin Semiconductor, Inc.
Rev. 4.0 6/01
Austin Semiconductor, Inc. reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.
Chip Erase Command
Chip-erase is a six-bus-cycle command sequence. The first
three bus cycles put the device into the erase-setup state. The
next two bus cycles unlock the erase mode. The sixth bus cycle
loads the chip erase command. This command sequence is
required to ensure that the memory contents are not erased
accidentally. The rising edge of WE\ starts the chip erase op-
eration. Any further commands written to the device during
the chip erase operation is ignored.
The embedded chip erase function automatically provides
voltage and timings needed to program and verify all the memory
cells prior to electrical erase. It then erases and verifies the cell
margin automatically. The user is not required to program the
memory cells prior to erase. The status of the device during the
automatic chip erase operation can be monitored for comple-
tion using the data-polling feature. See the "operation status"
section for a full description.
Sector-Erase Command
Sector erase is a six-bus-cycle command sequence. The
first three bus cycles put the device into the erase-setup state.
The next two bus cycles unlock the erase mode. The sixth bus
cycle loads the sector erase command and the sector address
location to be erased. Any address location within the desired
sector can be used. The addresses are latched on the falling
edge of WE\ in the sixth bus cycle. After a delay of 100-ms
from the rising edge of WE\, the sector erase operation begins
in the selected source.
Sectors can be selected to be erased concurrently during
the sector-erase command sequence. For each additional sec-
tor selected for erase, another bus cycle is issued. The bus
cycle loads the next sector-address location and the sector-
erase command. The time between the end of the previous bus
cycle and the start of the next bus cycle must be less than 100
ms-other wise, the new sector location is not loaded. A time
delay of 100 ms from the raising edge of the last WE\ starts the
sector erase operation. If there is a falling edge of WE\ within
the 100 ms time delay , the timer is reset.
One to eight sector address locations can be loaded in any
order . The state of the delay timer can be monitored using the
sector-erase-delay indicator (DQ3). If DQ3 is logic low , the time
delay has not expired. See the “operation status” for the full
Any commands other than erase-suspend (B0) or sector
erase (30) written to the device during the sector erase opera-
tion causes the device to exit the sector erase mode. The con-
tents of the sector(s) selected for erase is not valid. To com-
plete the sector-erase operation, reissue the sector erase com-
The embedded sector erase function automatically
provides voltage and timings needed to program and verify all
the memory cells prior to electrical erase and then erases and
verifies the cell margin automatically. The user is not required
to program the memory cells prior to erase. The status of the
device during the automatic sector erase operation can be moni-
tored for completion using the data-polling feature or the toggle
bit feature. See the "operation status" section for a full de-
Erase-Suspend Command
Sector-erase operations may be interrupted by the erase-
suspend command (B0) , in order to read data from an unaltered
sectors of the device. Erase-suspend is a one-bus-cycle com-
mand. The addresses can be VIL or VIH and the erase-suspend
command (B0) is latched on the rising edge of WE\. Once the
sector-erase operation is in progress, the erase-suspend com-
mand request the internal write-state-machine to halt operation
at predetermined break points. The erase-suspend command is
valid only during the sector-erase operation and is valid only
during the byte-programming and chip-erase operations. The
sector-erase delay timer expires immediately if the erase-sus-
pend command is issued while the delay is active.
After erase-suspend is issued, the device takes between
0.1ms and 15 ms to suspend the operation. The toggle bit must
be monitored to determine when the suspend has been ex-
ecuted. When the toggle bit stops toggling, data can be read
from sectors that are not selected for erase. See the “operation
status” section for a full definition. Reading from a sector
marked for erase can result in invalid data.
Once the sector-erase operation is suspended, further
writes of the erase-suspend command are ignored. Any com-
mand other than erase-suspend (B0) or erase-resume (30H)
written to the device during the erase-suspend mode causes
the device to exit the suspend mode. To complete the sector-
erase operation, reissue the sector-erase command sequence.
Erase-Resume Command
The erase-resume command (30H) restarts a suspended
sector erase operation from where it was halted to completion.
Erase-resume is a one-bus-cycle command. The addresses can
be VIL or VIH and the erase-resume command (30H) is latched
on the rising edge of WE\. When an erase-suspend/ erase-
resume command combination is written, the internal pulse
counter (exceed timing limit) is reset. The erase-resume com-
mand is valid only in the erase-suspend state. After the erase-
resume command is executed, the device returns to the valid
sector-erase state and further writes of the erase-resume com-
mands are ignored. After the device has resumed the sector-
erase operation, another erase-resume command can be issued
to the device.