Industrial & Multimarket
Data Sheet
2.1, 2011-09-19
n-Channel Power MOSFET
Final Data Sheet 1 2.1, 2011-09-19
1 Description
OptiMOS™25V products are class leading power MOSFETs for highest power
density and energy efficient solutions. Ultra low gate- and output charges together
with lowest on state resistance in small footprint packages make OptiMOS™ 25V
the best choice for the demanding requirements of voltage regulator solutions in
Servers, Datacom and Telecom applications. Super fast switching Control FETs
together with low EMI Sync FETs provide solutions that are easy to design in.
OptiMOS™ products are available in high performance packages to tackle your
most challenging applications giving full flexibility in optimizing space, efficiency
and cost. OptiMOS™ products are designed to meet and exceed the energy
efficiency and power density requirements of the sharpened next generation
voltage regulation standards in computing applications.
Optimized for high performance buck converters
100% avalanche tested
Very low on-resistance RDS(on) @ VGS=4.5V
Qualified according to JEDEC1) for target applications
Superior thermal resistance
Pb-free plating; RoHS compliant
Halogen-free according to IEC61249-2-21
On board powe r fo r ser v e r
Power managment for high performance computing
Synchronous rectification
High power density point of load converters
1) J-STD20 and JESD22
Table 1 Key Performance Parameters
Parameter Value Unit Related Links
VDS 25 V IFX OptiMOS webpage
RDS(on),max 1mΩIFX OptiMOS product brief
ID100 A IFX OptiMOS spice models
QOSS 33 nC IFX Design tools
Qg.typ 64
Type Package Marking
Final Data Sheet 2 2.1, 2011-09-19
2Maximum ratings
at Tj = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified.
3 Thermal characteristics
Table 2 Maximum ratings
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Continuous drain current ID--100 AVGS=10 V, TC=25 °C
100 VGS=10 V, TC=100 °C
100 VGS=4.5 V, TC=25 °C
100 VGS=4.5 V, TC=100 °C
39 VGS=10 V, TA=25 °C,
RthJA=50 K/W1))
1) Device on 40 mm x 40 mm x 1.5 mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6 cm2 (one layer, 70 µm thick) copp er area for drain
connection. PCB is vertical in still air.
Pulsed drain current2)
2) See figure 3 for more detailed information
ID,pulse --400 TC=25 °C
Avalanche current, single pulse3)
3) See figure 13 for more detailed information
IAS --50
Avalanche energy, single pulse EAS --190 mJID=50 A,RGS=25 Ω
Gate source voltage VGS -20 - 20 V
Power dissipation Ptot --96 WTC=25 °C
2.5 TA=25 °C, RthJA=50 K/W1))
Operating and storage temperature Tj,Tstg -55 - 150 °C
IEC climatic category; DIN IEC 68-1 55/150/56
Table 3 Thermal characteristics
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note /
Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Thermal resistance, junction - case RthJC --1.3K/W
20 top
Device on PCB RthJA --50 6 cm
2 cooling area1)
1) Device on 40 mm x 40 mm x 1.5 mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6 cm2 (o ne layer, 70 µm thick) copper a rea for drai n
connection. PCB is vertical in still air
Electrical characteristics
Final Data Sheet 3 2.1, 2011-09-19
4 Electrical characteristics
Electrical characteristics, at Tj=25 °C, unless otherwise specified.
Table 4 Static characteristics
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Drain-source breakdown voltage V(BR)DSS 25 - - V VGS=0 V, ID=1 mA
Gate threshold voltage VGS(th) 1.2 - 2 VDS=VGS, ID=250 µA
Zero gate voltage drain current IDSS -0.110µAVDS=25 V, VGS=0 V,
Tj=25 °C
- 10 100 VDS=25 V, VGS=0 V,
Tj=125 °C
Gate-source leakage current IGSS - 10 100 nA VGS=20V, VDS=0 V
Drain-source on-state resistance RDS(on) -1.11.3mΩVGS=4.5 V, ID=30A,
-0.81 VGS=10 V, ID=30 A,
Gate resistance RG-0.6-Ω
Transconductance gfs 85 170 - S |VDS|>2|ID|RDS(on)max,
ID=30 A
Table 5 Dyn ami c ch a r acte ris tic s
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note /
Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input capacitance Ciss -4700-pFVGS=0 V, VDS=12 V,
f=1 MHz
Output capacitance Coss -1700-
Reverse transfer capacitance Crss -180-
Turn-on dela y time td(on) -6.7-nsVDD=12 V, VGS=10V,
ID=30 A, RG=1.6 Ω
Rise time tr-6-
Turn-off delay time td(off) -34-
Fall time tf-4.4-
Electrical characteristics
Final Data Sheet 4 2.1, 2011-09-19
Table 6 Gate charge characteristics1)
1) See figure 16 for gate charge parameter definition
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note /
Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Gate to sour ce charge Qgs -11-nCVDD=12 V,
ID=30 A,
VGS=0 to 4.5 V
Gate charge at threshold Qg(th) -7.5-
Gate to drain charge Qgd -6.8-
Switching charge Qsw -10-
Gate charge total Qg-31
Gate plateau voltage Vplateau -2.4-V
Gate charge total Qg-64-nCVDD=12 V,
ID=30 A,
VGS=0 to 10V
Gate charge total, sync. FET Qg(sync) -27- VDS=0.1 V,
VGS=0 to 4.5 V
Output charge Qoss -33- VDD=12 V, VGS=0 V
Table 7 Reverse diode characteristics
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note /
Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Diode continuous forward current Is--96ATC=25 °C
Diode pulse current IS,pulse --400
Diode forward voltage VSD -0.81VVGS=0 V, IF=30 A,
Tj=25 °C
Reverse reco very charge Qrr -20-nCVR=15 V, IF=Is,
dIF/dt=400 A/µs
Electrical characteristics diagrams
Final Data Sheet 5 2.1, 2011-09-19
5 Electrical characteristics diagrams
Table 8
1 Power dissipation 2 Drain current
Ptot = f(TC) ID=f(TC); parameter:VGS
Table 9
3 Safe operating area TC=25 °C 4 Max. transient thermal impedance
ID=f(VDS); TC=25 °C; D=0; parameter: Tp Z(thJC)=f(tp); parameter: D=tp/T
Electrical characteristics diagrams
Final Data Sheet 6 2.1, 2011-09-19
Table 10
5 Typ. output characteristics TC=25 °C 6 Typ. drain-source on-state resistance
ID=f(VDS); Tj=25 °C; parameter: VGS RDS(on)=f(ID); Tj=25 °C; parameter: VGS
Table 11
7 Typ. transfer characteristics 8 Typ. forward transconductance
ID=f(VGS); |VDS|>2|ID|RDS(on)max gfs=f(ID); Tj=25 °C
Electrical characteristics diagrams
Final Data Sheet 7 2.1, 2011-09-19
Table 12
9 Drain-sour ce on-s ta te resistance 10 Typ. gate th re s hold voltage
RDS(on)=f(Tj); ID=30 A; VGS=10 V VGS(th)=f(Tj); VGS=VDS; ID=250 µA
Table 13
11 Typ. capacitances 12 Forward characteristics of reverse diode
C=f(VDS); VGS=0 V; f=1 MHz IF=f(VSD); parameter: Tj
Electrical characteristics diagrams
Final Data Sheet 8 2.1, 2011-09-19
Table 14
13 Avalanche characteristics 14 Typ. gate charge
IAS=f(tAV); RGS=25 Ω; parameter: Tj(start) VGS=f(Qgate); ID=30 A pulsed; parameter: VDD
Table 15
15 Drain-source breakdown voltage 16 Gate charge waveforms
VBR(DSS)=f(Tj); ID=1 mA
Package outline
Final Data Sheet 9 2.1, 2011-09-19
6 Package outline
Figure 1 Outlines PG-TDSON-8, dimen sions in mm/inches
Package outline
Final Data Sheet 10 2.1, 2011-09-19
Figure 2 Outlines PG-TDSON-8 tape, dimension in mm/inches
Revision History
Final Data Sheet 11 2.1, 2011-09-19
7 Revision History
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Edition 2011-09-19
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
81726 Munich, Germany
© 2011 Infineon Technologies AG
All Rights Reserved.
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The Infineon Technologies component described in this Data Sheet may be used in life-support devices or
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Revision History: 2011-09-19, 2.1
Previous Revision:
Revision Subjects (major changes since last revision)
0.2 Release of Target Data Sheet
1.0 Release of Preliminary Data Sheet
2.0 Release of Final Data Sheet
2.1 Update VGS(th)