Edition 2.1
1. Referenced to VSS.
2. ICC depends on the output load conditions and cycle rates;
specified values are obtained with the output open. ICC
depends on the number of address change as RAS = VIL,
CAS = VIH and VIL > –0.3V.
ICC1, ICC3, Icc4 and ICC5 are specified at one time of address
nge during RAS = VIL and CAS = VIH. ICC2 is specified
during RAS = VIH and VIL > –0.3V.
3. An initial pause (RAS = CAS = VIH) of 200µs is required after
power-up followed by any eight RAS–only cycles before
proper device operation is achieved. In case of using internal
refresh counter, a minimum of eight CAS-before-RAS initiali-
zation cycles instead of 8 RAS cycles are required.
4. AC characteristics assume tT = 5ns.
5. VIH (min) and VIL (max) are reference levels for measuring tim-
ing of input signals. Also transition times are measured be-
tween VIH (min) and VIL (max).
6. Assumes that tRCD ≤ tRCD (max), tRAD ≤ tRAD (max). If tRCD is
greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this
table, tRAC will be increased by the amount that tRCD exceeds
the value shown. Refer to Fig.2 and 3.
7. If tRCD ≥ tRCD (max), tRAD ≥ tRAD (max), and tASC ≥ tAA
–tCAC–tT, access time is tCAC.
8. If tRAD ≥ tRAD (max) and tASC ≤ tAA –tCAC– tT, access time is
9. Measured with a load equivalent to two TTL loads and 100pF.
10. tOFF and tOEZ is specified that output buffer change to high
impedance state.
1 1. Operation within the t RCD (max) limit ensures that tRAC (max)
can be met. tRCD (max) is specified as a reference point only; if
D is greater than the specified tRCD (max) limit, access time
is controlled exclusively by tCAC or tAA.
12. tRCD (min) = tRAH (min) + 2tT + tASC (min).
13. Operation within the tRAD (max) limit ensures that tRAC (max)
can be met. tRAD (max) is specified as a reference point only; if
tRAD is greater than the specified tRAD (max) limit, access time
is controlled exclusively by tCAC or tAA.
14. Either t RRH or tRCH must be satisfied for a read cycle.
15. tWCS is specified as a reference point only. If tWCS ≥ tWCS
the data output pin will remain High-Z state through entire
16. Assumes that t WCS < tWCS (min).
17. Either t DZC or tDZO must be satisfied.
18. tCPA is access time from the selection of a new column address
is caused by changing CAS from ”L” to ”H”). Therefore, if
tCP is long, tCPA is longer than tCPA (max).
19. Assumes that CAS -before-RAS refresh.
20. tWCS, tCWD, tRWD, tAWD and tCPWD are not restrictive operat-
ing parameters. They are included in the data sheet as an
electrical characteristic only . If tWCS ≥ tWCS (min), the cycle is
an early write cycle and DOUT pin will maintain high impedance
state through-out the entire cycle. If tCWD ≥ tCWD (min), tRWD ≥
D (min), tAWD ≥ tAWD (min) and tCPWD ≥tCPWD (min) , the
cycle is a read-modify-write cycle and data from the selected
cell will appear at the DOUT pin. If neither of the above
conditions is satisfied, the cycle is a delayed write cycle and
invalid data will appear the DOUT pin, and write operation can
be executed by satisfying tRWL, tCWL, and tRAL specifications.