SD300N/R Series
Voltage VRRM , maximum repetitive VRSM , maximum non- IRRM max.
Type number Code peak reverse voltage repetitive peak rev. voltage @ TJ = TJ max.
04 400 500
08 800 900
12 1200 1300
16 1600 1700
20 2000 2100
25 2500 2600
28 2800 2900
32 3200 3300
Voltage Ratings
SD300N/R 15
Forward Conduction
IF(AV) Max. average forward current 380 270 A 180° conduction, half sine wave
@ Case temperature 100 100 °C
IF(AV) Max. average forward current 300 380 A 180° conduction, half sine wave
@ Case temperature 125 70 °C
IF(RMS) Max. RMS forward current 595 425 A DC @ TC = 88°C (02 to 24), TC = 91°C (25 to 32)
IFSM Max. peak, one-cycle forward, 6050 6050 t = 10ms No voltage
non-repetitive surge current 6335 6335 t = 8.3ms reapplied
5090 5090 t = 10ms 100% VRRM
5330 5330 t = 8.3ms reapplied Sinusoidal half wave,
I2t Maximum I2t for fusing 183 183 t = 10ms No voltage Initial TJ = TJ max.
167 167 t = 8.3ms reapplied
129 129 t = 10ms 100% VRRM
118 118 t = 8.3ms reapplied
I2√t Maximum I2√t for fusing 1830 1830 KA2√s t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied
VF(TO)1 Low level value of threshold
VF(TO)2 High level value of threshold
rf1Low level value of forward
slope resistance
rf2High level value of forward
slope resistance
VFM Max. forward voltage drop 1.83 1.83 V Ipk= 1180A, TJ = TJ max, tp = 10ms sinusoidal wave
04 to 20 25 to 32
Parameter Units Conditions
0.66 0.66 (I > π x IF(AV)),TJ = TJ max.
0.75 0.75 (16.7% x π x IF(AV) < I < π x IF(AV)), TJ = TJ max.
1.05 1.05 (I > π x IF(AV)),TJ = TJ max.
0.95 0.95 (16.7% x π x IF(AV) < I < π x IF(AV)), TJ = TJ max.
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