LARGE CAPACITANCE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Low impedance, 105C @Low ESR and impedance at high frequency (10k to 50kHz) @Endurance : 105C 2000 hours ?SPECIFICATIONS Items Characteristics Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current Dissipation Factor (tane) Low Temperature Characteristics Insulation Resistance Insulation Withstanding Voltage Endurance Shelf Life -40 to +105C 10 to 100Vdc -10 to +50% (T) I=0.02CV or 5mA, whichever is smaller. Where, I : Max. leakage current (MA), C : Nominal capacitance (MF), V : Rated voltage (V) (at 20C, 120Hz) (at 20C after 5 minutes) Shall not exceed the values shown in the STANDARD RATINGS (at 20C, 120Hz) Capacitance change : C(-40C)/C(+20C)]0.6 (at 120Hz) 10 & 16Vdc [8 Z(-10C)/Z(+20C) 25 to 100Vdc [6 (at 20kHz) When measured between the terminals shorted each other and the mounting clamp on the insulating sleeve covering the case by using an insulation resistance meter of 500Vdc, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100MO. When a voltage of 2000Vac is applied for 1 minute between the terminals shorted each other and the mounting clamp on the insulating sleeve covering the case, there shall not be electrical damage. The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 105C. Capacitance change [P20% of the initial value D.F. (tanE) [200% of the initial specified value Leakage current [The initial specified value The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20C after exposing them for 500 hours at 105C without voltage applied. Capacitance change [P15% of the initial value D.F. (tanE) [175% of the initial specified value Leakage current [The initial specified value ?DIMENSIONS (Terminal Type=LGSN) [mm] @B Type of Mounting Clamp AP1 WP1 8 J 8P1 fD 35 50 A 58 78 B 44 64 W 48 68 H 3.5 4.5 F 14.0 22.4 fD 50 4.5 L+4max. 360 3 KP1 EP1 6 30P5 @C Type of Mounting Clamp 45P5 H BP1 FP1 FD+1.8max. Sleeve E K J F 32.5 37.0 14.0 22.4 <Screw specifications> Plus hexagon-headed screw: M5B0.8B10 Maximum screw tightening torque: 3.23Nm * The screw and the mounting clamp are separately supplied and not attached to the product. ?PART NUMBERING SYSTEM KW 100 LGSN 1000 T B Type of mounting clamp, if required Capacitance tolerance (-10%/+50%) Nominal capacitance in MF Screw terminal type Rated voltage in volts Series name (1/2) CAT. No. E1001D LARGE CAPACITANCE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Low impedance, 105C ?STANDARD RATINGS Rated voltage (Vdc) Surge voltage (Vdc) Capacitance (mF) 10 13 16 20 25 32 35 44 50 63 63 79 80 100 100 125 10,000 22,000 33,000 47,000 100,000 10,000 22,000 33,000 47,000 10,000 22,000 33,000 4,700 10,000 22,000 3,300 4,700 10,000 2,200 3,300 4,700 10,000 2,200 3,300 4,700 1,000 2,200 3,300 Part number KW10LGSN10000T KW10LGSN22000T KW10LGSN33000T KW10LGSN47000T KW10LGSN100000T KW16LGSN10000T KW16LGSN22000T KW16LGSN33000T KW16LGSN47000T KW25LGSN10000T KW25LGSN22000T KW25LGSN33000T KW35LGSN4700T KW35LGSN10000T KW35LGSN22000T KW50LGSN3300T KW50LGSN4700T KW50LGSN10000T KW63LGSN2200T KW63LGSN3300T KW63LGSN4700T KW63LGSN10000T KW80LGSN2200T KW80LGSN3300T KW80LGSN4700T KW100LGSN1000T KW100LGSN2200T KW100LGSN3300T Case size fDbL (mm) 35B50 35B80 35B80 35B100 50B120 35B50 35B80 35B100 50B80 35B80 35B100 50B80 35B50 35B80 50B80 35B50 35B80 35B100 35B50 35B80 35B80 50B80 35B80 35B80 35B100 35B50 35B80 35B100 Rated ripple Impedance (Arms/85c, 20kHz) (mo/20c, 20kHz) Dissipation factor 10.2 14.0 17.1 19.9 28.9 10.2 14.0 18.6 23.2 12.9 15.2 21.7 8.4 12.9 19.4 8.4 12.1 15.2 7.7 10.8 12.1 17.7 9.9 11.4 14.0 7.2 9.9 12.4 12 8 7 6 5 12 8 8 6 10 8 6 16 10 7 15 10 8 18 12 10 7 14 12 8 22 14 11 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.17 0.17 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 ?RATED RIPPLE CURRENT MULTIPLIERS @Frequency Multipliers Rated Voltage (Vdc) 10 & 16 25 to 50 25 to 63 63 to 100 Case size f35 & f50 f35 f50 f35 50 0.75 Frequency (Hz) 20k 1k 120 1.00 0.96 0.84 50k 1.01 0.68 0.81 0.95 1.00 1.01 0.56 0.75 0.94 1.00 1.01 @Temperature Multipliers Temperature (c) Coefficient 85 1.00 105 0.57 (2/2) CAT. No. E1001D