Application Information
Typical single-supply audio amplifiers that drive single-ended
(SE) headphones use a coupling capacitor on each SE out-
put. This output coupling capacitor blocks the half-supply
voltage to which the output amplifiers are typically biased and
couples the audio signal to the headphones. The signal return
to circuit ground is through the headphone jack's sleeve.
The LM4924 eliminates these output coupling capacitors.
VoC is internally configured to apply a 1/2VDD bias voltage to
a stereo headphone jack's sleeve. This voltage matches the
quiescent voltage present on the VoA and VoB outputs that
drive the headphones. The headphones operate in a manner
similar to a bridge-tied-load (BTL). The same DC voltage is
applied to both headphone speaker terminals. This results in
no net DC current flow through the speaker. AC current flows
through a headphone speaker as an audio signal's output
amplitude increases on the speaker's terminal.
The headphone jack's sleeve is not connected to circuit
ground. Using the headphone output jack as a line-level out-
put will place the LM4924's bandgap 1/2VDD bias on a plug's
sleeve connection. This presents no difficulty when the ex-
ternal equipment uses capacitively coupled inputs. For the
very small minority of equipment that is DC-coupled, the
LM4924 monitors the current supplied by the amplifier that
drives the headphone jack's sleeve. If this current exceeds
500mAPK, the amplifier is shutdown, protecting the LM4924
and the external equipment.
Besides minimizing the input capacitor size, careful consid-
eration should be paid to value of CBYPASS, the capacitor
connected to the BYPASS pin. Since CBYPASS determines
how fast the LM4924 settles to quiescent operation, its value
is critical when minimizing turn-on pops. The slower the
LM4924's outputs ramp to their quiescent DC voltage (nomi-
nally VDD/2), the smaller the turn-on pop. Choosing CB equal
to 4.7µF along with a small value of Ci (in the range of 0.1µF
to 0.47µF), produces a click-less and pop-less shutdown
function. As discussed above, choosing Ci no larger than
necessary for the desired bandwidth helps minimize clicks
and pops. This ensures that output transients are eliminated
when power is first applied or the LM4924 resumes operation
after shutdown.
The LM4924 contains circuitry that eliminates turn-on and
shutdown transients ("clicks and pops"). For this discussion,
turn-on refers to either applying the power supply voltage or
when the micro-power shutdown mode is deactivated.
As the VDD/2 voltage present at the BYPASS pin ramps to its
final value, the LM4924's internal amplifiers are configured as
unity gain buffers. An internal current source charges the ca-
pacitor connected between the BYPASS pin and GND in a
controlled, linear manner. Ideally, the input and outputs track
the voltage applied to the BYPASS pin. The gain of the inter-
nal amplifiers remains unity until the voltage on the bypass
pin reaches VDD/2. As soon as the voltage on the bypass pin
is stable, the device becomes fully operational and the am-
plifier outputs are reconnected to their respective output pins.
Although the BYPASS pin current cannot be modified, chang-
ing the size of CBYPASS alters the device's turn-on time. There
is a linear relationship between the size of CBYPASS and the
turn-on time. Here are some typical turn-on times for various
values of CBYPASS.
As shown in Figure 1, the LM4924 has three operational am-
plifiers internally. Two of the amplifier's have externally con-
figurable gain while the other amplifier is internally fixed at the
bias point acting as a unity-gain buffer. The closed-loop gain
of the two configurable amplifiers is set by selecting the ratio
of Rf to Ri. Consequently, the gain for each channel of the IC
AV = -(Rf/Ri)
By driving the loads through outputs VO1 and VO2 with VO3
acting as a buffered bias voltage the LM4924 does not require
output coupling capacitors. The typical single-ended amplifier
configuration where one side of the load is connected to
ground requires large, expensive output coupling capacitors.
A configuration such as the one used in the LM4924 has a
major advantage over single supply, single-ended amplifiers.
Since the outputs VO1, VO2, and VO3 are all biased at 1/2
VDD, no net DC voltage exists across each load. This elimi-
nates the need for output coupling capacitors that are re-
quired in a single-supply, single-ended amplifier configura-
tion. Without output coupling capacitors in a typical single-
supply, single-ended amplifier, the bias voltage is placed
across the load resulting in both increased internal IC power
dissipation and possible loudspeaker damage.
Power dissipation is a major concern when designing a suc-
cessful amplifier. A direct consequence of the increased pow-
er delivered to the load by a bridge amplifier is an increase in
internal power dissipation. The maximum power dissipation
for a given application can be derived from the power dissi-
pation graphs or from Equation 1.
PDMAX = 4(VDD) 2 / (π2RL) (1)
It is critical that the maximum junction temperature TJMAX of
150°C is not exceeded. Since the typical application is for
headphone operation (16Ω impedance) using a 3.3V supply
the maximum power dissipation is only 138mW. Therefore,
power dissipation is not a major concern.
As with any amplifier, proper supply bypassing is important
for low noise performance and high power supply rejection.
The capacitor location on the power supply pins should be as
close to the device as possible.
Typical applications employ a 3.0V regulator with 10µF tan-
talum or electrolytic capacitor and a ceramic bypass capacitor
which aid in supply stability. This does not eliminate the need
for bypassing the supply nodes of the LM4924. A bypass ca-
pacitor value in the range of 0.1µF to 1µF is recommended
for CS.
The voltage applied to the SHUTDOWN pin controls the
LM4924's shutdown function. Activate micro-power shutdown
by applying a logic-low voltage to the SHUTDOWN pin. When
active, the LM4924's micro-power shutdown feature turns off
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