MIL SPECS 1c ooo01e5 O001bLa1 b & MIL-S-19500/173A November StEERSEEENG MIL-S-19500/173 (NAVY) 7 April 1961 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TRANSISTOR, NPN, SILICON TYPES 2N389 AND 2N424 This specification is mandatory for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Departuent of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for high power, silicon, NPN, tran- sistors, and is in accordance with Specification MIL-S-19500 except as otherwise specified herein. 1.2 Physical dimensions. See figure 1 (TO-53) 1.3 Absolute-mximm ratings: Te = 25 |2n389 | 2N424| 2N380] 2N424 (Ww) (Vde) | (Vdc) | (Vde)| (Vde) | (Vde) (C) 85 60 80 60 80 10 |-65 to#200 -+t---- Y derate 0.486 W/C above Tc = 25C, 1.4 Primary electrical characteristics. hee hrg Vor(sat) Ig = 1 Ade Ig = 1 Ade | 2N389 | 2N424 Voge = 15Vde| VCE = 15 Vde Ta = -55C (Vdc) | (Vde) Min 15 8 --- --- Max 60 --- 5 10 2, APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFI CATION Military MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for, STANDARD Military MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) FSC 5960MTL SPECS cf oono125 copa 5 MIL-S-19500/173A 3, REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General. Requirements shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-5-19500, and as specified herein. 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. The abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein are defined in Specification MIL-S-19500, 3.3 Design and construction, Transistors shall be of the design, construction, and physical dimensions shown on figure 1, 3.4 Performance characteristics. Performance characteristics shall be as specified in tables I, II, and as follows: 3.4.1 Salt atmosphere (corrosion), The transistor shall be examined for evidence of corrosion and legibility of marking before the specified measurements are made (see 4.4.1). 3.5 Marking. The following marking specified in MIL-S-19500 may be omitted from the body of the transistor: (a) Country of origin (b) Manufacturer's identification, 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in tables I and ITI. 4.3 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall consist of group A and B inspections. 4.3.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table I, 4.3.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table II. 4.4 Methods of examination and test. Methods of examination and test shall be as specified in tables I, II, and as follows: 4.4.1 Salt atmosphere. The marking shall be legible after the test. There shall be no evidence (when examined with no magnification) of flaking or pitting of the finish or corrosion that will interfere with the mechanical or electrical application of the device, 4.4.2 Pulse testing, Pulse measurements shall be used in accordance with Section 4 of MIL-STD-750, 4.4.3 Inspection conditions, All measurements are to be made at TA = 25C unless otherwise specified, 4.4.4 Test measurement shall be made after thermal equilibrium has been reached at the temperature specified, 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preparation for delivery and the quality assurance provisions for preparation for delivery shall conforn to Specification MIL-S-19500,MIL-S-19500/173A icf OoooL2s oo01bs3s T MIL SPECS "VZVNZ PUO 68ENZ S2dAs 404s 1suDIy 10} SUOISUBWIp puD autjsAQ | asnbIy (3SVD OL Q30NNOUYD) "yDaS asnq 4D pamspaw Buidsnds poa] 7 ee $ Y3LLIN3 "ww pGZ = youl , uodn pasoqg J ip pup Ajuo uoNDUUOZU! 404 alD SyUajDAINba DWyaW | Cn. fa ~ ch) : er, a \ TB TT ST \ i Zz | lot | Sol | 060 | S20 |S 1 A ee} 4- 1 c svi | 9 | S90 | aro | 060 | | asve r AA YN veoe | ever | sez | see [soe [a SW V7. 4 69% | vez | 901 | LOL | 960 | N eS TE AZAD ees | egv | olc | Ooc | ool |W S310H + olzz | 6S iz | ozs | 098 | ose [74 (ssov"d 8) | Xo VIG N 6g8 | ses | ose | ove | occ | ~_e c | esZi | zozt | 06% | o8F | OF | T j 9/8 | S&L | sve | Sze | S0e TH | 3 | 6vol| 26 | oev | ove | oe 19 savare) | ta sor | ere | siv_| oo | Se | 4 =| (savan ) ees | esp | oie [ oor | Or [a t re WON 95C ocr | onl | Ocl | a (sava &) ri | 68 | spo | oro | St0" | > 1 | yoo fh opt { zot | sso | oso | Ovo | @ ziu{ zo} osy | sz | 029 | Vv | : t at 7] rT 1was asva XW [NIN [XVA [WON | NIN | i Yl | L ] SU3L3WI TIN S3HONI BLT SNOISN3WIQ |-._ dMIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/173A 1c coo0125 coo1way 1 a Table I. Group A Inspection. MIL-STD-750 Limits Symbol Examination or test P yn Method Details D Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 10 Visual and mechanical 2071 --- --- --- --- examination Subgroup 2 5 Breakdown voltage 3011 Bias cond, B collector to emitter Ic = 10 mAde RBE = 33 ohms 2N389 BV cer 60 --- | Vde 2N424 BV CER 80 --- | Vde Collector to emitter 3071 Ig = 1.0 Ade voltage (saturated) Ip = 200 mAde pulsed, see 4.4.2 2N389 Vou{sat} --- 5.0 Vde QNA24 Vog(sat)| --- | 10,0 | vde Breakdown voltage, 3026 Bias cond, D BYEBO 10 --- Vde emitter to base Tg = 10 mide Forward-current 3076 Ig = 1 Ade hrg 15 60 --- transfer ratio Veg = 15 Vdc pulsed, see 4.4.2 Forward-current 3076 Ig = 100 mAde hrE 8 --- --- transfer ratio Vom = 15 Vde pulsed, see 4.4.2 Base to emitter 3066 Test cond, B voltage (nonsaturated) Ver = 15 Vde pulsed, see 4.4.2 2N389 Tg = 1.5 Ade VaR --- 8.6 | Vde 2NA24 Ig = 75 Ade VBE --- 8.0 | Vde Subgroup 3 10 High temperature Tg = 100C, operation: see 4.4.4 Collector to emitter 3041 Bias cond, B Torr --- 10 mAdc cutoff current Vor = 60 Vde RBE = 33 ohms Low temperature Ta = -55C max, operation: see 4.4.4 Forward-current 3076 VoE = 15 Vde hE 8 --- --- transfer ratio Ig = 1 Ade pulsed, see 4.4.2MIL SPECS a | HO0001e5 0001685 3 | MIL~S-19500/173A Table II. Group _B Inspection. MIL-STD-750 L Limits Examination or test P Symbol Method Details D Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 20 Physical dimensions 2066 --- (See figure 1) Subgroup 2 20 Solderability 2026 Immersion depth = --- --- a 0,200 + 0,025 inches dwell time = 10 + 1 sec, Temperature 1051 Test cond, C ; oo --- --- | --- eycling Thermal shock 1056 Test cond B --- --- w-- [oe (glass strain) Terminal strength 2036 Test cond. A --- --- w-- | aoe (tension) weight = 10 lbs + 10 oz, time = 15 + 3 sec, Terminal strength 2636 Test cond. DL --- ~-- --- |--- (torque) torque = 6 oz-in. time = 5 + 1 sec, Seal test --- Method 112 --- --- 5x107? | atm (leak rate) MIL-STD-202 c2/sec Test cond, C, Procedure III, Test cond, A for gross leaks Moisture 1021 omit initial --- --- --- fe resistance conditioning End _ points: Breakdown voltage, 3011 Bias cond B. collector to emitter Te = 10 mAde RBE = 33 ohms 2N389 BYCER 60 --- |Vde 2N424 BYCER 80 --- |Vde Forward-current 3076 Ig = 1 Ade hrE 15 60 | --- transfer ratio VCE = 15 Vde pulsed, see 4.4.2 Subgroup 3 10 Shock 2016 Nonoperating; 500 G, approx. --- ~-- w-- fe 1 msec; 5 blows each in orientation X,, Yj, Yp, Vibration fatigue 2046 Nonoperating --- --- --- --- Vibration, variable 2056 Nonoperating --- --- ~~ --- frequency Constant acceleration 2006 5000 G in ~<- --- a each orientation X_, Y., v? yo Eye and 2) End_points: (Same as subgroup 2) w . a aMIL MIL-S-19500/173A SPECS rc oooo12s ooowas s ff. Table Il. Group B inspection. - Continued Examination or test MIL-STD-750 Method Details wu Symbol Limits Min Max Unit Subgroup 4 Salt atmosphere (corrosion) End points: (Same as subgroup 2) Subgroup 5 High-temperature life (nonoperating) End_ points: Breakdown voltage, collector to emitter _~ 2N389 2NA24 Forward-current transfer ratio Subgroup 6 Steady state operation life End_ points: (Same as subgroup 5) 1041 1031 3014 3076 1026 (See 3.4.1) T = 200C Bias cond B. Ig = 20 mAdc Rpg = 33 ohms Ip=1 Adc Vor =.15 Vde pulsed, see 4.4.2 10 20 -- Vde 60 80 --- Vde 12 75 - 6. NOTES 6.1 Notes. The notes specified in Specification MIL-S-19500 are applicable to this specification. Custodians: Army - EL Navy - SH Air Force - 11 Review activities: Arny - EL, MU Navy ~- SH Air Force - 11, 17, 85 User activities: Army ~- MI, SM Navy - CG, MC, WP Air Force - None Preparing activity: Navy - SH (Project. 590-1924)