Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 2 of 3
Base current IBmax. 3.0 A
Total power dissipation up to TC = 25°C Ptot max. 40 W
Derate above 25°C max. 0.32 W/°C
Junction temperature Tjmax. 150
Storage temperature Tstg –65 to +150
From junction to case Rth j–c = 3.125 °
Tamb = 25°C unless otherwise specified
Collector cutoff current
IB = 0; VCE = 20 V ICEO max. 1.0 mA
VBE = 1.5 V; VCE = 40 V ICEX max. 0.1 mA
VBE = 1.5 V; VCE = 30 V; TC = 150°C ICEX max. 2.0 mA
Emitter cut-off current
IC = 0; VEB = 5 V IEBO max. 1 mA
Breakdown voltages
IC = 0.1 A; IB = 0 VCEO(sus)* min. 30 V
IC = 1 mA; IE = 0 VCBO min. 40 V
IE = 1 mA; IC = 0 VEBO min. 5.0 V
Saturation voltages
IC = 3 A; IB = 0.3 A VCEsat* max. 1.0 V
IC = 7 A; IB = 3 A VCEsat* max. 3.5 V
Base emitter on voltage
IC = 3 A; VCE = 4 V VBE(on)* max. 1.5 V
IC = 7 A; VCE = 4 V VBE(on)* max. 3.0 V
D.C. current gain
IC = 3 A; VCE = 4 V hFE* min. 30
max. 150
IC = 7 A; VCE = 4 V hFE* min. 2.3
Small signal current gain
IC = 0.5 A; VCE = 4 V; f = 50 KHz hfe min. 20
Output capacitance at f = 1 MHz
IE = 0; VCB = 10 V Comax. 250 pF
Transition frequency
IC = 0.5 A; VCE = 4 V; f = 1.0 MHz fT (1) min. 4 MHz
* Pulsed: pulse duration ≤ 300 µs; duty cycle ≤ 2%.
(1) fT = |hfe|• ftest