FREQUENCIES AVAILABLE 40kHz~150MHz Note 1 MODEL DESIGNATOR OVERALL STABILITY 1210A 1210B 1210C 25PPM 50PPM 100PPM 7.62 12.9 Pin 1 Pin 4 Pin 8 Pin 5 o Stability options are inclusive of: Calibration Tolerance at 25 C, Operating Temperature Range, Supply Voltage Change, Load Change, Ageing, Shock & Vibration. Storage Temperature Range Tstg Operating Temperature Range Top Input Voltage VCC Value Unit -55 to +125 o 0 to +70 o ICC C 10% V DC +5 40 60 Remarks C 500 kHz to 20MHz 20 Max Input Current mA Max 20.1MHz to 70MHz 70.1MHz to 150MHz SY "O" Level VOL 0.5 V DC Max "1" Level VOH 4.5 V DC Min Max Rise/Fall Time Tr:Tf % 40:60 10 TSTART Fan-Out (Load) 6.8 5 20.1MHz to 70MHz Waveform 70.1MHz to 150MHz mS = = = = 1 2 - Drop Module onto a hard wooden surface from 20cm 3 times N.C Ground Output +V DC Tr Symmetry = t x 100 T VDD "0"-LEVEL Shock Test - 1500g (Peak) 0.35mS ( 1/2Sine Wave) 5 Times 0 VDC Vibration Test - Vibrations with an amplitude of 3mm and a sweep from 10-55 Hz duration 1 minute shall be applied for 2 hours in each of the x,y, & z axes t T ENVIRONMENTAL - Immerse pins to within 1mm of glass stand-offs in solder bath of 280oC Tf "1"-LEVEL TTL 1-10 TTL Solder Heat 1 4 5 8 +VDD HCmos 15pF Min MECHANICAL Drop Test Pin Pin Pin Pin 500 kHz to 20MHz nS Max 4 Start-Up Time Pin Connections 5.3 At 50% VDD Duty Ratio 6 7.62 Code 12.9 Parameter 10oC for 10 secs o Life Test - After exposure to +125 C (Power Applied) for 1000 Hrs - After exposure to -40oC for 2 hrs Cold Resistance - After exposure to +40oC 90-95% RH for 48 Hrs Humidity - After 10 cycles of exposure to -55oC & 125oC with 10mins exposure at each extreme Thermal Shock 8 - Helium leak detector, pressure 5kg.f/cm3 for 2 Hrs, leakage less than 1 x 10- Fine Leak TITLE: ISOQAR QUALITY ASSURED FIRM AEL 1210 Series Crystal Oscillator 8-Pin DIL UNIVERSAL O/P (Hcmos & TTL) 500kHz to 100MHz NATIONAL ACCREDITATION OFCERTIFICATION BODIES Certificate No. 733/95 o AEL PART N General Specification ISO 9002 Issue Number Issue Date Module 'D' Airtech 2 Jenner Road, Crawley W. Sussex. RH10 2GA T e l : 0 1293 524245 Fax: 01293 524888 Approved 5 19/03/2000 Frequency Increased to 150MHz GR Not to be reproduced without permission of AEL Crystals Ltd