Wolfson Audio Card ard User Documentation Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to Wolfson Audio Card C for Raspberry Pi Features How to install to Raspberry Pi Installing software to run on Raspberry Pi Getting started with audio from your Wolfson Audio Card Soundcard usage scenarios Annexe a. Datasheet of WM5102 audio CODEC b. Datasheet of WM8804 SPDIF receiver/transmitter c. Datasheet of WM7220 Digital Microphone Module d. Schematic diagram of soundcard e. Feature header signal assignment f. Performance g. Electrical architecture of the soundcard 1. Introduction to Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi, whilst being equipped with audio capability, is limited in a number of ways. The limitations are purposeful, in order to keep Raspberry Pi at a low price point. In terms of audio, there here are no ways to capture audio using Raspberry Pi alone alone, and audio output is limited to two paths; analogue, via its onboard 3.5 mm stereo output put jack jack, and digital, via its onboard HDMI output. Whilst the HDMI output provides the potential for high quality rendering of audio (depending on what HDMI devices are used to finally convert audio from its digital format to an analogue signal), ), the audio quality from the analogue 3.5 mm stereo output jack is universally recognised ecognised as being of an `acceptable' quality level - no more. The most important limitation is Raspberry Pi's lack flexibility in terms of multiple types of input sources, and outputs. 2. Features This product, designed by element14 and Wolfson Microelectronics in partnership partnership, addresses the above that at by providing a rich set of high quality audio features as follows: Features Analogue line-level level output Analogue line-level level input Digital stereo ereo audio input (SPDIF) Digital stereo audio output (SPDIF) High quality headphone output, with microphone facility (for headpho headphones with boom microphone) Onboard stereo digital microphones Ability to play High Definition (HD) Audio Arrives bundled with five five High Definition Audio files to demonstrate the systems capability. Onboard power amplifier for directly driving loudspeakers. (Requires Requires headers to be 1 fitted. ) Line In Headphone Out Line Out / Mic In SPDIF In SPDIF Out Speaker Out (L)* Speaker Out (R)* AUX Power In Expansion Header Digital MEMS Microphone icrophone (L) (DMIC) Digital MEMS Microphone (R) (DMIC) Diagram 1: Connections to and from the Wolfson Audio Card 3. How to connect the Wolfson Audio Card to Raspberry Pi This Wolfson soundcard has been designed to plug in to Raspberry Pi simply and easily. It is compatible with Raspberry Pi Models A and B Hardware Revision 2.0 boards, which feature the 8-pin audio GPIO connector, known as P5, and located right next to the GPIO header as show below. Diagram 2: Raspberry Pi with P5 connector outlined in red It uses innovative sprung connectors connectors to connect with Raspberry Pi. This avoids the need to solder an 8-pin pin header to your Raspberry Pi, thus making installation quick and easy. a. Ensure the eight pads on connector P5 on Raspberry Pi are free of dirt and grease. If necessary, use a little degreaser, such as a very small amount of detergent on a lightly dampened paper towel, and wipe the eight pads clean. Leave them to dry thoroughly. b. If necessary, repeat the process with the sprung connectors on the soundcard. c. Locate the nylon pillar in the the box contents, screw it into the mounting hole shown in the image below, and tighten. Don't over tighten. d. Push the soundcard onto Raspberry Pi, making sure the board is pressed all the way, and that all eight pins have made contact with Raspberry Pi. Diagram 3: The Audio Card must be ssecured ecured to Raspberry Pi with the supplied pillar and screw set. e. Line up the nylon pillar on the Raspberry Pi, with the mounting hole on the soundcard such that both holes are co-axial. co Insert the other screw, and tighten. ghten. Don't over tighten. f. The soundcard is now properly installed onto on your Raspberry Pi. Notes on this section: Please be aware that this soundcard is not compatible with accessory expanders, such as the Pi Face Pi Rack,, as they usually only expand Raspberry Pi's P1 GPIO expansion port, and not the P5, which is essential for audio. The nylon pillar is essential for reliable operation of the soundcard. It holds the soundcard mechanically stable to ensure the sprung connectors make a good electrical connection with the Raspberry Pi P5 connector. The use of USB hubs with Raspberry Pi and the Wolfson Audio Card is not recommended. 4. Installing software to run on Raspberry Pi This version of the manual is written for early adopting users. The software required to run the card is downloaded as a fully integrated all-in-one all package that will simply work out of the box. We have created a full operating system solution that contains all the drivers, and some bundled extras. It will work straight away when d downloaded, ownloaded, written to an SD Card, and set up for the first time. 1. Download the most recent image file from www.element14.com/wolfson www.element14.com/wolfson, and save it in a known location on your Windows computer. The file ca can n be quite large, so be patient as the file downloads. 2. The file .img has been compressed into a .zip format in order to minimise download time.. That means, before you can do anything else, that file needs to be restored to its original form again. You may already have a zip/unzip tool installed on your comp computer (check by right-clicking clicking on the .zip file - if you see the Extract all... option, then you have it and should use it),, but if not, try PeaZip available at http://peazip.com. In the case of PeaZip,, simply right click on the .zip file, and select Peazip > Extract here. 3. When you have done this, you get a single file called an Image File, or .img. .img This is a snapshot of what needs to be written to the SD Card. 4. Next, you need a tool to install the .img file to the SD Card. A popular tool is called Win32DiskImager, and it is available at this address https://launchpad.net/win32 https://launchpad.net/win32image-writer. Simply download this program file and follow the instructions instructions to install it on your Windows computer. 5. Follow the instructions provided with Win32DiskImager for writing the Operating System to your SD Card. This process will require the SD Card to be inserted into a SD Card slot on your computer, and for you to know k where you saved the .img file on your computer. The write process itself can take some time. WARNING: Make sure you select the correct device to write the Operating System to. Selecting the wrong destination could result in unrecoverable data loss. Be careful and DOUBLE CHECK. 6. Win32DiskImager will tell you when this process has been completed and when it has, remove the SD Card. Now insert it into the SD card slot of your Raspberry Pi. It is worth keeping the Operating System file on your computer for future rewrites to your SD Card, just in case. 7. Now, power up your Raspberry Pi and Wolfson Audio Card. 8. The small red indicator will light up on the Raspberry Pi, indicating the main chip has started up, and then a small green indicator will begin to flash, sh, indicating data is being read from/written to the SD Card. The TV/monitor (provided it's switched on of course) will begin to show the Linux boot sequence. 9. This image has been designed to boot into the Graphical User Interface, so that when the boot process rocess has been completed, you should see a desktop, desktop then you are ready to go. Notes on this section: It is intended that, ultimately, drivers will be fully integrated in future OS downloads, starting with Raspbian. The All All-in-One approach will then no longer be necessary. Even though they are already included in the All-in-One All One package, all the downloadable items required for the soundcard are available separately at www.element14.com/wolfson, www.element14.com/wolfson including the HD Audio tracks, and the Use Case Scripts. Once the system has booted up, it is suggested that one complete reboot cycle is performed before attempting any of the next steps. You may notice `trace errors' during boot up. These are regarded as harmless, and they will not appear on future releases. 5. Getting started with audio on your Wolfson Audio Card The Wolfson Audio Soundcard renders and captures high quality audio from a variety of sources. It is designed to work with the Linux operating system, and as such takes advantage of ALSA, the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. You can read more about this at www.alsaproject.org. In the OS download referred to in section 4. above, the supported audio player is LXmusic, and labelled Music Player on the desktop desktop. In general, there are two main stages to performing an audio task, whether that is to play a file, or record one: a. The Use Case has to be defined first, so that the sound device is configured properly. A Use Case is simply a set of commands that are run in series, which set the audio card up. They define the signal paths for any audio that that is played or recorded. So, for example, if you want to play audio to speakers, you'd run the script for that case. A script is a collection of commands that can be run in a single instruction. b. The action to play/record can then be executed. The Use Case se definition is set up by running one of a set of scripts that are supplied in the software package. It is done this way: a. To run any kind of script, it is necessary to start a Terminal session. Double click on LXTerminal on the desktop (or indeed, any other other terminal programme you prefer). b. The terminal allows you type commands directly instructing the OS to form operations you want to perform. Start by typing dir.. That will give you a list of files and folders that are contained in the home directory that the the Terminal session opens in. c. A set of use cases have been put placed into this directory for you, as follows: # Audio Function Script to run 1. Play an audio file to your headphones Playback_to_Headset.sh 2. Play an audio file to the line out jack Playback_to_Line ineout.sh 3. Play an audio file to loudspeakers Playback_to_Speakers.sh 4. Play an audio file to the SPDIF output of your card. Record from onboard digital microphones Record from the boom microphone of your gamer/VoIP headphones Record from the analogue Line In socket SPDIF_playback.sh Record from the SPDIF input of your card. Reset all audio paths SPDIF_record.sh 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. Record_from_DMIC.sh Record_from_Headset.sh Record_from_lineIn.sh Reset_paths.sh Table 1: A list of the Use Case Scripts for setting up the audio card. As an example, let us say that you want to play one of the bundled High Definition audio tracks that are included in the software package, package, and you want to play it to your headset. In this case, and at the command line in LXTerminal,, type the following ollowing command: command ./Playback_to_Headset.sh Playback_to_Headset.sh <Enter> The script will run, and you will be returned to the command prompt again. If at any time during the time the script runs, you see the following message displayed on the screen: amixer: Cannot find the given element from control hw:0 This means the card was not detected and registered properly during start up. It is recommended in this case that you check the card is properly secured to your Raspberry Pi, and perform pe a hard reboot (issue a sudo halt,, switch of the power, re reapply power and allow to boot up). Assuming all was well, you system has now been configured to play audio. Next, start Music Player by double-clicking clicking on it on the desktop. The programme will launch. To select a file for playback, it must first be added to the playlist. Select Playlist > Add To Playlist > Add Files or Folders, Folders, and you will be presented with a dialogue box where you can navigate to the location of your music files. In the case of the bundled HD Audio tracks, these are located in the Home directory. Select the file(s) you want to play, and then click on the Add button. The files you added will now be available for playback in the Playlist. Finally, plug in your headphones in to the t Headphone socket. Now, double-click click on the item you wish to play, and Music Player will play the audio track to your headphones. The scripts for playback are cumulative in nature. So, taking the above example into account, where we have enabled playback to a headset, if we then run the script to play audio to the line out jack as well with the following command: Playback_to_Lineout.sh <Enter> What happens is that audio playback is enabled for both headset and line out. If that is not what you want, and ssimply imply want to reset all the paths back to NO playback paths enabled, then just run the following command first: Reset_paths.sh <Enter> Now, select the single output that you want to play to. Notes on this section: If you are recording to, or playing back from your SD Card, it is important that you use an SD Card that is Class 6 and above. The class directly correlates with speed of reading and writing to the card. When playing HD Audio, the rate of data being read from the card is significant, and a low card card will leave occasional gaps in the audio experience. Similarly when recording. recording Whilst the onboard hardware CODEC is capable of handling multichannel audio, Raspberry Pi is not. Therefore, the card will not allow the decoding of compressed multichannel audio dio via its SPDIF in connector. The he system will remember what the last used use case was. After a reboot, it will return to that one unless you choose another. 6. Soundcard usage ge scenarios The Wolfson Audio Card is flexible with regards to how it can be connected to various types of input devices (sources), and output devices (sinks). If you'd prefer to keep your audio in the digital domain, the SPDIF digital audio connections allow this. High quality aanalogue audio capture and playback is also made available with this card. Connecting speakers to your Audio Card The Wolfson Pi Audio Card contains an on board Class D power amplifier, capable of delivering up to 1.4W per channel, directly to external loudspeakers. loudspeakers. The connectors required to allow this are in locations J6 (left) and J3 (right), but they are not populated as standard. 1 You can solder your own pair of male 0.1" headers, by purchasing from Farnell/Newark/element14. Suggested models are as follows: fo Region North America Europe Asia Pacific Distributor Newark Farnell element14 Part Number 60H4177 9733302 9733302 Table 2: Suppliers of 0.1" headers. Warning: Once fitted, be extremely careful not to accidently short the speaker pins. Doing so could damage the Audio Card. It is necessary to supply auxiliary power to the Audio Card in order to drive external loudspeakers. An external power supply with output voltage of 5V, current delivery capability of 2,000mA, 2,000mA, a centre positive power plug of internal diameter 2.1mm, and external diameter 5.5mm. With your Raspberry Pi powered down, connect speakers to the newly fitted headers. Make sure your speakers are connected in phase.. To do this, observe on the header pins that one pin is marked with a white dot. Your speaker cable should be polarised as well, with perhaps one core being coloured coloured red, and the other black. Be consistent with how you connect, for example, the red cable goes to the connector with the dot on both pins. Before playing a file to your speakers, you must run the appropriate Use Case Script to play to loudspeakers. Then play a file using the LXmusic player. Connecting your audio card to a SPDIF sink You can connect your audio card to digital amplifiers and receivers (also known collectively as `sinks') using the phono/RCA/Cinch SPDIF output jack. The Wolfson Audio Card can deliver audio in bit depths of up to 24-bit. 24 Make sure your sink can support resolutions this high. Warnings: Be very careful when setting the output gain and volume control on your amplifier, especially if it is a powerful type. Loudspeaker damage can easily occur if the volume is too high. Connecting your audio card car to a Line level sink You can connect your audio card to analogue amplifiers and receivers by using the green 3.5mm line output jack. The use case scripts have been set up to provide a line out level that is not too high, and should be suitable for most amplifiers and receivers. Connecting your audio card to a Line level source Capturing audio using your Wolfson Audio Card is straightforward as well. In the case of an analogue line level source, simply connect your analogue source to the Audio Card by connecting nnecting to the red 3.5 mm input jack. Then, run the appropriate use case to set up the audio card routing and gains properly. You can capture audio to a file by using the arecord command at a command prompt on Raspberry Pi. The arecord command will allow you to flexibly capture live audio, and saves it directly to Raspberry Pi's mass storage memory as an uncompressed audio file. For example, if you would like to capture audio from the line in jack, first of all, it is necessary to tell the audio card to switch audio into the card from that source. This is done by running the following command: ./Record_from_lineIn.sh <Enter> Now, we need to use the arecord command to capture the audio to a specified file as follows: arecord -Dhw:0 -c - 2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 record_from_line_in.wav <Enter> (Note: the above should be entered as a single line, and not two lines as shown here.) Recording will start. Press CTRL-C CTRL to stop recording. A brief explanation of the options above is as follows: -c = Number of channels. Here, we specify two, for stereo. -f = Recording format. In this case, we are asking for 16-bit, 16 bit, Little Endian. - r = Sample rate. We ask here for 44,100 audio samples per second. To find out more about this command, type: arecord --help <Enter> If you wish to compress the audio file into other formats, there are other programmes that can be installed on Raspberry Pi to do this. ffmpeg is such a programme, available at www.ffmpeg.org.. Its use and implementation is beyond the scope of this document. A General Warning If Editing Use Case Scripts Use case scripts can be adjusted to accommodate odate various types of sources. In particular, the gain of those inputs can be adjusted adjusted to make them very sensitive. The result can be an extremely extremely LOUD output signal. It is always advisable to reduce the volume of any amplifier, or active speaker connected to this card, before playing back any audio tracks. 7. Annexe a. Datasheet of WM5102 audio CODEC The key technology that is used at the heart of the Wolfson Audio Card, is an Audio Hub (CODEC) device. The WM5102 is a highly-integrated low-power power audio system that has been designed for use in smartphones, tablets and other portable audio devices. It combines wideband telephony voice processing with a flexible, high highperformance audio hub CODEC, CODEC, and is capable of delivering HD audio. If you'd like to know more about this device, take a look at it here: www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-65664?ICID=Pi-Accessories Accessories-wolfsonaudio-space b. Datasheet of WM8804 SPDIF receiver/transmitter The WM8804 allows digital audio data to be transmitted and received to tthe audio card via the phono/RCA jacks, and works in partnership with the WM5102. You can read more about this device by checking out the following datasheet: www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-65664?ICID=Pi-Accessories Accessories-wolfsonaudio-space 7220 Digital Microphone Module (MEMS) c. Datasheet of WM7220 The WM7220 is a Digital Microphone Module (DMIC), that is based on MEMS technology. MEMS, or Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Micro hanical Systems, are devices that combine small scale electronics on a silicon die, together with a mechanical component that can interact with the physical environment. In this case, the mechanical element responds to acoustic pressure waves and converts them in to a digital audio data stream. Read more here: www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-65664?ICID=Pi-Accessories Accessories-wolfsonaudio-space d. Schematic diagram agram If you are interested in knowing how the Wolfson Audio Card has been designed, the schematic diagram is available to view as a .pdf document, on the element14.com website at the following address: www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-65689?ICID=Pi-Accessories Accessories-wolfsonaudio-space e. Feature header signal assignment Pin Name Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 +5V +3.3V AIF3LRCLK AIF3TXDAT AIF3RXDAT AIF3BCLK GND GND SCLK SDA PDMDAT PDMCLK GND GND GPIO4 GPIO3 Power Pin Power Pin Digital in/ n/out Digital out ut Digital in n Digital in/ n/out Power Pin Power Pin Digital in n Digital in/ n/out Digital out Digital out Power Pin Power Pin Digital in/out Digital in/out Power domain 5.0V 3.3V 0 - 3.3V 0 - 3.3V 0 - 3.3V 0 - 3.3V 0 0 0 - 3.3V 0 - 3.3V 0 - 3.3V 0 - 3.3V 0 0 0 - 3.3V 0 - 3.3V Description 5V supply, less than 300ma. 3.3V supply, less than 300ma. Audio interface 3 left/right clock Audio interface 3 TX digital audio data Audio interface 3 RX digital audio data Audio interface 3 bit clock Digital ground Digital ground Control Interface clock input Control Interface data input and output Digital speaker (PDM) data output Digital speaker (PDM) clock output Digital ground Digital ground General purpose pin GPIO4 General purpose pin GPIO3 Table 3: GPIO signal definitions f. Performance and Specification During the design process, the board layout was optimised to ensure each of the Wolfson Microelectronics devices performed optimally, providing users with an exceptional audio experience. Measured performance of the board is as follows: SPDIF Output Parameter Connector Rout Supported Sample Rates Sample depth Description Electrical output via phono connector Output impedance 32, 48, 96, 192, 44.1, 88.2, 176.4, 192 Max bit depth of samples Notes Sample rate must be the same as TX if both are enabled concurrently Typical Value 75 24 Units Ohms kHz bits SPDIF Input Parameter Connector Rin Supported Sample Rates Sample depth Notes Description Electrical input via phono connector Input impedance 32, 48, 96, 192, 44.1, 88.2, 176.4, 192 Max bit depth of samples Typical Value 75 24 Units Ohms kHz bits Sample rate must be the same as RX if both are enabled concurrently Line Output Parameter Connector Rout Cload Rload Vout Description/Conditions Electrical output via 3 pole 3.5mm Socket Output impedance Max capacitive load on output Vnoise THD Notes Noise Floor, no signal applied, A-weighting A filter Total Harmonic Distortion Full scale output signal level Typical Value Units 16 2 10 1 Ohms nF kOhms Vrms 4.5 0.005 uVrms % Typical Value Units Test conditions as follows unless otherwise noted: 48kHz sample rate, test signal 1kHz sine wave, bandwidth measured 20Hz to 20kHz, Rload = 10kOhms Line Input Parameter Connector Rin Description Electrical input via 3 pole 3.5mm Socket Input Impedance Fcut Vin -3dB 3dB down from 1kHz signal level at this frequency Full scale input signal Vnoise THD Notes Equivalent input noise level, no signal applied Total Harmonic Distortion @ 0.9Vrms Input Test conditions as follows unless otherwise noted: 48kHz sample rate, test signal 1kHz sine wave and bandwidth measured is 20Hz to 20kHz 16 kOhms 13 1 Hz Vrms 20 0.035 uVrms % Headphone Output Typical Value Units 0.2 130 Ohms pF Parameter Connector Rout Cload Description/Conditions Electrical output via 4 pole 3.5mm Socket Output impedance Max capacitive load on output Vout Full scale output signal level (note that the headphone use case script limits this to 0.5Vrms for safety) 1 Vrms Vnoise Noise Floor, no signal applied, A-weighting A filter 2.3 uVrms THD Notes Total Harmonic Distortion @ 400mVrms output 0.0035 % Test conditions as follows unless otherwise noted: 48kHz sample rate, test signal 1kHz sine wave, bandwidth measured 20Hz to 20kHz, Rload = 32Ohms Headset Input Typical Value Parameter Description Connector Vbias Rbias Electrical input via 4 pole 3.5mm Socket, MIC on Sleeve Microphone voltage bias level Microphone bias resistor 2.8 2.2 V kOhms Fcut -3dB 3dB down from 1kHz signal level at this frequency 13 Hz Vin Full scale input signal (500mVrms to 14mVrms depending on input gain setting) 63 mVrms Equivalent input noise level, no signal applied, (settings for 63mVrms signal) Total Harmonic Distortion @ 57mVrms Input 3.2 0.01 uVrms % Vnoise THD Notes Test conditions as follows unless otherwise noted: 48kHz sample rate, test signal 1kHz sine wave and bandwidth measured is 20Hz to 20kHz Units Speaker Output Parameter Connector Rout Rload Power Out Description/Conditions Unpopulated 2.54mm pitch headers Output impedance Minimum Rload Max power output Vnoise THD Notes Noise Floor, no signal applied, A-weighting A filter Total Harmonic Distortion @ 0.5W output Test conditions as follows unless otherwise noted: 48kHz sample rate, test signal 1kHz sine wave, bandwidth measured 20Hz to 20kHz, Rload = 8 Ohms, SPKVDD=5V Typical Value Units 0.4 3 1.4 Ohms Ohms W 30 0.06 uVrms % g. Electrical architecture of the audio card Diagram 4: Audio architecture of the Wolfson audio card Diagram 5: Power management architecture of the Wolfson audio card Revisions Revision Created Revision 1.00 28-Jan-2014 2014 Initial publication. 1.10 05-Mar-2014 2014 1.20 13-Mar-2013 2013 Command error corrected. Schematic diagrams updated. Corrected URLs for web resources.