January 1995 2
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual 4-channel analogue multiplexer/demultiplexer HEF4052B
The HEF4052B is a dual 4-channel
analogue multiplexer/demultiplexer
with common channel select logic.
Each multiplexer/demultiplexer has
four independent inputs/outputs
(Y0to Y3) and a common input/output
(Z). The common channel select logic
includes two address inputs (A0and
A1) and an active LOW enable input
Both multiplexers/demultiplexers
contain four bidirectional analogue
switches, each with one side
connected to an independent
input/output (Y0to Y3) and the other
side connected to a common
input/output (Z).
With E LOW, one of the four switches
is selected (low impedance ON-state)
by A0and A1. With E HIGH, all
switches are in the high impedance
OFF-state, independent of A0and A1.
VDD and VSS are the supply voltage
connections for the digital control
inputs (A0,A
and E). The VDD to
VSS range is 3 to 15 V. The analogue
inputs/outputs (Y0to Y3, and Z) can
swing between VDD as a positive limit
and VEE as a negative limit.
VDD −VEE may not exceed 15 V.
For operation as a digital
multiplexer/demultiplexer, VEE is
connected to VSS (typically ground).
Fig.1 Functional diagram.
See Family Specifications
Y0A to Y3A independent inputs/outputs
Y0B to Y3B independent inputs/outputs
A0, A1address inputs
E enable input (active LOW)
ZA, ZBcommon inputs/outputs
HEF4052BP(N): 16-lead DIL; plastic
HEF4052BD(F): 16-lead DIL; ceramic
HEF4052BT(D): 16-lead SO; plastic
( ): Package Designator North America
Fig.2 Pinning diagram.