CYStech Electronics Corp.
Spec. No. : C326LC
Issued Date : 2003.05.20
Revised Date :
Page No. : 2/3
CBZX55CXXLC series CYStek Product Specification
Electrical Characteristics (TL=30℃, unless otherwise noted, VF=1.0V Max @IF=100mA for all types.)
Maximum Zener
Impedance(Note 2)
Maximum Reverse
Leakage Current
Vz at IzT
ZZT at
ZZK at
(Note 3)
CBZX55C2V4 2.28-2.56 5 85 600 -0.070 50 1.0 150
CBZX55C2V7 2.5-2.9 5 85 600 -0.070 10 1.0 135
CBZX55C3V0 2.8-3.2 5 85 600 -0.070 4 1.0 125
CBZX55C3V3 3.1-3.5 5 85 600 -0.065 2 1.0 115
CBZX55C3V6 3.4-3.8 5 85 600 -0.060 2 1.0 105
CBZX55C3V9 3.7-4.1 5 85 600 -0.050 2 1.0 95
CBZX55C4V3 4.0-4.6 5 75 600 -0.025 1 1.0 90
CBZX55C4V7 4.4-5.0 5 60 600 -0.010 0.5 1.0 85
CBZX55C5V1 4.8-5.4 5 35 550 +0.015 0.1 1.0 80
CBZX55C5V6 5.2-6.0 5 25 450 +0.025 0.1 1.0 70
CBZX55C6V2 5.8-6.6 5 10 200 +0.035 0.1 2.0 64
CBZX55C6V8 6.4-7.2 5 8 150 +0.045 0.1 3.0 58
CBZX55C7V5 7.0-7.9 5 7 50 +0.050 0.1 5.0 53
CBZX55C8V2 7.7-8.7 5 7 50 +0.050 0.1 6.0 47
CBZX55C9V1 8.5-9.6 5 10 50 +0.060 0.1 7.0 43
CBZX55C10 9.4-10.6 5 15 70 +0.070 0.1 7.5 40
CBZX55C11 10.4-11.6 5 20 70 +0.070 0.1 8.5 36
CBZX55C12 11.4-12.7 5 20 90 +0.070 0.1 9.0 32
CBZX55C13 12.4-14.1 5 26 110 +0.070 0.1 10 29
CBZX55C15 13.8-15.6 5 30 110 +0.070 0.1 11 27
CBZX55C16 15.3-17.1 5 40 170 +0.070 0.1 12 24
CBZX55C18 16.8-19.1 5 50 170 +0.070 0.1 14 21
CBZX55C20 18.8-21.2 5 55 220 +0.070 0.1 15 20
CBZX55C22 20.8-23.3 5 55 220 +0.070 0.1 17 18
CBZX55C24 22.8-25.6 5 80 220 +0.080 0.1 18 16
CBZX55C27 25.1-28.9 5 80 220 +0.080 0.1 20 14
CBZX55C30 28-32 5 80 220 +0.080 0.1 22 13
CBZX55C33 31-35 5 80 220 +0.080 0.1 24 12
CBZX55C36 34-38 5 80 220 +0.080 0.1 27 11
CBZX55C39 37-41 2.5 90 500 +0.080 0.1 30 10
CBZX55C43 40-46 2.5 90 600 +0.080 0.1 33 9.2
CBZX55C47 44-50 2.5 110 700 +0.080 0.1 36 8.5
Note: 1.The type numbers listed have zener voltage min/max as shown. Device tolerance of ±2% are indicated by a “B”
instead of a “C”. Zener voltage is measured with the device junction in thermal equilibrium at the lead temperature
of 30℃±1℃ and 3/8″ lead length.
2.ZZT and ZZK are measured by dividing the ac voltage drop across the device by the ac current applied. The specified
limits are for IZ(ac) =0.1IZ(dc) with the ac frequency = 1k Hz.
3.This data was calculated using nominal voltages. The maximum current handling capability on a worse case basis is
limited by the actual zener voltage at the operating point and the powered derating curve.