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©2005 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved
4.3.1 Dimensions and Longitudinal Change
Three 6 inch (150 mm) specimens of tubing, as supplied, shall be measured for length ± 1/32 inch
(± 1 mm) and inside diameter in accordance with ASTM D2671, conditioned for 10 minutes in a
175 ± 5°C (347 ± 9°F) oven, cooled to 23 ± 3°C (73 ± 5°F) and then re-measured. Prior to and after
conditioning, the dimensions of the tubing shall be in accordance with Table 1 and the longitudinal change
shall be in accordance with Table 3. Longitudinal change shall be calculated as follows:
C = L1 - L0
L0 x 100
Where: C = Longitudinal Change [Percent]
0 = Length Before Conditioning [inches (mm)]
1 = Length After Conditioning [inches (mm)]
4.3.2 Tensile Strength, Tensile Stress and Ultimate Elongation
Test three specimens of tubing for tensile strength and ultimate elongation in accordance with
ASTM D2671 and for tensile stress in accordance with ASTM D412.
The rate of jaw separation shall be 20 ± 2 inches (500 ± 50 mm) per minute.
4.3.3 Copper Stability
Three 6 inch (150 mm) specimens of tubing shall be slid over snug fitting, straight, clean, bare copper
mandrels, either solid or tubular. The specimens on the mandrels shall be conditioned for 24 hours in a
desiccator or similar humidity chamber at 90 to 95 percent relative humidity and 25 ± 3°C (77 ± 5°F). The
specimens on the mandrels then shall be conditioned for 168 hours in a 121 ± 2°C (250 ± 4°F) oven. After
conditioning, the specimens shall be removed from the oven, cooled to 23 ± 3°C (73 ± 5°F). The copper
mandrels shall then be removed from the tubing, then the tubing and copper mandrels shall be examined.
Darkening of the copper due to normal air oxidation shall not be cause for rejection. The tubing shall be
tested for Ultimate Elongation in accordance with 4.3.2.
Failure of any sample of tubing to comply with any one of the requirements of this specification shall be
cause for rejection of the lot represented. Tubing which has been rejected may be replaced or reworked to
correct the defect and then resubmitted for acceptance. Before resubmitting, full particulars concerning the
rejection and the action taken to correct the d efect shall be furnished to the inspector.
Packaging shall be in accordance with good commercial practice. The shipping container shall be not be
less than 125 pound-test fiberboard.
Each container of tub ing shall be permanently and legibly marked with the size, quantity, manufacturer's
identification and lot number.