CALOGIC CORPORATION, 237 Whitney Place, Fremont, California 94539, Telephone: 510 -656- 2900, FA X: 510-65 1-3025
ADJUSTABLE VERSION ONLY: VIN = 14V, VO = 3V, IO = 10mA, R1 = 27k, C2 = 100µF, TJ = 25o
Output Voltage Range 3.0 24 V
Line Regulation 0.2 1.5 mV VOUT + 0.6V<VIN<26V
Load Regulation 0.3 1.0 mV 5mA<IO<100mA
Output Impedance 40 mΩ/V 100mADC and 10mArms, 100Hz-10kHz
Quiescent Current 0.4
IO = 10mA
IO = 100mA
During Shutdown RL = 500Ω
Output Noise V oltage 100 µVrms 10Hz-100kHz
Long Term Stabi lity 0.4 %/1000h
Ripple Rejection 0.02 %/V fO = 120Hz
Dropout Vol tage 0.05
0.3 0.2
0.6 V
VIO < 10mA
IO = 100mA
Maximum Operational Input V oltage 26 33 V
Maximum Line Transient 60 70 V IO = 1 0mA, Reference Vo l tage <1.5V
Reverse Pola rity Input Volt age, DC -15 -30 V VO>-0.3V, RL = 500Ω
Reverse Pola rity Input Voltage , Tra nsie nt -50 -80 V 1 % Duty Cycle, T<100ms, RL = 500Ω
On/Off Threshold Current 20 50 µA
Thresho ld Votag e
Off 3.25 2.0
2.2 1.2 V VO = 3V
Note 1: See TYPICAL APPLICATIONS notes to ensure const ant junction temperature, low duty cy cle pulse testing used.
Note 2: All limits are at 25oC or ove r the ful l ope rati ng temp era tu re jun cti on range of -40oC to +125oC.
Note 3: The maximu m power dissipatio n i s a functio n of ma ximu m junctio n t empe rature , total therma l re sista nce, and a m bient te mpera ture.
Note 4: Human body model, 100µF discharged through 1.5KΩ.
The CLM2931 requires an output capa cito r for d evice st ability.
The value required varies greatly depending upon the
application circuit and other factors. The high frequency
characteristics of electolytic capacitors depend greatly on the
type and also on the manufacturer. Sometimes only bench
testing is the only means to determine the proper capacitor
type and value. The high quality 100µF aluminum electrolyt ic
covers all general application circuits, this stability can be
obtaine d with a tant alum elec trolyt ic value of 47µF.
Another critical point of electrolytic characteristics is its
performance over temperature. The CLM2931 is designed to
operate starting at -40oC which may not be true in the case of
electrolytic. Higher temperatures are generally no problem.
The electrolytic type in aluminum will freeze at around -30oC.
This could cause an oscillation at output of regulator. At a
lower temperature requirement by many applications the
capacitor should maint ain its performance. So as a result, for an
application which regulator junction temperatur e does no t e xceed
25oC, the output capacitor can be reduced by the fact or of two
over the value needed for the entire temperature range.
Other points with linear regulators is that the twitch higher
output current stability decreases. In most applications the
CLM2931 is operating at a few milliamps. In these
applications the output capacitance can be further reduced.
For example, when the regulator is running at 10mA output
current the output capacitance value is half compared to the
same reg ulat or tha t is running at 100mA.
With the CLM2931CT ad justable regulat or , the m inimum value
of output capaci tance is a function of the output voltage. The
value decreases with higher output voltages, since the
inter nal lo op gain is reduc ed.
The worst case occurs at the lower temperature and
maximum operating currents, the entire circuit and the
electrolytic, should be cooled down to the minimum
temperature. The minimum of 0.6 volts required at the input
of regulator above the output to keep the power dissipation
and die heating to its minimum. After the value for the
capacitor has been determined for actual use, the value
should be dou bled.