1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30154F-page 1
Serialization is a method of programming PIC16/17
microcontrollers whereby each chip is programmed
with a slightly different code. Typically, all locations are
programmed with the same basic code except for a few
contiguous bytes which are programmed with a differ-
ent number (referred to as ‘key’ or ‘ID number or ‘serial
number’) in each member. Typical applications of such
programming are remote transmitters for car alarms or
garage door openers where each unit must have a dif-
ferent access code.
Microchip offers a flexible SQTP program, whereby a
customer can simply specify the nature of serialization.
The ‘serial number generation and programming will
be taken care of by the factory.
1.1 Locations:
The serial number must reside in contiguous locations
with up to sixteen locations used. Furthermore these
locations must be coded as RETLW NN, where NN=
8-bit random code, in the finished product. For details
on how the
instruction is typically used for seri-
alization purposes, please see Appendix A. The cus-
tomer code must be supplied without the serial code in
these locations. These locations must be blank or the
assembled value of a
instruction. in the
customer code provided to Microchip. Microchip will
insert the serial code at these locations during pro-
gramming. Hex files must be in Intel hex 8-bit merged
format. See Appendix B for details.
1.2 Numbering Schemes:
Random: Truly random numbers are generated. How-
ever, there is no guarantee that the numbers will be
non-repeating although the probability of such an
occurrence will be infinitesimally small for a reasonably
large field.
Pseudo-Random: Pseudo-random sequences of
requested length (e.g. 32-bit long if four locations are
used) starting with a 'seed value' selected by the fac-
tory. The customer may optionally specify the starting
value. Pseudo-random sequences, by definition are
non-repeating until all possible values are used.
Sequential: Sequential numbers are generated. User
specifies the “starting number” and an increment value.
In sequential numbering, the least significant digit is in
the lowest memory location. The increment value must
be between 1 and 255.
Numbers are always in hex and not in BCD or any other
for PIC16/17
Serialized Quick Turn Programming Specification for PIC16/17
This document was created with FrameMaker404
SQTP Specification for PIC16/17
DS30154F-page 2
1996 Microchip Technology Inc.
The factory will program the “basic code” first, then pro-
gram the serial number and finally program the code-
protection fuse. Program memory will be verified at
each stage except after code protection. Optionally , the
factory may choose to program the “basic code” and
the “serial number” at the same time. The customer
may specify an ID number (four hex digits) to be pro-
grammed in the ID locations or elect to leave them
Three (3) verification samples will be provided. These
will be programmed with factory selected random or
sequential codes in the serialization locations. The
three parts will be programmed with three different
serial codes. If order entry has been completed, then
the samples will reflect the first three codes. If code
protection is requested, then one of the three samples
will be code protected.
1. During shipment of serialized parts, no particu-
lar sequence can be guaranteed.
2. In sequential or pseudo-random numbering
scheme, there may be missing serial numbers
(e.g. due to QC sampling).
3. A list of serial numbers programmed can not be
provided, nor will such a list be generated or
maintained by Microchip.
4. For sequential and pseudo-random numbering
schemes, Microchip will maintain last number
used in last shipment and use the next number
as the starting number for the next shipment.
The customer should be prepared to provide a
“new starting number” in the event the flow is
disrupted due to unforeseen events.
1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30154F-page 3
SQTP Specification for PIC16/17
Implementing a table in the program memory of
PIC16C5X and PIC16C5XA:
The PIC16C5X and the PIC16C5XA family uses Har-
vard architecture, in which the program memory is sep-
arate from data memory. All instructions operate on
data that is fetched from the register file or data mem-
ory . Since there are no instructions to read from or write
to the program memory, simply storing data words in
program memory is of no use. There is, however , a sim-
ple and elegant way to implement constant tables in the
program memory by using the
instruction. This
instruction returns from a subroutine as well as loads
an 8-bit constant into the W register. The following
example shows how to get a byte of “serial information”
from the table stored at location 000h in PIC16C54:
ORG 0 ;store serial numbers
RETLW 0FFh ;end of serial
main_prog ORG XYZ ;This is main program
MOVLW byte_num ;byte_num = 0 for 1st
CALL get_1byte;
get_1byte MOVWF PC ;write W to program
;W = offset = 0 for
;1st byte
;end of get_1byte sub
The next example shows how a serial number may
reside at location other than 000h.
main_prog ORG XYZ ;This is main program
MOVLW byte_num ;byte_num = 0 for 1st
CALL get_1byte;
get_1byte ADDWFPC ;W = offset
RETLW 0ffh ;
RETLW 0ffh ;
RETLW 0ffh ;
RETLW 0ffh ;
RETLW 0ffh ;
RETLW 0ffh ;
RETLW 0ffh ;
RETLW 0ffh ;end of serial
Standard hex file format for serial programming:
The hex file containing the ‘serial numbers’ will be in
Intel hex 8-bit format. Since the PIC16C5X and the
PIC16C5XA have 12-bit data words, all addresses are
doubled in this hex format. Each line of the hex file will
be for a new part. Each line can contain only up to 16
bytes (i.e. eight PIC16C5X, PIC16C5XA instruction
words). The format is as follows:
NN = byte count on current line (max 10h allowed)
AAAA = address in four hex digits
TT = record type, always 00 except 01 for EOF
HH = Two digit hex data byte
CC = Two digit hex checksum
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1999 Microchip Technology Inc.
All rights reserved. © 1999 Microchip Technology Incorporated. Printed in the USA. 11/99 Printed on recycled paper.
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Microchip received QS-9000 quality system
certification for its worldwide headquarters,
design and wafer fabrication facilities in
Chandler and Tempe, Arizona in July 1999. The
Company’s quality system processes and
procedures are QS-9000 compliant for its
PICmicro® 8-bit MCUs, KEELOQ® code hopping
devices, Serial EEPROMs and microperipheral
products. In addition, Microchips quality
system for the design and manufacture of
development systems is ISO 9001 certified.