Part or Identif ying Number (PIN) example:
D38999/ 49 W A 35 P N
DOD no. prefix
Specification sheet no.
Shell size code
Insert arrangement
Contact style
Polarizing position:
N is required for nor m al position
Changes from prev ious issue. The margi ns of this specificati on are marked with vert i cal li nes to indicate
where changes from the previous issue were made. This w as done as a convenience only and the
Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidde rs and
contractors are caut ioned to evaluat e the requirements of this document based on the entire cont ent
irrespective o f the marginal notat ions and relationshi p to the last previous issue.
Referenced docum ents. In addition to MIL-DTL-38999, this document references the following:
Custodians: P reparing activity:
Army – CR DLA - CC
Navy - AS
Air Force – 85 (Project 5935-2013-160)
Review activities:
Army - AR, MI
Navy - EC, MC, OS
Air Force - 19, 99
NOTE: The activ i ties listed above were interested in thi s document as of the date of this docu m ent.
Since organizat ions and responsibilit i es can change, y ou should verify the currency of the informat i on
above using the A S SIST Online database at https://assist.dla.mil.
Class F is not for Navy use and is inactive for Air Force new design use.