Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 SD203N/R SERIES FAST RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features High power FAST recovery diode series 200A 1.0 to 2.0 s recovery time High voltage ratings up to 2500V High current capability Optimized turn on and turn off characteristics Low forward recovery Fast and soft reverse recovery Compression bonded encapsulation Stud version JEDEC DO-205AB (DO-9) Maximum junction temperature 125C Typical Applications Snubber diode for GTO High voltage free-wheeling diode Fast recovery rectifier applications Major Ratings and Characteristics Parameters SD203N/R Units 200 A 85 C 314 A @ 50Hz 4990 A @ 60Hz 5230 A @ 50Hz 125 KA2s @ 60Hz 114 KA2s 400 to 2500 V 1.0 to 2.0 s 25 C - 40 to 125 C IF(AV) @ TC IF(RMS) IFSM I 2t V RRM range trr range @ TJ TJ www.irf.com case style DO-205AB (DO-9) 1 SD203N/R Series Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings Voltage V RRM max. repetitive Code peak and off-state voltage V Type number SD203N/R..S10 SD203N/R..S15 SD203N/R..S20 VRSM , maximum nonrepetitive peak voltage V 04 400 08 800 900 10 1000 1100 I RRM max. TJ = 125C mA 500 12 1200 1300 14 1400 1500 16 1600 1700 20 2000 2100 25 2500 2600 35 Forward Conduction Parameter IF(AV) SD203N/R Max. average forward current 200 A @ Case temperature 85 C 314 A IF(RMS) Max. RMS current IFSM Units DC @ 76C case temperature 4990 t = 10ms non-repetitive forward current 5230 t = 8.3ms reapplied t = 10ms 100% VRRM A Maximum I2 t for fusing t = 8.3ms reapplied Sinusoidal half wave, 125 t = 10ms No voltage Initial TJ = TJ max. 114 t = 8.3ms reapplied t = 10ms 100% VRRM t = 8.3ms reapplied KA2s 81 Maximum I2t for fusing No voltage 4400 88 I2 t 180 conduction, half sine wave. Max. peak, one-cycle 4200 I2 t Conditions KA2s 1250 V F(TO)1 Low level of threshold voltage 1.00 V F(TO)2 High level of threshold voltage 1.47 r f1 Low level of forward slope resistance 1.10 r f2 High level of forward slope resistance 0.46 VFM Max. forward voltage 1.65 V m V t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied (16.7% x x IF(AV) < I < x IF(AV)), TJ = TJ max. (I > x IF(AV)), TJ = TJ max. (16.7% x x IF(AV) < I < x IF(AV)), TJ = TJ max. (I > x IF(AV)), TJ = TJ max. Ipk= 628A, TJ = 25C, tp = 400 s square pulse Recovery Characteristics Code typical t 2 Test conditions T J = 25 oC rr I pk di/dt Max. values @ TJ = 125 C V r @ 25% IRRM Square Pulse (s) (A) (A/s) (V) 750 25 - 30 S10 1.0 S15 1.5 S20 2.0 t Q I (s) (C) (A) 2.4 52 33 2.9 90 44 3.2 107 46 rr rr rr @ 25% IRRM www.irf.com SD203N/R Series Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 Thermal and Mechanical Specification Parameter SD203N/R TJ Max. operating temperature range -40 to 125 T Max. storage temperature range -40 to 150 RthJC Max. thermal resistance, junction to case 0.115 RthCS Max. thermal resistance, case to heatsink 0.08 stg T Mounting torque 10% Units C Mounting surface, smooth, flat and greased 31 Approximate weight Not lubricated threads Nm 250 Case style DC operation K/W 24.5 wt Conditions Lubricated threads g DO-205AB (DO-9) See Outline Table RthJC Conduction (The following table shows the increment of thermal resistence RthJC when devices operate at different conduction angles than DC) Conduction angle Sinusoidal conduction 180 0.010 Rectangular conduction Units 0.008 120 0.013 0.014 90 0.017 0.019 60 0.025 0.027 30 0.044 0.044 Conditions TJ = TJ max. K/W Ordering Information Table Device Code SD 20 3 R 1 2 3 4 1 - Diode 2 - Essential part number 3 - 3 = Fast recovery 4 - N = Stud Normal Polarity (Cathode to Stud) 25 S20 5 6 P B C 7 8 9 R = Stud Reverse Polarity (Anode to Stud) 5 - Voltage code: Code x 100 = V RRM (see Voltage Ratings table) 6 - trr code (see Recovery Characteristics table) 7 - P = Stud base DO-205AB (DO-9) 3/4" 16UNF-2A 8 -7 B = Flag top terminals (for Cathode/ Anode Leads) M = Stud base DO-205AB (DO-9) M16 X 1.5 S = Isolated lead with silicone sleeve (Red = Reverse Polarity; Blue = Normal Polarity) None = Not isolated lead 9 - C = Ceramic housing (over 1600V) V = Glass-metal seal (only up to 1600V) www.irf.com 3 SD203N/R Series Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 Outline Table CERAMIC HOUSING 19 (0.75) 4 (0.16) MAX. 39 (1.53) MAX. DIA. 8.5 (0.33) NOM. C.S. 35mm 2 (0.054 s.i.) SW 32 16 (0.63) MAX. 38 (1.50) MAX. DIA. 27.5 (1.08) MAX. 21 (0.82) MAX. 82 (3.23) MIN. 210 (8.27) 10 (0.39) 9.5 (0.37) MIN. MAX. Conform to JEDEC DO-205AB (DO-9) All dimensions in millimeters (inches) 3/4"-16UNF-2A* * FOR METRIC DEVICE: M16 X 1.5 GLASS-METAL SEAL 19 (0.75) 4 (0.16) MAX. 39 (1.53) MAX. DIA. 8.5 (0.33) NOM. C.S. 35mm 2 (0.054 s.i.) SW 32 16 ( 0.63) MAX. 28.5 (1.12) MAX. DIA. 28.5 (1.08) MAX. 21 (0.82) MAX. 75 (2.95) MIN. 200 (7.87) 10 (0.39) 9.5 (0.37) MIN. MAX. 3/4-16UNF-2A* * FOR METRIC DEVICE: M16 X 1.5 4 www.irf.com SD203N/R Series Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 Outline Table CERAMIC HOUSING 21 (0.83) 14 (0.55) 72 (2 .8 3) 16 (0.63) MAX. MAX. 38 (1. 50) DIA. 27.5 (1.08) MAX. 2 1 (0.82) M AX . 79 (3.11) MAX. 13 (0.51) DIA. 6.5 (0.25) 3/4"-16UNF-2A* 3 (0 .1 2) 32 (1. 26 ) *FOR METRIC DEVICE. M16 X 1.5 DO-205AB (DO-9) Flag All dimensions in millimeters (inches) GLASS-METAL SEAL 21 (0.83) 14 (0.55) 62 (2.4 4) 16 (0.63) MAX . 28.5 (1.12) M AX . DIA. 28.5 (1.12) MAX. 21 (0.83) MA X. 7 0 (2.7 5) M AX. 13 (0.51) DIA. 6.5 (0.26) 3/4"-16UNF-2A* www.irf.com 3 (0 .1 2) 32 (1.26) *FOR METRIC DEVICE: M16 X 1.5 5 SD203N/R Series 130 SD203N/R Series R thJC (DC) = 0.115 K/W 120 110 Conduction Angle 100 30 90 60 90 120 80 180 70 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Maximum Allowable Case Temperature (C) Maximum Allowable Case Temperature (C) Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 130 SD203N/R Series R thJC (DC) = 0.115 K/W 120 110 Conduction Period 100 90 30 60 90 120 80 0 50 Average Forward Current (A) 150 Conduction Angle 100 SD203N/R Series T J = 125C 50 0 0 5000 50 100 150 4000 300 350 500 DC 180 120 90 60 30 450 400 350 300 250 200 RMS Limit Conduction Period 150 100 SD203N/R Series T J = 125C 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Average Forward Current (A) Fig. 4 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics 2500 2000 SD203N/R Series 1000 10 100 Number Of Equal Amplitude Half Cycle Current Pulses (N) Fig. 5 - Maximum Non-repetitive Surge Current 6 DC Average Forward Current (A) 3000 1 250 Fig. 3 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics 3500 1500 200 550 200 At Any Rated Load Condition And With Rated VRRM Applied Following Surge. Initial TJ = 125C @ 60 Hz 0.0083 s @ 50 Hz 0.0100 s 4500 Maximum Average Forward Power Loss (W) RMS Limit Peak Half Sine Wave Forward Current (A) Maximum Average Forward Power Loss (W) Peak Half Sine Wave Forward Current (A) 180 120 90 60 30 200 150 Fig. 2 - Current Ratings Characteristics 350 250 100 Average Forward Current (A) Fig. 1 - Current Ratings Characteristics 300 180 70 5500 5000 4500 4000 Maximum Non Repetitive Surge Current Versus Pulse Train Duration. Initial TJ = 125 C No Voltage Reapplied Rated VRRMReapplied 3500 3000 2500 2000 SD203N/R Series 1500 1000 0.01 0.1 1 Pulse Train Duration (s) Fig. 6 - Maximum Non-repetitive Surge Current www.irf.com SD203N/R Series Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 (K/W) 1 Steady State Value: R thJC = 0.115 K/W (DC Operation) thJC TJ = 25 C T J= 125 C Transient Thermal Impedance Z Instantaneous Forward Current (A) 10000 1000 SD203N/R Series 100 .5 2.5 4.5 6.5 0.1 0.01 SD203N/R Series 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Instantaneous Forward Voltage (V) Square Wave Pulse Duration (s) Fig. 7 - Forward Voltage Drop Characteristics Fig. 8 - Thermal Impedance ZthJC Characteristic 120 V Forward Recovery (V) 100 FP T J = 125C I 80 60 T J = 25C 40 SD203N/R..S20 Series 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Rate Off Fall Of Forward Current di/dt (A/usec) 2.6 SD203N/R..S10 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 2.4 I FM = 750 A Square Pulse 2.2 2 400 A 1.8 200 A 1.6 10 100 140 I FM = 750 A 130 120 110 Square Pulse 100 90 80 400 A 200 A 70 60 50 40 SD203N/R..S10 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 30 20 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) Fig. 10 - Recovery Time Characteristics Fig. 11 - Recovery Charge Characteristics www.irf.com Maximum Reverse Recovery Current - Irr (A) 2.8 Maximum Reverse Recovery Charge - Qrr (C) Maximum Reverse Recovery Time - Trr (s) Fig. 9 - Typical Forward Recovery Characteristics 100 I FM = 750 A 90 Square Pulse 400 A 80 70 200 A 60 50 40 30 SD203N/R..S10 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) Fig. 12 - Recovery Current Characteristics 7 SD203N/R Series SD203N/R..S15 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 3.2 I FM = 750 A 2.8 Square Pulse 2.4 400 A 2 200 A 1.6 10 100 Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) I FM = 750 A 3.2 Square Pulse 3 2.8 400 A 200 A 2.6 2.4 10 100 150 I FM = 750 A Square Pulse 140 130 400 A 120 110 100 200 A 90 80 70 60 SD203N/R..S15 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 I FM = 750 A 120 Square Pulse 110 100 90 400 A 80 70 200 A 60 50 40 SD203N/R..S15 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fig. 14 - Recovery Charge Characteristics Fig. 15 - Recovery Current Characteristics 300 I FM = 750 A Square Pulse 250 200 400 A 150 100 200 A SD203N/R..S20 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) 130 Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) Maximum Reverse Recovery Charge - Qrr (C) Maximum Reverse Recovery Time - Trr (s) 3.4 SD203N/R..S20 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 160 Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) Fig.13 - Recovery Time Characteristics 3.6 170 Fig.16 - Recovery Time Characteristics Fig. 17 - Recovery Charge Characteristics Maximum Reverse Recovery Current - Irr (A) 3.6 Maximum Reverse Recovery Current - Irr (A) Maximum Reverse Recovery Charge - Qrr (C) Maximum Reverse Recovery Time - Trr (s) Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 130 I FM = 750 A 120 Square Pulse 110 100 400 A 90 80 200 A 70 60 50 SD203N/R..S20 Series TJ = 125 C, V r = 30V 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rate Of Fall Of Forward Current - di/dt (A/s) Fig. 18 - Recovery Current Characteristics 1E4 20 joules per pulse 10 20 joules per pulse Peak Forward Current (A) 4 1 1E3 10 2 4 2 0.4 0.2 0.1 1 0.4 0.2 0.04 0.1 0.02 1E2 1E1 1E1 0.06 0.01 SD203N/R..S10 Series Sinusoidal Pulse T J = 125C, V RRM = 1120V dv/dt = 1000V/s 1E2 tp 1E3 Pulse Basewidth (s) 1E1 1E41E1 SD203N/R..S1 0 Series Trapezoidal Pulse T J = 125C, VRRM = 1120V dv/dt=1000V/s, di/dt=50A/s 1E2 1E3 1E4 Pulse Basewidth (s) Fig. 19 - Maximum Total Energy Loss Per Pulse Characteristics 8 www.irf.com SD203N/R Series Bulletin I2064 rev. A 09/94 1E4 20 joules per pulse 20 jo ules per pulse Peak Forward Current (A) 10 10 4 4 2 2 1 1E3 1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.04 0.02 1E2 0.1 0.01 SD203N/R..S15 Series Sinusoidal Pulse T J = 125C, VRRM = 1120V dv/dt = 1000V/s tp 1E1 1E1 1E2 tp 1E3 1E1 1E41E1 1E4 SD203N/R..S15 Series Trapezoidal Pulse T J = 125C, VRRM = 1120V dv/dt=1000V/s, di/dt=50A/s 1E2 1E3 1E4 Pulse Basewidth (s) Pulse Basewidth (s) Fig. 20 - Maximum Total Energy Loss Per Pulse Characteristics 1E4 20 joules per pulse 20 joules per pulse Peak Forward Current (A) 10 10 4 4 2 1E3 2 1 1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 1E2 0.2 0.04 tp SD203N/R..S20 Series Sinusoidal Pulse T J = 125C, VRRM = 1760V dv/dt = 1000V/s 1E1 1E1 1E2 0.02 0.01 1E3 Pulse Basewidth (s) tp 1E4 1E1 1E41E1 SD203N/R..S20 Series Trapezoidal Pulse T J = 125C, VRRM = 1760V dv/dt=1000V/s, di/dt=50A/s 1E2 1E3 1E4 Pulse Basewidth (s) Fig. 21 - Maximum Total Energy Loss Per Pulse Characteristics www.irf.com 9