I Soe OEE Ee ce, ree wore oper ee = FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR ay DEP 3465674 o027865 4 i IRF140-143/IRF540-543 7-37-13 Ee i PAIRCHILD N-Channel Power MOSFETs, = A Schlumb Cc - : umberger Company 27 A, 60-100 V i Power And Discrete Division Description TO-204AE TO-220AB These devices are n-channel, enhancement mode, power t MOSFETs designed especially for high power, high speed 8 applications, such as switching power supplies, UPS, AC and DC motor controls, relay and solenoid drivers and high energy pulse circuits. 2 i Low Rosjon) 8 { Ves Rated at +20 V repocaoe sooner j Silicon Gate for Fast Switching Speeds : Ipss, Vpsion) Specified at Elevated Temperature eiay needy : puases IRF142 IRF542 ow Drive Requirements IRF143 IRF543 @ Ease of Paralleling : Product Summary i r {Ip at Ip at : Part Number Voss Ros (on) To = 26C To = 100C Case Style . IRF140 100 V 0.085 2 27 A 17 A TO-204AE IRF141 60 V 0.085 2 27 A 7A IRF142 100 V 0.11 2 24 A 15 A IRF143 60 V 0.41 Q 24 A 15 A IRF540 100 V 0.085 2 27 A 17 A TO-220AB IRF541 60 V 0.085 2 27 A 17A IRF542 100 V 011 2 24 A 15 A IRF543 60 V 0.11 2 24 A 15 A Notes For information concerning connection diagram and package outline, refer to Section 7. 2-78 EB s4ea674 ona7abe & T FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR ay) 3469674 FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR 84D 27866 Damen IRF 140-143/1RF540-543 T-39-13 E Maximum Ratings Rating Rating IRF 140/142 IRF 141/143 Symbol Characteristic IRF540/542 IRF41/543 Unit Voss Drain to Source Voltage! 100 60 v Voer Drain to Gate Voltage! 100 60 Vv Res = 20 k2 Vas Gate to Source Voltage +20 20 Vv Ty Tsig | Operating Junction and -55 to +15 -58 to +150 C Storage Temperatures Th Maximum Lead Temperature 275 275 C i for Soldering Purposes, e 1/8" From Case for 5 s : Maximum Thermal Characteristics ? IRF 140-143 IRF540-543 . Resc Thermal Resistance, 1.0 1.0 C/W Junction to Case Pp Total Power Dissipation 125 125 WwW at To = 25C Ibm Pulsed Drain Current? 108 108 A Electrical Characteristics (Tc = 25C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Characteristic | Min | Max | Unit | Test Conditions Otf Characteristics Viernipss | Drain Source Breakdown Voltage! Vv Vas =0 V, Ip = 250 pA IRF140/142/540/542 100 IRF141/143/541/543 60 loss Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current 250 BA Vos = Rated Voss, Vag = 0 V 1000 LA Vos = 0.8 x Rated Voss; Ves=0 V, To = 125C lass Gate-Body Leakage Current nA Vas= +20 V, Vos =0 V IRF140-143 +100 IRF540-549 +500 On Characteristics Vesithy Gate Threshold Voltage 2.0 4.0 Vv Ip = 250 pA, Vos = Ves Rpsjon) | Static Drain-Source On-Resistance2 2 Ves=10 V, Ip=15 A IRF140/141/540/541 0.085 IRF142/143/542/543 0.17 Os Forward Transconductance 6.0 (@&) Vos=10 V, Ip=15 A 2-79 * \ ee ae - FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR ay reff S4B9b74 OO27Gb7? & i : t IRF 140-143/IRF540-543 | ; T~39-13 | Electrical Characteristics (Cont.) (Tc = 25C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Characteristic | Min | Max | Unit | Test Conditions Dynamic Characteristics Ciss Input Capacitance 1600 pF Vos = 26 V, Vag =0 V Coss Output Capacitance 800 pF f= 1.0 MHz Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance 300 pF Switching Characteristics (Tc = 25C, Figures 1, 2,) tacon) Turn-On Delay Time 30 ns Vop = 45 V, IDp=15 A : - Vas = 10 V, Reen = 4.7 2 t Rise Time 60 ns Res =4.7 2 tycorhy Turn-Off Delay Time 80 ns t Fall Time 30 ns ty(on) Turn-On Delay Time 60 ns Vpp = 25 V, Ip= 15 A 7 7 Ves = 10 V, Reen = 50 2 ty Rise Time 450 ns Res =50 2 taoft Turn-Off Delay Time 150 ns tt Falt Time 200 ns Qg Total Gate Charge 60 nc Vas=10 V, Ip=34 A Vpp = 35 V : 1 | Symbol Characteristic Typ | Max Unit Test Conditions 1 Source-Drain Diode Characteristics i Vsp Diode Forward Voltage i IRF140/141/540/541 2.0 2.5 Vv Ig = 27 A: Veg =0 V IRF142/143/542/543 2.0 2.3 Vv Ig = 24 A; Veg =0 V tr Reverse Recovery Time 300 ns Ig = 4.0 A; dig/dt = 25 A/yS Notes 1. Ty = +28C to 4+ 150C 2. Pulse width limited by Ty 3. Switching time measurements performed on LEM TR-58 test equipment. 2-80 Areal a wee eee os FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR By a | 34649b74 0027864 k IRF 140-143/IRF540-543 7-39-13 Typical Electrical Characteristics Figure 1 Switching Test Circult Figure 2 Switching Waveforms Vin Voo RL PULSE GENERATOR Your OUTPUT, Vour ! INVERTED I | put | | | I { | | I | 1 INPUT, Vin ! i a J CROMASOF i Typical Performance Curves . Figure 4 Static Drain to Source Resistance Figure 3. Output Characteristics vs Drain Current wi Oo cz 2 + 8 & & & Zw =< <o 3 52 z oh < Ea i. , i z o 10 20 a0 aa 50 0 VpsDRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV 'DORAIN CURRENTA PCLOMOE PCIOCSOF Figure 6 Temperature Variation of Gate to Figure 5 Transfer Characteristics Source Threshold Voltage 13 Vos = 10V 8 5 12 > ; 9 WW e z = a B & Fa 8 F ] g as a L 8 0.8 Z = Cc 9 = 0 -50 0 50 100 150 Vas~ GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV T, JUNCTION TEMPERATUREC PCIOOEOF PCOse41F 2-81 ae mp WAWNPTAY Pte FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR BY ve 34L9b74 0027869 1 i IRF 140-143/IRF540-543 : T-39-13 Typical Performance Curves (Cont.) Figure 7 Capacitance vs Drain to Source Voltage Tas Vos=0V =10 CCAPACITANCEpF 402 YosORAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV PCIOOTOF Figure 9 Forward Biased Safe Operating Area MAY ALSO BE LIMITED BY I>DRAIN CURRENTA T=150C SINGLE PULSE VosDRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE--V PC10090F Figure 8 Gate to Source Voltage vs Total Gate Charge Vop=35V Ip = 34.4 Tac GSGATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV 4 QeTOTAL GATE CHARGEnC PCLOo8oF Figure 10 Transient Thermal Resistance vs Time RESISTANCEC/W ZthJ-C-TRANSIENT THERMAL, PCIOIOOF 2-82